chapter 7

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After what seemed like hours of endless walking and hand holding the see city lights in the distance, the look at each other and with the leftover energy they had they runned there like little kids

They found the police station and went inside holding hands, they saw the missing posters on the walls "we are alive!" bakugo shouted and got the attention of the police men

The police men rushed there and examined them, they sat them down and Katsuki and Kaminari started explaining what happend

The police then called their family to inform them they are alive and safe, a few minutes pass and both families come to the police station, denki had his head on bakugos shoulder and bakugo had his head on denkis, both of them sleeping

When denkis dad arrived he grabbed his arm and stood him up making Bakugo slide down fast and waking up, denki woke up too

Denkis dad slapped him “DONT WORRY ME LIKE THAT! YOU PIECE OF GARBAGE!” he yelled, denki soothing his cheek “im sorry!-” he said, bakugo got up “dont slap him! It's not his fault we got kidnapped!” Bakugo shouted

Denkis dad let go of his shirt and pushed him down, Mitsuki came “is that any way to treat your son?” she said to him, Mitsuki knew she herself yelled at Katsuki but she never pushed him or slapped him, well except the back of the head

“Mrs Bakugo it's okay” Denki said as he got up from the floor, his cheek a shade of rose red from the hard slap, police men came there to see what's going on

“its not okay! From what you've told me he's been treating you like trash! And this right here was evidence!” bakugo yelled, the police men listening closely

“and who are you to judge? He's MY kid and I treat him however I want!” the father said, “i sir am his boyfriend, and I won't let you treat him like this!” bakugo yelled back

Then denkis father grabbed Katsuki by the collar of his shirt, “listen here you little-” he was cut off by Mitsuki slapping the back of his head “Dont touch MY kid!” she said as she grabbed the male by his shirt

Police men came there and separated them, “Denki tell them what he has done to you, you can't let him hurt you anymore!” Katsuki said as he holds denkis soft hand

denki took a big breath and started explaining from start to finish what happened after his mother passed away and his father getting drunk, he said everything

They ended up having to arrest denkis dad, honestly denki felt relieved like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders, he hugged Katsuki lovingly and he hugged back, “cmon kids, today Denki can sleep with us” Masaru said they all walked out and in the car

Once they arrived to the house Denki and Katsuki ate dinner and went to katsukis room after saying goodnight to katsukis parents

Katsuki found some pijamas for denki and gave them to him and they both started changing into their pijamas, they then layed in bed and snuggled “good night, I love you” denki whispered, “good night, I love you too” Katsuki said back

I Love You (bakukami! Hanahaki!) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now