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[ Amira demonet at the top]


This jolt of sensation erupted in my stomach when he touch my hand it was so intense I almost peed myself that's why I ran, I am currently sitting in the bathroom trying to contemplate whether I should go out there or not.

speaking of which why does this room smell like after shave and men cologne and this is not my room please let it be Carlos's room he is most approachable I pulled the bathroom door still in this shirt than I have on no underwear nor bra so I grabbed what I could fetch for another shirt I place it on as a skirt and if it is Carlos's im sure he would laugh it of and not complain about me wearing his stuff right?


" you know I would say you prefer men clothes from women clothes that you ran but I assume running into my room and taking my shirt has gone too far, Ms Demonet please explain this and take of my clothes " he berates

" Mr Senior and please call me Akayla, I am terribly sorry I though this was my room and sir I don't prefer any clother over the other and still in pertaining clothes im afraid I cannot take of your clothes cause I would be lewd in your sight" I apprise


" sir I just took a shower and I can down stairs to see if any of the maid have any clothes that could fit and as I recalled u said you were bringing clothes for me and my sister so don't get angry at me sir'' I shout

'' very well then Ms Demonet I shall have your clothes to you but in the mean time LEAVE MY ROOM" he open the door for me to leave

I had to fight the tongue from sticking out my mouth

I went in my room Aaliyah is nowhere to be found so I waited until LUCIEN brings the clothes but my tummy said other wise I rush down stairs to see the guards and Aaliyah having a promising conversation

whats is with the guards and my sister

I cleared my throat for them to acknowledge me

" oh sister I want you to meet Fedrick jr he is one of the guard here he is so sweet" Aaliyah exclaimed

" indeed he must be" I comment

this Fedrick is eyeing me up and down because call it that im currently naked and smirking, eww gross

I walk into the dining room seeing my lexy wexi the maids are currently feeding him he is even smiling we never saw alex smile, cry get angry he was just okay but now that he is showing emotions he is getting better

" good morning Ms Demonet would you like me to get some clothes for you dear" the maid asked

" sure'' I followed her to one of the room where a display of dresses, I do not mean Victorian era I mean now I took out a half shoulder blue dress that hug my curves perfectly and a white flats , really not suitable for wearing to the kitchen table but I was absolute gorgeous

" dear you can come back here anytime your sister has one of her self to" and with that we left the room

time to get my tummy happy!!!!

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I was currently eating baguette with some berries and pancakes and eggs and all you could choose from my belly was pack to the amount of food I ate, alexander was playing with his new toys Aaliyah is talking to her new guard boyfriend. I smiled and nothing can compare that we are free, free from those monsters of sin

suddenly everyone became quiet Mr Senior came down glaring at me

" I told you I will be carrying your clothes to you and your sister, wasting my time finding clothes for you, and you are down here " he huffed

" I am sorry Mr Senior I wont happen again" I timidly answered

" you are most certain it wont happen again because I wont be wasting my time for people like you and please call me Lucien Mr senior makes me sound old, im just 26" he said and took a seat at the top table

Aaliyah sprinted into the dining room jumping and squealing

" omg Akayla he just kissed me, a kiss omg" she jumps in excitement

" congrats sis im proud of you'' I smiled knowing where this gonna lead to

"as you know living in my house and eating my food doesn't quite entail not doing any work, sucking of people faces wont make you any more or less independent and I will not tolerate this kind of behavior in my home so starting tomorrow at 6 you Akayla will be a gardener and you Aaliyah is one of the maids no further discussion and that final '' Lucien spoke and left the room

Aaliyah face turn upside down, while mine was smiling from cheek to cheek

I always love gardening I never really get the chance to go outside but when I saw every morning maids getting up to water flowers and when they bloom omg what a pretty sight

" so what are we gonna do on our free day" Aaliyah pout

'' right now lets tour the whole manor'' I smiled

we held on o each other as we tour outside, the garden is as big as the whole mansion its self, omg how am I gonna do this in one day, they even have have a horse stable and a garage filled with cars beyond imaginations. they even have a pet farm with a lot of dogs, bird, cats this is indeed amazing hope I never leave


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