Chapter 14

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 Arianas POV

It's two weeks since that night and nothings really changed.. All the pregnancy test I took came up negative so thank god.. I told Hayes but now he won't talk to me, he won't even come out of his room the only person hes talking to is Johnson.. But tonight's my sweet sixteen and I'm not even going to pat attention to Hayes and his bullshit.. also what happened between these two weeks is I forgave Justin.. He just went through a tough breakup with Selena but I'm gonna be here for him.. It's 8:00 pm right now so I'e just got done doing my makeup, and what I'm wearing to my party is red pumps with a black tight dress that goes halfway down my thighs cause I don't want to look slutish. I don't think me and Hayes are even together anymore so tonight I'm planing on living it up but let me tell you about all the gifts the guys got me, so Nash got me and bracelet that says "Nashy" in diamonds, Taylor,Carter and Aaron gave me really cute clothes,the Jacks got me two pairs of beats,Mahagony gave me $300,Matt got me my birthstone earrings and finally Cam got me a camo Jeep and he also got me a locket thats says "Forever and Always Cammy" and inside has a picture of us and it made me tear up.. So now everyone is downstairs waiting for me since we have to go to the venue so I walk down the stairs and surprisingly Hayes is down there stuffing his face not even looking at me all the magcon boys and mahagony all come hug me and tell me how beautiful I look but Cam was last and he had tears running down his face I go up to my big brother and hug him and ask "Cam why are you crying?" he just pulls away from the hug and looks at me and says "You just are so grown up and I don't want you not to be my little sister I want you to stay little but it isn't working" as he chokes on his words I lean up and kiss his cheek and say "I'm still your little sister Cammy,now boys and Mahagony get in the car and I'll meet you there" they all smile and nod and as soon as Cam closes the door I walk up to Hayes and slap him and just yell "I hate you Hayes Grier and tonight I don't even care about you cause this is my night and I'm going to live it the fuck up, and by the way you douche I assume were over" he looks at me shocked then I just walk away feeling confident and I slam the front door shut nd get in the car with the others and we just talk about memories and then Cam has to say "Hey Ari remember when you died your hair blonde when yor were 14 and you made that song named "Blonde" " everyone just starts crying with laughter including me and then Cam syncs his phone through are car and starts playing it and all the boys chant at me to sing so the part I sing is "I'm a blonde so excuse me" and I hold out the me part really long and everyone looks at me in awe.

*2 hour later, still Arianas POV*

Most of the magcon boys have left my party Cam just said for me to call someone to pick me up. I'm dancing with a few friends cause I have maybe 2,000 people hear, but everyone is having a great time. I needed a break so I walk out side and who do I see standing outside. Fucking Jake.. FUCK ME

Hayes POV

Everyone is worried about Ariana's safety right now. cause shes been calling us every 30 minutes just saying shes okay, right now I feel like shit.. I love Ari and the reason I didn't talk to her for those weeks was because I wanted to start a family with Ari.. But I changed my mind because she just turned 16 and my 17 birthday is around the corner. So right now I'm in my car looking for Ari while everyone else is at home waiting to see if she'll call or show up.. Just omg Ariana where are you....

Arianas POV

Jake comes walking up behind me and puts his arm around my neck and drags me in a alley as I kick and scream he starts to kiss my neck as I start to cry then he starts whispering things like "shut up bitch or I'll kill you" and "Just be quite baby girl'' as he starts to pull down my dress the first thing he sees is my purple lace bra he looks up at me and smirks and starts kissing me but I don't kiss back.. so he grabs me by my neck and starts chocking me then slapping me and punching me and then a voice that I know yells "get off of her you pig" and throws him off of me and as Jake dashes away obviously scared the person picks me off from the ground and then I get a really good look at him and confusingly say "Hayes?"

*I know I said I had no ideas but I had this saved so I decided to use it and rewrite it but holla 3 am swag*

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