-9- Amber Forgot Her Science Book...

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Hayes POV

I walk into the fancy restaurant, completely ignoring the annoying hosts asking if I have a reservation. I have no clue what I'm doing, yet it felt right.

"Hey Amber." I say when I find their table. Amber looks beautiful wearing this purple dress that fits her just right.

"Hayes what are you doing here?" Amber says shocked to see me. I guess that makes sense because I'm crashing their special date and all but whatever. Hunter glares at me and stands up.

"Why the hell are you here?" He says and the look in his eyes is deadly. He threatened he would mess me up if I ever associated with Amber again at lunch today. It was actually quite funny. As if he could mess me up.

I put one finger on his chest and push him back.

"Excuse me, Amber left her science book in 8th period. I needed to return it to her since we have that big test tomorrow." This is all true, I did come with Amber's science book. But I also came because I like Amber and Hunter threatening me isn't going to change that.

"You had to come here? You could of texted me." Amber says and she just looks confused.

I shrug and hand her the book. She just looks at me when Hunter jumps up yet again.

"Okay that is it!" He says and I hold up my hands in mock surrender.

"Hunter..." Amber says grabbing his hand but he pulls away.

"No Amber this dick can't just walk in and interrupt this date. He's fucking in love with you and he needs to understand you're taken!"

By this time people are starting to stare and I start to laugh at Hunter's mad face. Until he punches me in the nose. I hear Amber yell Hunter's name but I don't acknowledge anything. My control is quickly leaving me then all hell breaks loose.

I continuously pound Hunter not even knowing what I'm doing. I kick and punch and enjoy the blood trickling down his face. Security guards try to pull me off but I keep going. I hear yelling and I can hear Hunter's gasps but I don't care anymore. Don't fucking tell me who I can and can't like. Also punching me isn't a good idea either.

"HAYES!" Amber's voice breaks me away from my fury and my eyes take in what's in front of me. Hunter is out cold on the ground as blood continues to gush out of it. Security guards are holding me back while other couples are standing there gasping.

But Amber's face is the one that tells me what I've just done. She stares at me not in anger, more in shock. She looks almost scared, like I'm a wild animal that's loose from it's cage. And in some sense, that's exactly what I am. I've broken all the trust she put in me, when she claimed I wasn't dangerous against everyone else's thoughts. I promised her I would control myself and now her boyfriend is unconscious on the ground. I realize how I've hurt her, after everything she's done for me. All the fury drains out of me and I am a human being again. Amber cries shaking Hunter.

"Hayes what the hell!"She yells at me and I deserve it all.

"A-Amber I don't-"

"Hayes stop fucking saying you don't know! Toddlers can tell themselves not to just start punching anyone at random so don't just say you can't control yourself. What is wrong with you?" The question I've been asking myself this whole time.

"I'm sorry." It's the only thing I can think to say, she hates me.

"So am I." Hunter has woken up by now and Amber is inspecting the wounds on his face made my fists. People ask if he's okay but he seems to be well enough. Well, after being punched multiple times.

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