Chapter 3

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Louis ' s pov.

I was just sitting around in my house watching friends on repeat over and over again. What has my life become I think. I mean just because Eleanor broke up with me  months ago doesn't mean I just sit around like this and do nothing. I should have expected it towards the last month of the relationship that spark between us was gone I couldn't feel that connection. But I am just so used to having her around I just miss it. I miss it all.

"Lou get your arse out of that couch!" I hear Harry yell. What the hell is he doing here? I thought he and nial were going to a pub tonight.

"What happened Haz? " I ask.

"Nothing has happened yet . But things are about to happen." He says with the world's largest grin.

"What did you do this time?" I ask.

"What makes you think I did something? " he asks me with a fake hurt expression.

" You always do something " I say with a sigh.

"Well all I did this time was get you a date for the night" he says his voice barely above a whisper.

"Not again" I huff. I hate it when Harry sets me up on a date or when any of the lads set me up on a date for that fact.

" lou please go on the date it will be fun I promise" he says.

"You said that the other 9 times as well. But I don't recall any of them being fun." I say.

"Please louis you just seem so miserable here without anyone" he says.

"Maybe I like being miserable" I snap back. Harry raises a eyebrow asking me do really expect me to believe that load of bull Shit?

"This will be the last date I will be going on which you set up" I say caving. I mean it is not like I have anything better to do. Get of the couch and walk up to my room with harry trailing behind me.

I start to look through me closet for something to wear cause I definitely cannot go out wearing sweats.

"Her name is Riley and she is the new face modeling industry" harry informs me. I just nod I response finally putting on a white t-shirt and a blue Jean jacket.

"I have texted you the address " harry continue to talk. I yet a again nod to him indicating that I have heard him.

I look at myself in the mirror before going back down stairs. To grab my car keys.

"bye mate." Harry says "hope you enjoy yourself btu not too much!" I says winking at me with a cheeky grin plastered on his face. I just role my eyes at him. This lad can be he most annoying person in the world but he has the largest heart.

I say bye to harry once again and get into my car. I take out my phone to see where I have to go. I see that it says the 1850s restaurant (let us just assume there is a restaurant in London called 1850s ) and he also sent me the Google maps link also along with it. But I didn't bother to open it. Cause I know the restaurant. I have taken Niall there a couple of times because I lost lost some bets with with him.

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