The Sleep (Chapter 4)

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The human got out of the bar no longer hungry, and with her demon by her side. They started walking not sure to where.

"Wow, that was really good. I'm even surprised that you paid for all of it." The human said.

"Yeah, I really paid him. The bartender seemed to like so much my fist that he kissed it multiple times and then fell asleep." The demon said, confident.

"...Beetlejuice did you kill him?" Lydia said a little shocked.

"No no no goodness no. I only punched him 20 times in the face."


"And then one of my clones finished it and stabbed him 37 times in the chest."

"...BJ you can't just kill people!"

"Woah calm down Lyds. I didn't kill him because he was already dead."

"I guess but what you did is a crime. You're gonna go to jail and then I'll never find a way to get out of here."

He laughs a little bit. "What? Jail? We're in hell, kid! Everyone commits crimes."

"That's why I wanna go back home..."

There was silence for a moment.

"C'mon, hell isn't that bad. If I show you some cool things around here maybe you'll change your mind."

"I don't want to do any of that I want to go home okay?"

"Okay, fiiine." He replied a little annoyed and bored.

The human started to look a bit tired and as time passed by she just looked even more and more tired.

"You okay there, kid?" He asked a little concerned.

"I'm just tired...That's all." She yawned.

"Maybe we can find a place for you to sleep around here." he said and looked around.

"Don't worry, I cand just sleep on the floor or something like that."

"No. I have an idea." He picks her up and starts flying in the air and they enter a stranger's house through the window. "There, you can sleep in this bedroom."

"...Beetlejuice this is a really bad idea."

"Oh don't worry it's fine. I'll be looking over you while you sleep so if someone gets in I'll do something about it."

"You won't kill them, will you?"

"No of course not. Now sleep."

"Okay...I don't know why I'm trusting you but okay." She lays on the bed and sleeps.

------------Lydia's Dream--------------

She starts dreaming about her, by herself, on the roof with a note. She starts reading.

"By the time you read this...I...Lydia Deetz...Will be gone. There's nothing for me here. I'm alone...Forsaken...Invisible." She starts crying and holds the note close to her chest as she looks up. "Dead mom...I'm sorry but I can't live without you. But maybe I'll be able to die with you." She jumps.


She immediately wakes up a little scared and looks around only to bind a sleepy Beetlejuice sleeping on the floor and calms down and smiles a little. "So that's what would happen if he wasn't there to save me..."

"You're welcome." He replied still 'sleeping' on the floor.

"What the- You're awake?" She asked a little confused.


"Umm...Okay?" She looks at the clock to see what time it is. 2 AM. She goes back to sleep.

The next morning she wakes up and looks around only to find no sleepy Beetlejuice sleeping on the floor. "Beetlejuice?" She called for him but no response. She got up and made the bed and tried calling him again "Beetlejuice?" Still, no response. She was starting to get worried and called one last time "Beetlejuice!" And just like that, without even noticing, she said his name three times and he appeared right in front of him.

"Oh come on why did you summon me?" He said complaining.

"Summon you? I didn't- ooh...I said it three times in a row..." She replied realizing what she said.

"What is it, kid?"

"Nothing. I was just wondering where you were."

"I was finishing something downstairs."

"Downstairs? But aren't there people downstairs?"

"Not anymore."

"..." She rushed out of the bedroom and went downstairs. "Beetlejuice!"

He goes downstairs "Whaaat?"

"Why did you kill these people?!" She points at the dead bodies.

"Oooh, that? Yeah, I don't know how that got here."

"Beej, what did you do?!"

"Me? I didn't do anything."

"Explain what happened BJ."

"I swear I've never seen them before in my life."

"Why did you kill these people BJ?"

"Because they were about to kill me! Look it's not a big deal anyway can we forget about this and move on?"

She sighs "...Okay but promise me you won't kill anyone when I'm with you okay?"



"I said no."






"OKAY FINE! You don't need to shout at me!"

She then heads to the fridge and steals some food for her.

"I'm so proud of you." he said smiling.

"Shut up. Let's go now."

"One more thing. They had this map that basically shows the entire Netherworld so we're not lost anymore." He picks up the map

"That's great! Where are we?"

"Right here." He points at the edge of the map. "And this is the middle of the Netherworld, where we need to go." He points at the middle of the map.

"Jesus Christ...It will take days for us to get there.

"It is what it is. Welp, we better get going, Lyds. We got a long day-o."


"Daylight come and me wan' go home."

"Please stop. Let's just go."

"Okay then."

They leave the house.

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