chapter 5

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The next day when he woke up Dabi opened the TV on the news for him, UA had been attacked, most students died trying to help the teachers, Mr Aisawa was badly hurt and present Mic lost his voice

Denki started crying, he couldn't believe it, it was all because of him, it was his fault, "we also brought you a little present" Dabi said in a cold voice

The door opened to reveal a hurt Bakugo coming inside with Shigaraki and been at down next to Denki then chained up, "B-Bakugo!" Denki said and cried more, he wanted to hug him but the chains wouldn't let him do that

Instead he got a flowery surprise, he couched out some rose petals in the bucket the villains had given him, they were nice enough to give a bucket at least

"dunce face, did you.....did you do this?" bakugo asked denki "yes....please forgive me" Denki said through the tears

Bakugo looked down on the floor upset looking, "some of our classmates died....Kirishima died!" he stated yelling as a few tears rolled down his face, Denki was filled with guilt

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" denki mubbles over and over again as he continued to cry, Denki was facing the floor his tears falling on his lap, "we will leave you to your sadness" Shigaraki said and then dabi and Shigaraki got out of the room, the TV still open

"Deku is in a coma, Jiro broke bones, Momo got so exhausted she fainted" Bakugo told Denki, "and it's all because of you!" he yelled, "i didn't mean for any of this to happen, they threatened me, I didn't know what to do" denki said

Those two talked back and forth, bakugo yelling at denki while crying, and denki crying his eyes out

The night came like it was nothing, both of them asleep in the chairs they were chained at, but Denki woke up, he had a nightmare and started to cry again "its your fault, they died because of you" all those thought came fluding his mind

Kaminari looked around to see any way of possible escape but this place didn't have any windows and the table with the torture stuff was far in the corner of the room

Then he remembered, he had a hairpin on his hair, he brought his hands to his hair and got the hairpin off his hair falling onto his eyes barely seeing through them

He started to picklock the lock of the chain, he managed to open the lock and started unlocking Bakugos chains aswell

He coughed making Bakugo wake up and look at him “what are you doing dunce face?” he said, “saving our lives” Denki coughed more after that sentence

After freeing him from the chains Katsuki took his hand and started walking towards the door making Denki have a soft shade of pink on his cheeks

After unlocking the door they managed to make it to the front door someone suddenly turns on the light making then flinch, denki starts unlocking the door faster, “Shig they are escaping!!!” toga shouts

Bakugo then pushes denki out the now open door, then he himself gets out and closes the door behind Katsuki takes Denkis hand and starts running

A/N hi guys thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed and I'll see y'all in the next update! Love you! Stay safe my siblings 💞❤️💕

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