two days before

5 0 2

Val's pov
Tears slipped down my cheeks as I shakily grabbed the small knife.

I ignored the loud voice saying to stop
That I was special that I was needed.

I knew where I was needed,but it wasn't here on earth. It was 6 feet under ground.

I shakily brought the knife up to my neck,closing my eyes,I muttered an I'm Sorry before slitting my neck.

My eyes opened in shock and I crumpled to the ground,blood pouring from the wound.

My vision clouded around me and I sighed peacefully,now,I truly can be free.

My breath shook and my eyes closed.

??? Pov

I stared in shock as the girls chest rose and fell,and stayed fallen.

This was the girl Slender wanted me to bring to him,but she's dead?

Maybe,just maybe He could bring her back to life,he's SlenderMan.

25 minutes later

SlenderMan's pov
" Sir! I have the girl,but she's...dead." Masky said and I sighed,and grabbed the girl,her black hair softly framing her face.

I brought her into my office and played her on my desk, I went into one of my drawers and pulled out a small vile.

I walked over to the girl and opened her mouth, pouring the liquid down her throat.

I then set in her on the small couch I had and waited.

Val's pov. ( Val is up top)

My eyes fluttered open and I looked around. What I saw was confusing.
I sat up and looked around.

Noone was inside,It was a Victorian style office,black walls with an oak desk and large chair,cabinets on the walls,a window and dark purple rugs.

I traced my wound and it was still there.  " Okay,so I'm probably dead...." I muttered to myself sitting up.

Then I realized I was in nothing except a see through black heart shirt,my bra,and my underwear.

" Well shit-" I cursed, Quietly,I leaned my ear against the large door in front of me,it was silent.

Shrugging,I opened the door and stepped out. Shakily,I closed the door and started walking around. It looked like people lived here.

" That makes zero sense." I thought and continued looking around until I felt myself being lifted up by something.

What the actual fuck. I was turned around and stared into the "eyes" of a very white stick wearing a fedora and nothing except a robe....gross.
" So this is hell...." I muttered.

The stick thing smirked at me,and looked me up and down.

I glared at it and started to ask what the fuck is it doing but it had something to say first.

" Ah,so your the new prey,huh? Masky wasn't lying when he said you were hot.".

Who the fuck is Masky?!
The thing then started walking,the tendril still wrapped around me and I was being dragged through the air.

" Oi! Dick face! Can you like let me go?! I kind of want to enjoy hell peacefully and not be stuck with a white ass stick that looks like a child rapist!" I yelled at it. The thing turned around and smirked again,licking it's lips.  " Not until I play with you."

So he is a child rapist...wait what.
" Oh FUCK NO! BITCH ASS YOU'D BETTER PUT ME DOWN NOW BEFORE I TWIST YOUR BALLS TO THE POINT THEY POP!" I threatened,it ignored me and then I was tossed in a room.

My head hit a wall and I stared at the thing as it closed the door.

I felt my heart rate speed up as it sauntered over to me,I stared at the thing and apparently this white fuck has a name.

" Hello,kitty,I'm OffenderMan,-
"How fitting." I muttered,it stared at me and continued.

" You see,I fuck people as long as I feel like it then kill them but your rather pretty so I'm gonna keep you~"

The fuck?  " ......I have no words-"
" Would you like a rose darling?" It said and I grabbed it hesitantly,smelling it.

" Smells like shit." I muttered.

" Good girl, now get naked... slowly.'
( I'm cringing)
" Lol,No." I said, OffenderMan glared at me. Apparently it has anger issues,cause that bitch yeeted himself at me and I dodged him.

I ran towards the door and opened it,running down the halls.


Ah, fuck.

There,at the bottom of the stairs were at least ten other things staring at me weapons drawn.

" Satan,did I die to be killed again?!" I muttered to myself.

They still glared at me and I felt an object whiz pass me.

Chuckling nervously I back stepped and thought,might as well be fucked then killed by a white stick than die a very gruesome death.

I backed up and started running down the hallway and I heard them follow me.

Quickly, I ran into a room,locking the door.

Looking around the room I found a knife and I smiled grabbing it,before jumping as I heard bangs rain down upon it.

Opening a window, conveniently placed there I hopped through it,and winced as I felt a sharp pain run through it.

Quickly,I ran/jogged,trying to find my way out of the forest.

Then,just as I was gonna get there,a loud static rang through my ears and I fell to the y,dropping the knife.

" Who are you?" It said and I stared at it,still clutching my ears.

" Bitch please,you look like Satan,I'm pretty sure you know who I am. Committed suicide maybe 4 hours ago."

The thing shook it's head,face palming.
" Val,your alive."

My heart stopped.


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