The Beginning (Chapter 1)

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DISCLAIMER: I'm not an english person so I don't speak english 100% well so expect some minor errors while reading. Sorry and thank you for reading!


In a strange and unusual world where everything is crazy, Lydia wakes up on a cold floor. She didn't know how she got there or what she was doing sleeping on the floor so she looked around her to hopefully find some answers. Unfortunately, the only thing she finds is...Beetlejuice? She thought that was weird at first but she quickly realized that he was the one responsible for her being here. She got up from the floor and could see that he was asleep so she shook him to wake him up.

"Five more minutes..." said the demon with his eyes still closed.

"Beetlejuice, wake up! What is this and why are you here?" asked Lydia, still shaking him to wake him up.

"Uuuughhh...Fine." he gets up from the floor and looks at her "Y'know, I don't like being asked a million questions when waking up."

"But you will need to answer me right now."

"Or what?"

There was a silence that lasted for about 10 seconds because the human didn't know what to respond. To break the silence the demon started talking.

"That's what I thought. Now, you are in the netherworld."

"The netherworld? Again? But why? And why does it look so different from the first time when I came here?"

"Because what you saw of the netherworld was the center of it. The building for the recently deceased that is. It's like a giant stupid boring office where my mom works."

"Okay, you know what? I don't really care just take me home right now." Lydia said with a little angry tone.

"I can't do that." said the demon sounding kind of serious.

"And why not? You brought me here."

"Yes but I can't take you back, it's too risky."

"And why is that?"

The demon went silent for a moment until he was ready to open his mouth again.

"Because they are after you Lyds. They're after you on Earth and I care about you too much to let you be caught by those stupid people."

"What? Beetlejuice that doesn't make any sense. Who's after me?" she looked at him very confused and still a bit angry.

He sighed. "My mom is after you because "when you go to the netherworld, you don't come back.""

"Your mom? But didn't you kill her with that giant sandworm?"

"Killing is a strong word. I didn't kill her because, as I explained to you, sandworms eat ghosts for breakfast, lunch, and then a small salad for dinner."

"So the sandworm ate her for breakfast or whatever, what point are you trying to make?"

"The point that I'm making is that they eat ghosts. And my mother is a demon just like me. The sandworm didn't exactly ingest her well so it probably threw her out or something gross like that."

"So she's alive?"

"No, she's dead of course like me."

"I didn't mean it like that and you know it."

"Yeah, you're right." He sits on the floor.

"Beetlejuice, can you explain everything to me then?"

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