Taking a break (not part of the fanfic)

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Alright so, as you read I'm taking a break from this project. I do plan on continuing it in the future but for now, I need to focus on school mainly cuz it's about to begin. I'm sorry for letting you down and making you wait longer but I promise I will come back and finish it.

In the meantime, you can have this little sneak peek of what I've been writing for the next chapter. Enjoy!
(This post will be eliminated once I'm done with the break)


It was dark. Beetlejuice got out of the floor and started flying towards the ceiling in hopes of getting out of there but the hole that he fell through was already closed. He looked around trying to see something but since it was completely dark he couldn't see a thing. He created a little flame of fire in his hand to light up a little bit. He got to the ground and walked around but suddenly he trips on someone that was laying down on the floor and falls down, and the flame disappeared making the room dark again.

"Ugh, what the- Who the fuck made me trip?!" he then created another flame and becomes able to see who he tripped on. It was a sleeping Adam that didn't even wake up after Beej tripped on him. "Adam? Wha- How?" He looked at who was beside him and it was Barbara, also sleeping. "Maitlands? What are you doing here?!" he shakes Adam to see if he wakes up and he does.

Adam looks at him, still sleepy "...Beetlejuice?"

"Why hello sexy beast, what the fuck are you doing here?"

Adam gets up "Barbara and I were looking for Lydia she disappeared out of nowhere and we thought that maybe she'd be here in the Netherworld with you but then a strange lady approached us saying that she knew were Lydia was and so we followed her but she tricked us and now we're stuck here."

"Did your parents never teach you to not trust strangers?"

"They did, we were just too desperate to find Lydia. Do you know where she is?"

"Yeah. She's with that mean lady from hell."

"What?! And why aren't you there with her to protect her?!"

"Look, I don't know if you noticed but I'm literally stuck here with you with no way to get out."

"And how did you end up in here?"

"I brought Lydia to this place and-"

"So it WAS you who kidnapped her!"

"Yeah, I guess you could say that but it was for a good cause. My mother still wants her in the Netherworld and so she wasn't safe there in the world of the living because my mom knows where she lives. So I brought her here to the Netherworld because that would be the last place they would look for her. At least, that's my opinion."~

"Well look how that turned out. Some crazy lady just took her and will probably give her to your mother."

"It's not my fault ok?! I just-"

"How isn't that your fault?!"

Barbara wakes up with all the noise, gets up, and looks at them both "What is...Going on here?"

"He was the one who kidnapped Lydia!" Adam said

"Stop saying that I kidnapped her it wasn't like that! I just brought her here to be safe."

"Well, she's not very safe now."

"Stop arguing you two! I don't know what happened or why suddenly Beetlejuice is here but if Lydia is in danger we have to save her we can't just stay here and beat the crap out of each other!"

"She's right, how do we even get out of here?" Adam asked while looking around


That's all I've written so far. Like I said, I will come back to it in the future don't worry. I'm so sorry and have a good day!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2020 ⏰

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