A Rainy Day ~ 2

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Can I just say that Raymond and Marshal have cured my art block? Like, Marshal said, and I quote, "I wish I could word somewhere where I'd have a desk and an assistant!" and then I immedialy thought that Raymond would be his assistant, so I drew them. I can't help but imagine what kind of town they would run together-

3rd POV

It was raining in Hamilville and it was also the 2 week mark of Marshal moving in. To celebrate, Raymond brought him to Brewster's Coffee, because everyone knows he has a coffee addiction. Raymond knocked on Marshal's door. "Hey Marsh!"

"Hiya, Sulky! Where're we goin' today?"
"Since you've been here for two weeks... I'm gonna get you some coffee!"
"Awesome! I'll get my jacket!

A little while later , at Raymond's house...

"Marshal! Don't drink the coffee right away, you'll burn your mouth!" Raymond took Marshal's coffee cup and held it in his paws. "Ray!!" Marshal whined, trying to reach for his coffee. "You know I'm still taller than you, right Marsh?" Marshal sighed "Yeah.. I know, I know..."

Raymond put an ice cube in the coffee and gave it back to Marshal. "You're a worrier, sulky." Marshal said, taking a drink of his coffee. 

"I have to be, Marsh. You're a dare devil and I don't want you to get hurt." Raymond shrugged

"Uhhhhhhhhhmmmmm, I will always find a way to be a dare devil!" Marshal smiled

"Good grief..." Raymond face-pawed

Hahaha get it.
Face palmed, face pawed...

Hope you enjoyed!

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