Chapter 4

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HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope you had a year filled with the cannon scene lol!!

So this is the last chapter of the short story!!! Thank you all for reading this one.

And have no fear because I'm literally in the process of writing a new one!!!



Once Kensi wakes up, she is greeted with a blonde mop that, to her, is still sleeping.

"Take a picture it'll last longer." She heards him say.

She blushes a little bit, trying to ignore the heat that never has made an appearance, "Good morning to you too."

Deeks hold a hand to her cheek and she presses it to her lips, "Good morning, Princess."

"You should go have a shower, and get us some breakfast before we start the case." Kensi smirks.

"No..." Deeks longates the word, pulling her into his chest, "Just a little longer.."

"It's almost nine, babe."

"And you expect me to get up after you call me that?" Deeks presses a kiss to her lips.

Kensi rolls her eyes, "Go shower, you stink."

"That really stung." Deeks says jokingly, getting up for a shower.


"Kensi, Deeks, we need you to distract Johanna Ryder for us, so we can get the hell out of her." Sam says.

"Will do." They nod, and make their way to the private lounge of the hotel, and have a seat at the bar.

"Who the hell has a party at mid-day?" Kensi complains, "Alcholics. That's who." She answers her own question.

Deeks laughs at his partner's rambling, "When do I make the move?"

"Go now, I want to get the hell out of her." She chuckles.

Deeks gets up from the bar's high chair, and walks over to around where Johanna is sitting, and fakes a coughing fit, and collapses in front of her, making Johanna check up on him, "Sir, are you okay?"

"Fine now," Deeks opens his eyes, pulling the gun out of his jeans, "Federal Agents, don't even think about it."

Johanna looks around and tries to make a break for it, but Kensi stops her, handcuffs in hand, "He told you to not think about it."

Johanna pulls out a gun and shoots Kensi on the shoulder. Deeks looks at her and cuffs her, "Really? Shooting a fed? That's really low." 


"I didn't do it. I have no idea what the hell you guys are talking about." Johanna says, being interrogated by Callen and Sam

"She is so lying." Kensi rolls her eyes, looking at the monitor in the boatshed, pulling the bullet out of her shoulder in the process with her knife.

"She'll give into it eventually." Deeks says, shaking his head at his partner, "You're incredible.."

"Well I know that..." She laughs and looks at him, "Deeks?"


"Will you do me the grand honor of going on a date with yours truely?" Kensi smiles.

"I don't know.." Deeks jokes.

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