chapter 2

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I imagined Emma as Britany Raymond . But you can imagine her as whoever you want. :)

Emma ' s pov.

It has been a day since my audition. And I have got no call or any information and it is taking a tole on my nerves. I have not been able to focus on my collage  work or anything. God this is so nerve recking.

I was just sitting in my room watching some random movie on Netflix. When I heared Macey come in.

"Hey Em where are you?" She asks.

"I'm here" I reply.  And a moment later Macey opens my room door.

"How was the extra class?" I ask.

"Good. Great" she replies and makes her way over to my closet and starts to go through my clothes.

"What are you doing?" I ask cautiously.

"Nothing just getting you ready for your date" she says causally.

"What?" I practically yell.

One thing I have to tell you about me is that I don't date much. I like being on my own. I guess being on my own is just a way to avoid heart break. Not that I have had my heart broken or anything but I have heard about it. And it does not sound like something I really want to go through. But Macey on the other hand has a perfect boyfriend jake. And she is always trying to set me up with one of his friends.  This would be the 6th blind date she has set me up on and all of them are just plain boring. She once sey me up with a guy who wouldn't stop talking about football. If there really is a god please save me from yet another boring night.

"I am not going on another blind date you set up for me!" I whine.

"Honey I promise this one will be good. His name is James and he just moved here from New York." She says.

"No way in a million years will I be going out on a nother blind date!" I say. I will do just about anything to get out of this date.

"Em please. I feel bad for you every time I go out with James you are just sitting here and stuffing your face with food. I want you to also find someone you love nd you can be happy" she says.

" I don't need a man to be happy " I retarded. Okay the stuffing my face with food comment was kind of hurtful.

"Yes you don't need a man to be happy. But you just seem so lonely. Please just got out on this one date" she says giving me the puppy dog eyes.

I can never say no to the puppy dog eyes. "Fine" I sigh.

"Yes" she sequels.

"But on one condition" I say.

Macey immediately stops squealing and looks at me. That means she is all ears.

" You promise not to make me go out any more blind dates" I say.

"Okay" she huffs. I can tell she is not happy with it but she still caved in.

She then started to look through my clothes to find something for me to wear. We finally settled on blue laced crop top and and dark blue high waist jeans.


Just a waring to all of you.  The chapters will be short. The top Emma wears is the same one that is in the pictute above.

Sorry for any spelling errors or grammar mistake.

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