A Rescue Mission ~ 3

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(A/N Before this starts, this was in the town where Raymond previously lived. I'm writing this chapter because I want people to stop getting Raymond in their town just for free NMT or money. Enjoy!)

Raymond's POV

I sat in my office. I'd lived in a town that was literally named "Unkown". I wrote a small story, whilst bracing myself for the town to be flooded with people, who just wanted a picture of me. Why is my life like this? I chose this. But I also didn't know this would happen.

A wolf named Audie was standing guard at my door until to town "Leader" came to my house. Who's name was also "Unknown". After a few minuetes of planes landing and a couple lines being formed outside, Audie waved to me. I fixed my tie and walked past Audie, who held my hand and wished me luck before sending me outside.

I stood before two lines, one had four people, the other had five. I can't believe I live here.

It's a few hours later and almost everyone is gone, except for one person, who's name was Yoshi(I'm using my character >:3 ). They kept arguing with Unkown about how unfair it was that I was only there to make money. This happened near the town hall, so I had a plan; Pack a bag with some extra bells and clothes, then sneak on the plane when Yoshi leaves.

I take a duffle bag out of my closet and Audie helps me. "Can you go with me, Aud? I really don't wanna be alone." I said, as she handed me my bag. "Unfortunatley, no, I can't, Rayo." She nervously smiled at me and pointed to Yoshi, who was making their was back to the airport.

I opened the door and Audie helped me look casual as we walked to the airport. Unkown gave us a weid look, but he went into his house. Audie and I walked into the airport. Yoshi heard the door open and turned around. "Oh, Hey Raymond!" They smiled. "I-I was wondering, Yoshi.. Can... Can I come with you?" My heart was going a mile an hour.

"Oh.. Of course! Heya Orville, here's a ticket for Raymond." They handed the blue dodo another ticket and then turned back to me. They motioned me to come next to them. I turned to Audie. "I wish you luck, Rayo." She hugged me and I hugged her back as well. We heard the door to the airport start to open. Yoshi grabbed my arm on pulled me onto the plane. "Bye Audie!!" I yelled as she waved and cried.

The plane ride was dead silent, until Yoshi handed me their NookPhone and said "Listen to this song, it always makes me happier, maybe it'll do the same for you!" I put the one earbud in and I heard a song I recognized.. Bubblegum K.K. . I fell asleep after about an hour, and woke up in a house. It was totally my aesthetic. I smiled and I looked at the side table to see a card, and some breakfast on a plate.

The card read;" To Raymond, This letter was supposed to be from everyone but I decided to write it myself. I'm so happy to get you out of the situation that you were in. I'm gonna keep on traveling until I can get Audie back, and I promise, some day, I will.


Finally, I'd been rescued.

A Slight Difference ~ Raymond and MarshalWhere stories live. Discover now