The Tent (Chapter 6)

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While flying up high, a strange old lady stood in front of them and interrupted their flight. Beetlejuice, annoyed, said:

"Excuse me but could you kindly fuck off? We're trying to go somewhere."

"I know where you want to go. I can take you there."

"Nope, not buying it, goodbye." He tries to leave but the lady doesn't let him. "Ugh, what do you want?!" He asked getting mad

"I want you to follow me, I know a faster place to get to the world of the living."

"Wait, you do?" Lydia asked a little hopeful.

"No, she doesn't. Don't trust any demon around here, Lyds."

"I do know, I can take you there Lydia Deetz."

"How do you know my name?"

"Follow me and you'll see." The old lady starts walking away.

"Stupid demons..." Beetlejuice starts going the opposite way with Lydia still on he's back.

"Wait, why aren't you following her?"

"That thing is bullshit and you know that."

"I don't think it is, she knows my name and where I wanna go."

"That doesn't mean anything. For all we know it could be some random demon trying to kidnap you to then receive the price of 999.99 dollars from my mom."

"But what if it's not? She could be just trying to help us. And besides, if she tries to hurt me I got you to protect me, right Beej?"

"Right...If she lands a single finger on you I will murder her."

She giggles "Okay, I don't think murder will be necessary."

"That's what you're saying now but you'll see."

"Should we follow her then?"

"Yeah, let's go."

Beetlejuice starts flying to her direction with Lydia and they end up in a little tent.

"This doesn't seem right..." BJ says.

"Come in, please." The lady said while getting in and they both follow her and sit down on the floor.

"So, how do you plan to bring us back to the world of the living in this tent?" Beetlejuice asked a little annoyed.

"Wait, 'us'?" Lydia asked him.


"Since when? I thought it was only me who was gonna go to the world of the living and you would stay here forever."

"But...I thought we were friends again..."

"What are you talking about? I'm only with you because I need you in order to go back home. I would never have someone as toxic as you in my life again, you hurt my family, tricked me, forced marriage, almost killed Barbara and my father-"

"Okay okay I get it but I said I'm sorry!"

"Do you really think apologizing will fix everything?"

"I don't know if you remember, but I also saved you from my evil mother and I'm doing it again because I care about you now! Can you stop looking at the things I did wrong in the past and focus on all of the good things I did for you?!"

"...Look, let's just forget this for now and listen to what the lady has to say."

He sighs "Fine."

The lady looks at them both "Well...Now that that's done, I am not gonna be the one to take you back to the world of the living."

"I knew this was a waste of time, let's go kid." Bj said annoyed.

"No no no, just because I'm not the one who's gonna do that doesn't mean that she's not gonna go back to where she belongs. I have two loving people who would gladly take her but I'd rather discuss this with her in private so could you mister please leave this tent for a second?"


"Thank yo- what?"

"I said no, bitch."

"...Umm...And why not?"

"I'm not leaving my best friend in your dirty hands."

"You're hands are dirtier than mine."

"That's not the point! I'm not leaving her."

"Well, if it's gonna be like that then..." She presses the secret button next to her that opens a hole on the floor where he was sitting and he falls down. Before he could even fly up again she closes the hole.

"Beetlejuice!" She turns to the lady "...What have you done?!"

"I got rid of him so we could talk privately-"

"No! Beetlejuice was right I shouldn't have trusted you." Lydia tries to leave.

The lady grabs her by the arm and pushes her back inside

"Stop! Ugh...Beetlejuice!" Lydia screamed.

The lady then put her in a cage and locked her in

"Beetlejuice! Beetl-"

The lady shuts her up glue tape on her mouth "Don't you dare try to summon him. I should have guessed that he was never gonna help me from the start." The lady then finally shows her face just to reveal that she's actually Juno and makes the tent disappear and takes Lydia to the center of the Netherworld with her in the cage.

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