-35- Prom...

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Amber POV

"I can't believe it's finally here!" Reb exclaimed as the stylist released a blonde curl from the wand and it bounced in front of her face.

"Best day of our lives." I sighed closing my eyes and smiling. It was now the day of our senior prom, or Saturday of course. After the amazing promposal, it had made me even more anxious for the day to arrive. But now the day was here and it was going to be fucking fantastic.

Reb, Danielle, and I were at the salon getting our hair and nails done and it was around noon. Kind of early on a Saturday, but hey, it's prom. The greatest night of our lives.

Hayes POV

I woke up at around 12 flat, which was pretty early for me on a Saturday. It's prom day so might as well make it special. Me being a guy, it wasn't really necessary to wake up any earlier since I know Amber is at the salon right now.

I had gotten a suit last week, a bow tie to match Amber's dress, and I had to pick up her corsage later tonight. That was pretty much it.

I hopped in the shower singing Pentatonix without meaning to. It's prom day. And even if I am a guy, I'm still pretty excited. A night of my arms around Amber's waist sounds like heaven to me.

Amber POV

It was around 4 now and Reb, Danielle, and I sat in my kitchen getting our makeup done by some professionals we hired. It's prom, go big or go home.

"Prom queen nominees." Danielle informs us after her makeup was finished and all three of our phones buzzed at the same time. Reb and I still getting our makeup done, Danielle picked up her phone to read the notification our school had just posted on twitter. Yes our school has a twitter. This is the only tweet people pay attention to all year.

You see at our school, they don't really believe in campaigning for prom queen/king for some weird reason. Anyways, they announce the nominees a few hours before prom for a "fair contest" but everyone knows it's a huge popularity contest. Basic rules of high school society. It doesn't really matter to me, I'm not one of those people who have a life goal of winning prom queen.

"Who was nominated?" Reb asks excitedly since she happend to be one of those people who do have the life goal of winning prom queen.

"Kate," Danielle starts and we all collectively roll our eyes. I guess she hasn't been as much of a bitch as she was before but she's not exactly our best friend either. It was kind of predictable though, being a cheerleader and the most popular girl, she was kind of a shoo in.

"Rebecca Griffin," Danielle continues and Reb squeals and bounces up and down in her seat so much that the person doing her makeup glares at her. She whispers sorry before asking, "But really?"

Daniella nods and she squeals again. She was also kind of a shoo in being a cheerleader and popular like Kate but everyone genuinely liked her unlike Kate where she's popular because everyone's scared of her.

"Pilar Gomez." Danielle reads from the phone screen and we all kind of shrug. Predictable as well. Pilar's not a cheerleader but she's gorgeous and always the star of our school's play. She became popular as soon as she moved here from California freshmen year.

"And..." Danielle grins before continuing, "Amber Rhodes." Reb shrieks and I raise my eyebrows.

"You're kidding." She holds her phone screen up and indeed my name is listed there right under Pilar Gomez.

"But why? It's not like I'm popular or something." I ask confused since that's kind of how it works.

"True." Danielle agrees and I glare at her. "But you are the captain of the volleyball team-"

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