chapter 11

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Emma's pov.

Well we said we would get some work done but that was exactly the opposite of what happened.

We were first just talking and getting to know one and other but later we got bored of sitting around so we decided to play hide and seek. I know right what productive people we are .

Chris and Steve started to count and we all went and tried to hide. We were playing in the whole building. So as expected I ended up getting lost  there.

But thankfully Steve found me we walked around trying to find the other which ended up taking literally 3 hours. I am not kidding here we actually took 3 hours to find everyone. Well we had to call louis and ask him where he is cause we looked everywhere for him. Apparently he also got lost and was walking around trying to find his way back.  Well 3 hours of walking around is the most exercise I have got my whole life.

We all were tired as hell when we git back so we decided to call it a day and head back home. So that is how we spent our not so productive day. Hopefully we will get some work done tomorrow.

I was waiting outside the building calling a uber. When a black range rover pulled up in front of me. The person inside rolled down his window and inside I saw a boy with messy brown hair and piercing blue eyes. Yup it was louis.

"What are you doing out here?"He asks.

"Just calling a uber" I answer.

"Why what happened to your car?"

"It wouldn't start" I reply.

"Oh.... ahoy come on I will drop you back." He says. That kind of  took me by superise. But I nod and tell him a thank you and get in.

The car ride home louis tells me about his sisters and I tell him about me little sister as well. But before I know it we reach my place. I honesty didn't want the car ride to end it was fun just talking to louis and joking around.

I hug him good bye and go back home.

I am so sorry for the crapy chapter but I promise the next chapter will bring some interesting things to the story

As usual sorry for the spelling errors and grammar mistakes.

Hope you are all well.
Lots of love.


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