chapter 8

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After some snuggles it was morning, the smell of freshly made pancakes filling the house, Katsuki opens his eyes and saw denki was sleeping on his chest, "dont move, you can't move until he wakes up" he thought and so he layed there gazing at Denkis beautiful sleeping face

He put his free hand on Denkis hair and started petting it, the soft locks of hair going between Katsukis fingers as he gently pets it

Masaru knocks the door softly and opens it a bit, Katsuki does a shh sign to show denki is still sleeping, "when he wakes up come eat ok?" Masaru whispered and left closing the door behind

Mitsuki put the pancakes on the table and Masaru places the syrup beside them, "im so happy Katsuki finally has someone to love" she said, "yeah, after seeing how he was treating Izuku I thought he wouldn't find someone, guess I was wrong" Masaru said as he sat down, "i have noticed that he has been a little nicer to him but not completely" then Mitsuki sat beside him

Denki started to move a little, he rubbed his eyes as he yawned, "good morning pikachu" Katsuki said, "good morning" he said cuddling Katsuki, “lets go eat” Katsuki said caressing denkis waist, “okay” he replied

They got up and walked holding hands to the kitchen, “good morning Mr and Mrs bakugo” denki said, “good morning, please call us Mitsuki and Masaru” Masaru said, they sat down next to each other and Katsuki put two pancakes on denkis plate and two on his

“if you want more tell me ok?” Katsuki told Denki and Denki nodded, they all started eating their breakfast while chatting, after they ate Mitsuki took the plates and put them in the sink, “lets get dressed i want us to have fun after all that happened” Katsuki said facing Denki, “ok”

They got up and went to Katsukis room, Masaru and Mitsuki looked at eachother smiling, Denki clothes weren't really the best due to the endless walking and kidnapping so he borrowed Katsukis clothes, which, were a bit big on his body

“you look beautiful in my clothes” Katsuki said as he wrapped his arms around denkis waist, Denki went red “t-thank you” he said, Katsuki kissed denkis forehead and they walked out the room, “Dad I'm getting your car” he said, Masaru didn't have the chance to reply they were already gone

“you know how to drive?” denki asked and Katsuki nodded, they got in the car and Katsuki drove off, as bakugo was driving his hand went to Denkis thigh, “so, where are we going?” denki asked as he places his hand on top of Katsukis gently

“i thought first we could go to the mall to get you some clothes, although I don't mind you wearing mine” a smirk made its way to his lips, “okay but, I don't have any money?” denki said, “I'll pay” Katsuki said as he parked the car, and they both got out

“are you sure?” Denki asked, “yes” he replied and took his hand in his and they both walked in the mall, they looked around for a shop that might get Denkis attention, “what about there?” Denki said as he pointed to a shop with clothes, they walked inside and started looking at the clothes

Denkis eye spotted a shirt that said spark with a lightning on it, He got it and some black ripped skinny jeans, Katsuki also spotted something he thought might look good on denki,and Denki also spotted something that might look cute on Katsuki they bought the clothes and continued walking around the mall

After the long walks they stopped at a KFC, they ordered and sat down to eat, Katsuki asked Denki to take a bite of his spicy chicken, Denki took a bite and swallowed then started fanning his mouth, “how can you handle this spice-” he said while Katsuki was chuckling, Denki then started drinking water until he finished the whole water bottle 
(that definitely didn't happen to me once bc I underestimated the spice and my friend was worrying bc I was tomato red)

Once they finished their food they got up and continued walking, it was now afternoon so they were heading to the car when a kid came Infront of them and pointed at them, “look mommy I found the missing people!” they smiled at how adorable this was, “hello” Denki said, the mother then came, “good job Sakura I'm so proud of you, let's go now ok?” “ok”

And with that they left and Katsuki and Denki started walking walking again “that was so adorable” Denki said, after some minutes they arrived  at the car and put the shopping bags at the back seats and bakugo started driving again

Hi my siblings! Hope you like this chapter I tried to make it extra fluffy! And I hope you're having a wonderful day/night ❣️

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