-4- So...Was That Your Boyfriend This Morning?

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Amber POV

It's cool how Hayes goes here now, he's fun to hang out with. I still want to know what he did but he always seemed to clam up when I asked. It couldn't have been too bad.

"Nope nope. I wouldn't get that." I say taking the sloppy joe out of Hayes's hand and putting it pack on the line. He raises an eyebrow but I just shake my head. Instead I put a PB&J on his tray and we both pay for our lunches.

"Where do you wanna sit?" I ask as we walk through the caf. It's pretty crowded and I notice a lot of girls taking second glances at Hayes. I mean he's pretty attractive.

"Somewhere in the back? You don't have to sit with me Amber, I know you have other friends." I laugh as we find an empty table in the corner.

"Whatever." We sit down across from each other and start to eat. "Why did you start coming here anyways?" I ask as I dip a fry in barbeque sauce.

His face starts to turn red as he says, "My other school kicked me out...cause of what I did." There's an uncomfortable silence and I decide not to press despite my growing curiosity. 

"All of these girls are totally checking you out." I say and Hayes laughs. 

"Well one of them decided to get me a detention on the first day."

"Really? Who?"

"Kate I dont know her last name."

"Residing bitch." I say. "At least we'll be there together." Hayes grins and I grin back. 

After school, I drive home in my candy apple red mercedes my parents got me for my 16th birthday. We're kind of rich but my parents don't spoil me at all. I have to earn stellar grades to get anything. I'm dreading walking in late knowing my mom will be pissed because I got detention. Maybe I can sneak upstairs without her noticing. No such luck. As I walk through the huge front hall on my way to the stairs my mom appears out of nowhere.

"Any particular reason you're home an hour and a half later than school ended? I didn't recieve a call saying you were going somewhere." My mom is literally so crazy by the way. 

I sigh and say, "Mom I got a detention but it was totally unfair Mrs. Lofty got mad at me but I was helping Pat clean his locker it was-"

My mother silences me with a wave of her hand. She holds out her hand. I high five it and she sighs. I roll my eyes and slap my iphone into her hand.

"Mom this is so unnecessary. I'm a senior and this is my first detention ever and you take my phone away?" I grumble while storming up the steps. 

"One week Amber. Don't let it happen again." I groan loudly and slam the door. 

"No slamming!" I hear my mom's voice through the intercom and I want to rip it out of the wall. She gets so pissed for the tiniest things and I seriously cannot stand her sometimes. Moms.

Hayes POV

"I'm home mom." I say letting myself into our tiny apartment. It smells of smoke again but I'm used to it. I see my mom laying up on the couch in the same position I left her in when I went to school. My mom hasn't done much since my dad died. Just drowned her sorrows in smoke and stared into space. She didn't really care that I almost went to jail, my dad's death had taken over her.

"You're home late." She says staring at the wall.

"I got a detention."

"Hayes the first day?"

"Someone was pissing me off." My mom doesn't respond and I didn't think she would. I don't care. I get started on the meatloaf we're having for dinner because I know my mom's not going to make anything. 

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