Chapter 12

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Hayes POV

Its now 3 am and Ariana still isn't home so me Nash and Cam are still up waiting for a call from her or just waiting for her to come home, but It's pretty scary cause shes my girlfriend and she can be anywhere right now... were all freaking out that's when my phone starts buzzing and I look at it and its from Ari so I obviously answer it and I signal the boys to come over and I put it on speaker "Ariana where are you?" I ask with worry in my voice, she starts giggling and says "dude I'm so turnt right now" I have a shocked expression and Cams face goes angry my Aribear is drunk out of her mind right now before I can speak cam yells "Ariana Dallas where are you right now!" she just giggles again and says  "well I was at the tattoo shop but now I'm like 3 centimeters away from our house" I drop my phone not even caring and dart for the door and there she is just sitting on the porch step giggling until Cam comes out ready to scream at her then I remember shes drunk out of her mind she won't even remember so before Cam speaks I stop him and say "Cam you and Nash go to bed I'll deal with this if you give her a lecture now she won't remember anything" Cams face goes soft and he just nods his head and walks up to bed with Nash... as soon as they leave I say "Aribear are you okay" she looks at me and giggles again and gets up and drags me inside to the couch and pushes me back on it and climbs on top of me and straddles my waist and by now I'm confused then she just giggles and puts her hand in my shirt close to the hem of my basketball shorts then she says "I hope your girlfriend doesn't mind" then she leans down and starts kissing my neck and putting her hands lower and closer to my area and by no I'm confused shes so drunk she doesn't know shes my girlfriend! "Ariana how much did you drink" I ask sternly biting my lip trying to keep my self from moaning she looks up at me and scrunches her nose up and then taps her chin and says "well I chugged 2 bottles of vodka,then I had like 6 cotton candy things" I pick her up from off of me cause I know shes tired she rests he head on my shoulder and falls asleep instantly so I carry her upstairs and since I'm her boyfriend I just changed her clothes for her so I took of her bra and put her In one of my big shirts and took off her pants and put my sweatpants on her then put her under the covers in my bed.. then I took off my shirt and just kept my basket ball shorts on, then I climb in to bed with her and she snuggled into me so I put my arm around her waist and fell in to a deep sleep

Arianas POV

I woke up with a pounding headache and I was in Hayes bed... man I had to many drinks last night, I can hear laughing downstairs and I know that all the Nash,Cam and Hayes seen me out of my drunken mind last night but then I had a sudden urge to puke so I got up real fast put my hair up in a messy bun and ran to my bathroom and just puked for a straight 2 minutes and I have a phobia of puking so I started crying so I got up while still crying and noticed my side and my neck hurt so I lifted Hayes shirt and saw that close to my boob on my side I had a tattoo that said "Hayes" on it, so then I look at my neck and seen a tattoo that said "you are beautiful" in french... then I started crying even harder not because I didn't like the tattoos, because what else did I do last night! so I brush my teeth with tears rolling down my face and start to walk downstairs scared of what everyone is going to think about me so I just walk past everyone with Hayes blanket around me and go sit and the dinning room table then Cam looks at me and shakes his head so by now I know my brother is disappointed in me witch makes more tears goes down my face, then I hear more laughing so now I know Mahagony and the magcon boys are here then all walk in and look at me and all have disappointed looks so now I just put my head on the table and but Hayes blanket over my head cause its pounding and just cry... I cry because last night I could have just gone home and watched a movie instead of getting drunk... then someone pulls me in to a hug and I know its none of the boys, Its Mahagony she just pulls me in to her lap like I'm her child as I just sob she knows I don't want anyone looking at me right now so while my head is on her shoulder and my body is on her lap she takes Hayes blanket and puts it over me as she just tries to soothe me but I stand up from her lap and bring Hayes blanket with me and just sit in a corner in the kitchen and try to breathe but I can't and now I know I'm having a panic attack I try to scream but I can't I need someone to save me from myself.... I hear all the laughing start to come into the kitchen and Hayes walks in first as soon as her hears crying his eye dart towards me everyone comes in here now and I can tell Cam has been drinking he looks at me as I struggle to breathe he just laughs and shakes his head and says "Man Ariana did you learn your lesson you little slut" as he step closer to me by now all the boys are shocked he starts to come closer to me as I back up but I hit the wall I tried to say something but Cam talked first "who are you Ariana? dad the drug addict or mom the alcoholic" he screams by now Nash and Shawn are holding but Cams way bigger then him so he gets out of their grip he ways about to say something until Nash screams "Cam she did one mistake give her a break!" Cam starts to walk closer to me "Do you guys not under stand shes all I have fucking left! and I could've lost her last night"the he does something I never thought cam would do to me

he slaps me

*new chapter soon, but are you guys enjoying this story?*

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