chapter 1

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3rd person pov

Denki woke up hearing his alarm clock, he turned it off then looked the time "SHIT IM LATE!" he shouted and heard footsteps coming towards the room, the door opened revealing a furious father, the father yelled at Kaminari for waking him up, you see kaminaris mother died in a car accident and ever since then his father was drinking and going to clubs

Therefore his father coming home late and drunk, he grew anger issues and started to get them out on Denki, truly cruel I know

After the morning beat-up he walked to school in his uniform, he was daydreaming when he bumped on someone "hey watch it!" he heard the person yell and knew exactly who it was

"sorry" denki replied faking a smile, he watched as bakugo walked and he followed behind, he felt the need to cough and so he did and covered his mouth, he felt something petal-y, he looked at his hand and saw a orange rose petal he threw it away quickly so bakugo wouldn't see it

Denki was coughing up petals for some time now he knew he had the hananaki desease but he wouldn't dare say "I love you" to his crush Katsuki, he would straight up reject him! Or even make him a firework!

They arrived to school and sat on their seats, Aisawa then came in and announced the mock test results then went in his sleeping bag and drifted off to sleep like usual

The class decided to chit chat while iida tried to reason with Mr Aisawa like usual aswell nothing is new at this class, Kirishima was talking with bakugo and Sero with Mina were playing truth or dare with Denki

It was Minas turn to ask Denki, "truth or dare Denki?" she asked, "i will say dare this time" denki replied and giant smile appeared on minas face as she was looking at bakugo, "truth! truth! I choose truth!" he quickly said, "ohh come on Denki! It wouldn't hurt, it's just a kiss on the cheek" Mina said

"mmmmm fine, please do come to my funeral" he replied and headed to katsukis desk "Hi dude, look" he said and pointed somewhere so bakugo could turn his head a little bit, "what?" bakugo said and turned his head, denki leaned closer and kissed his cheek

Katsuki turned his head quickly earning a small peck accidentally, they both became a dark shade of pink and Katsuki started running after Pikachu, eventually Kaminari slipped and fell Infront of the classroom and bakugo fell on him, pinning him down, they became more red that's probably the most embarrassing and awkward day they have ever had

They stare at each others eyes crimson staring in the endless lemon yellow

The class looking at them some are worried some are fangirling

After they snap out of it Katsuki gets off of denki "dont you dare do it again!" he said but he licked his lips slightly, oh what's that? Indirect kiss? Denki noticed that "s-sorry! I-im gonna go now-" he said and runned out into the restroom

He had felt the need to puke when Katsuki said this words, he puked in the toilet bowl, flowers and flower petals came out of him, his neck hurting from the thorns the roses had

I Love You (bakukami! Hanahaki!) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now