chapter 20

62 7 13

Emma's pov.

The next day I woke up with a sour throat and a terrible head ache.

I checked the time and it was 10. Thankfully I did not have to go to the studio today so I could just rest a bit.

I tried speaking but I could literally hear nothing coming out of my mouth. I walked over to the kitchen and started to heat some water and took some pills.

I went back to my bed when I heard my phone make a small buzzing sound.

I checked it out and saw that it was a text from John and louis.

John: hey how are you? Are you free maybe we can handout sometime.

That is when I remembered john was my boyfriend. The whole of yesterday came on repeat. I did not know how to felt  about it. That fact that something was missing was really bothering me. But there was no way I could go out I barely even had a voice. So I texted him back saying....

Me: I  can't hangout  cuz I am sick :(

The other text was from louis. Well actually from "hottest guy" Well that is what he saved his number as on my phone as. Just seeing that it is from  him and made me smile.

Hottest guy : hey what r u doing today?
Me:I am sick so nothing.

Almost instantly he replies saying.

hottest guy : oh r u okay?.

Me: yeah just a bit of a sour throat and head ache 

hottest guy: oh take care k?

Me: yeah.


After that the medicine to effect and I was fast asleep.


I woke up to see that it was pouring outside and my voice was still really bad. But the head ache seemed to have reduced. 

I picked up my phone to see it was 6 in the evening. Shit I slept through the whole day. I groaned and got up to make myself some tea but I would prefer to have some god chicken soup but unfortunately it is raining and there is no way I can get the soup.

As I was making the tea there was a knock on the door. Who on earth would it be at this time especially when it is pouring outside?

I walked up to the door and I saw a familiar blue eyed and brown haired boy who was completely drenched from head to toe.

"Louis what are you doing here" I ask my voice coming out very hoarse. 

"Oh wow when you said you were sick i didn't think it was this bad so I guess it is good that I got you chicken soup" He says holding up the packet of soup while pushing back his drenched hair out of his face with his free hand.  

"Oh god you didn't have to do that come on in before you become sick as well" I say my voice still very hoarse.

He makes his way in while I go to get a towel from the closet. I take the towel and hand it to him. He placed the soup on the kitchen table and starts to dry himself with the towel.

After about 15 minutes Louis is still soaking but much more dry. 

"I get that I am irresistible love but stop staring at me and drink the soup before it get cold" He says with a chuckle. I punch him in the arm "You are so full of yourself" I say jokingly while i turn a bit red.

"Yet you are the one blushing " He says.

For that comment I punch him again. 

"You did not have to come " I say as I open the packets with the soup. 

"You were sick and I guess I am glad I came cause you clearly needed the soup" He says while taking a seat in the kitchen table. 

I open the soup container and the smell of amazing chicken soup fills the room. I take the smell in. "Thanks " I say as I start to drink the soup.

"I would prefer it if you saying thank you louis you are an angel in the form of a human you saved my life but I guess Thanks will do" He says with a sigh.

Does he ever stop?? was the question in my head.

But I am great full for having him. He actually came here in the rain to give me soup cause I was sick? Seriously does it ever stop all the kindness?


Well me and Louis end up talking about nonsense as usual and about his tour. He is apparently leaving for tour in 2 weeks and 2 days. Apparently he was in tour rehearsals before he came to give me the soup.  

"Well I have to get going Em but I will see you soon" He says.

"Yeah and thanks for the soup" I say and my voice is much better thanks to the soup but it is still a bit hoarse.

"Like I said before I would prefer it if you said thank you louis you are an angel in the human form and you saved my life" He says laughing at his own statement 

"In your dreams Tomlinson " I say.

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