The Map (Chapter 5)

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Adam and Barbara were completely lost in the Netherworld. They had no idea where to go or where Lydia could be, they didn't even know how big the Netherworld is. They started to get a bit tired and sat down for a bit.

"How are we ever gonna find where she is in this infinite abyss of demons and stuff?" Adam asked.

"I don't know..." Barbara said in a sad and exhausted tone.

"We think that maybe she's with Beetlejuice, right? Where would he be right now?"

"If we want to find Lydia we gotta think like Beetlejuice, you're right."

"Let's see...He likes to play games, right? Maybe he's at the casino."

"I really hope that's not it, he can't just bring a child to the casino!"

"True but he's a demon, he breaks the law!"

Barbara sighs. "Well, it's not like we have any better ideas so...We could search for them in the casino. But the problem is that there are like one hundred casinos in here, we're never gonna find which one they're at. And plus, we don't even know where the other casinos are."

"You're right Barbara, that is a problem...Maybe we could politely ask for a map?"

"And where are we gonna find someone with a map?"

Adam looks around and sees a crowd of people. "Maybe one of those people has one."

"Okay, I guess we got nothing to lose."

They go up to the crowd and try to enter it but they always get pushed and pushed so they decide it is best to just fly above them. They look around for a bit until an old lady starts flying to them. She looks really old, has purple clothes, and is covering her face.

"I know who you're seeking." The lady said to them.

"You do? Wait, who are you?" Adam asked confused.

"Follow me if you care about the child named Lydia Deetz." She starts flying away, slowly.

"Wait how do you know her name?" Barbara asked but she didn't answer.

"Should we follow her, Barbara?" Adam asked.

"She does know Lydia's name so...Let's follow her."

They start following the old lady. They end up in a little tent that is far away from the crowd. Adam and Barbara go in the tent which is much bigger than it seemed to be from the outside. The lady sat down on the floor, with a crystal ball in front of her.

"Please sit down." She said and the Maitlands sit down on the floor next to each other. "The one you're looking for is Lydia Deetz, am I right?"

"Yes, how do you know?" Barbara asked.

"Secrets should never be told." The lady touches the crystal ball and closes her eyes. Seconds after, she opens her eyes again and looks at them. "She's at the Smith's house, on Laney."

"Laney? And where is that?" Barbara asked.

The lady grabs a map and circles a spot on it. "This is Laney. She's there right now."

"It's so far away from here..." Adam said.

Barbara picks up the map. "Thank you so much you helped us so much."

"It's good to hear that. Now, I think it's time for us to talk about the payment."

"Payment?" Adam asked.

"Yes, my services are not free. It will be 999.98 dollars."

"...I'm sorry but we don't have any money right now..." Barbara said a little sad.

"Is there any alternative way we can pay?" Adam asked.

"Actually there is." The lady replied.

"Oh thank god." He said.

The lady presses a button next to her, which opens up a hole on the floor where the Maitlands were sitting and they fall in the hole screaming.

Meanwhile, Lydia and Beetlejuice had already gotten out of the house and BJ seemed concerned. Lydia notices this and asks him something.

"Are you okay?" She asked him.

"Yeah don't worry. I just had a weird feeling that someone said my name."

"Three times?"

"Oh no no no no, if someone said my name three times I wouldn't be here right now. It was probably my mom talking about me or something like that."

"Oh okay then...Hey, do you think it's possible for me to find my mom in here?"

Beetlejuice gets a little annoyed "I thought you had already forgotten about her."

"Of course not, I'll never forget her. I just wanted to know if she lives on a house too here."

"Probably but we don't have time to see your mama, we need to get you back to the world of the living! Wasn't that what you wanted?"

"Well...Yeah but since I'm here I can find her and talk to her for a bit."

"Lydia we're not-"

"Please Beetlejuice! I know you probably don't understand how I feel right now but please!"

"Do you really think I don't know what you're feeling right now?! At least you had two parents while growing up! My father left me when I was just a little kid and...I still miss him sometimes but I'm not constantly chasing him!" Beetlejuice said, with his hair turning purple.

"..." Lydia didn't know what to say, she didn't even know that he had passed through all that. "I'm...Sorry BJ...It must have been bad but...Since you can't see your father again you could at least let me see my mother."

BJ thinks for a while "...Okay but only if we find her randomly okay? We need to focus on getting you back home."

"Right...Okay. Where are we going now?"

He picks up the map and looks at it "Well, if we fly we'll get there twice as fast. So are you ready to go flying?"

"Okay, I am."

He picks her up and starts flying towards the center of the Netherworld.

The Netherworld (A Beetlejuice Fanfiction)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum