Chapter 1

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Park Jimin was writing stories in his notebook when he heard a soft voice saying, "Jimin, Sweety. This is Jeon Jungkook. He's new here. Would you please show him around for me?" Jimin looked up at Mrs. Leah to see a little boy beside her.

The Boy looked at Jimin with a smile planted on his face. Jimin smiled back and closed his notebook.

"Sure Mrs. Leah!" Jimin quickly got up and grabbed Jungkooks hand. They waved goodbye at the teacher as Jimin basically dragged Jungkook to the reading classroom.

"This is my favorite class! Reading! Who's your homeroom teacher?"
"M...Mrs Leah..." Jungkook said shyly.
"REALLY?! ME TOO!" Jimin exclaimed excitedly.

"So you're Jark Pimin... Right...?"

"No... It's Park Jimin." Jimin looked unamused.

"Oh... Sorry..." Jungkook said apologetically.

"It's okay. Wasn't yours Jesus Jungkookoo?"

"No... It's Jeon Jungkook." Jungkook was unamused as well.

"Oh sorry." Jimin said apologetically.

"It's okay. Wanna continue the tour?" Jungkook asked.

"Yeah! Let's goooo!" Jimin grabbed his hand and dragged him throughout the school and finished the tour right before recess ended.

"That's the bell, let's head to our homeroom." Jimin said.

The day continued like any other day, but Jimin had made his first friend. He was always used to being bullied and excluded because of his weight. He was chubby, but not fat. He was only a first-grader.

"Hey, Fatty!" Yelled a kid named Min Yoongi. Yoongi was Jimin's bully. Every day he would come up with new mean names for Jimin. Jimin just got used to it and ignored him. Jimin just walked passed Yoongi as if he wasn't there.


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