Picking Up Cringe-y Lines

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"Hey Mikaze! How's life?"

"Perfectly perfect until the very last moments you've arrived."

"Huh? Does that mean you missed me?"

"No, and which part did it say I missed you?"

"Now? You just said it."


"For you." (Y/N) giggled but it made Ai frown.

"So why are here in my room?"

"I wanna mess with ya."

Mikaze looked out of the window, and that made (Y/N) looked out as well.

"Ahh, the sky looks beautiful, right Ai?" (Y/N) chirped, imagining what it would be like to touch the fluffy clouds and eat it up.

"I don't see what so interesting about it." Ai murmured nonchalantly, fascinating himself with his personal computer and typing out endless codes.

(Y/N) head spin when she peaked behind Ai's shoulder.

All she sees are language beyond her learning and understanding. She focused all her will and power at the screen.

Oh is that 69?

Finally, a number at her reach.

"Y'know what's more interesting than the clouds Ai?"

"Yes I know. There's numerous of them so you should probably pay attention to those useful things than a mere cloud."

"No. It's you dummy."

"Are you flirting me?" Ai replied, unaffected at her fishing to make him annoyed or something.

"No, I'm messing with you remember? Why? Your head full of thoughts about me that you forgot about that mere reason?"

"Yes, because I want to drag you out of this room this instant" Ai sarcastically said, closing his computer down to read a book.

(Y/N) was unaffected at the response. She's used to it anyway. But still before her day is complete, she want to make a reaction out of this guy.

"Aaaaii~ is your book more interesting than me?" (Y/N) pouts, sitting on his bed while giving him a glare and a hum of disagreement.

"Yes, because this book is much more interesting than you."

"Ouch. How could you burn me?"

"Because I have to. Now get out if you're just wasting my time."

Ai stood up, pushing (Y/N) out of the room. But (Y/N) decided that she will not leave this room without dragging Ai with her as well.

So (Y/N) held Ai's wrist.

"I'm not letting you go!"

"No, let me go (Y/N)."

"No I don't want to!" They were almost at the open door when (Y/N) suddenly thought of a plan.

With all her might, she pushed Ai out of the room and closed the door. Then she hugged Ai in the leg. Ai was unfazed, expecting something ridiculous would come out of (Y/N)'s obviousness.

"Y'know this ain't stopping me from entering my room, right?" (Y/N) nodded but she firmly hugged his leg.

"Don't care but you're coming with me!"

"What the hell are you two doing?" (Y/N) and Ai turned their head towards a silver-haired guy with monochromatic eyes who's looking at them annoyingly. Crossing his arms, he sneered at their shenanigans.

"If both of you are making out or performing a drama-which I couldn't care less- then you both should prolly enter the damn door right next to you and do whatever you want. Just not here in public view and the hallway please." Ranmaru stated, turning back to find another way and avoid passing by the bickering couple.

"Ah by the way." Ranmaru added. "Manager-san, Shining is expecting you this evening."

"Ranmaru, this is not what-"

"As I said, I don't care." Then Ranmaru continued on his tracks until he disappeared in their sight.

"This is your fault Ai."

"And who's the one clinging unto my feet like a fool again?"

(Y/N) stood up but she got surprised when Ai hoist her up in a bridal style.

"Might as well follow Ranmaru's orders and do what couples do in a lonely room."

"Wait-What?" (Y/N) turned fifty shades of red as her thought filled up with rather impure thoughts. She flailed on his arms but Ai's grip was firm and strong. But not enough to leave a bruise on her skin.

Ai opened the door with ease, entering and locking the door in the process.

And here on out- I'll just leave this to your wildest imagination


"Ran-Ran! Have you seen (Y/N)?" Reiji pipes, looking at Ranmaru with a maracas on his hands.

"Yeah she's with Ai. And don't disturb them."

"H-Huh?" Ranmaru ignored Reiji and walked off inside his room and slam it shut.

Reiji ponders by himself then his smirk turned into a devilish one.

"Ohooo~? Aren't they being too fast?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2020 ⏰

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