chapter 3

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The two finally make it to the bar, which was packed. The seats were taken and the bartender was attending three or four people at a time! It's crazy!

The two squeeze their way to the side of the counter and patiently wait to be attended to, while they both flirt with each other's to pass the time.

Finally the bartender finishes with the crowd and stands near the two. "Hey, buddy!" The blond called, snapping his fingers to get the guys attention.

(I have no idea how TF this works, so I'm sorry if this doesn't make sense)

"Can we have both have a shot?" He asks. The bartender nods and turns around. Just as he did two seats were now available, to which the two sit down.

They both were still flirting with each other and making cheesy jokes here and there. It was when the bartender set their drinks down was when Izuku decided to fill the mayor gap between the two.

"So Mr. Good lookin, what's yer name?"
"Oh shut up!" The blond playfully said, moving the little glass cup in a circular motion.

Midoriya giggled.
"No, seriously what's your name?" He asked again.
Before he could answer the blond drank the shot with out hesitation.

Without fully recovering from drinking the bitter liquid the blond finally reviled his name.
"Katsuki Bakugou, and you?" Katsuki said in a charming tone.

"Izuku Midoriya."
Katsuki laughed, "Your name literally means green!"

The greenette blushed in embarrassment, "That's not nice!" He pouted.
Bakugo stopped laughing, wiping a non-existent tear away.
"I'm sorry, it was just funny!" He chuckled.

Being the sassy smol boi Izuku is, he turned away from Bakugo, crossed his arms and puffed his cheeks out with the adorable "hmph!" sound.

"Aw c'mon sweetheart. I was only kidding." Bakugo said, extending his arm out to gently grab Izuku's face.

"I'm not your sweetheart!" He firmly pouted, brushing the others hand away.
"Sassy aren't we?" The other asked.
Izuku huffed in response.

"Y'know you're very cute when you're mad~" Katsuki commented.
Izuku blushed at the comment but still faced away from the other, not wanting to seem venerable.

"Are you going to drink that?" Bakugo asked, pointing at the little glass. Izuku looked at the counter.
"O-oh, yeah..." He studderd out, taking the glass.

Izuku was a little nervous, he never had any other alcohol besides beer. He swallowed hard and pressed the cold glass up to his lips.

(I have no idea how liquor tastes, so plz dont judge)
He swallows the clear liquid and amidiatly furrows his eyebrows in disgust. Not wanting to seem weak, as stupid as it sounds, he forced himself to swallow.

Katsuki chuckled, "You okay sweetheart?" He asked.
Midoriya wiped his mouth and set the glass down.
"Yeah?" He breathed out the answer, but it sounded more like a question.

Bakugo chuckled warmly and reached for his wallet.
"Do you want some more?" He asked.
Without hesitation Izuku agreed. Bakugo raised an eyebrow, "You sure? That expression you made before-"
"Yeah! I'm sure!" Izuku cut him off mid sentence.

Bakugo leaned back a little bit and widened his eyes in surprise.
"Okay, uh....hey, can we get more shots?" He asked.

The bartender nodded again.

[A few drinks later]
Izuku is extremely wasted and is flirtatious like before. His face is dusted with pink blush on his cheeks and along his nose.

Izuku sways a little in his seat with a few little shot glasses on the counter infront of him. He has this goofy drunken smile plastered on his face as he lovingly stares at Bakugo.

"What?" Katsuki asks with a chuckle.
Izuku leans on the counter, using his hand to support his head, "Nooooothin~ Its just like, you're soooo cute!"

The blond smirked, "Really? Y'don't say~"
Midoriya nods and smiles warmly. "So..." Katsuki leans forward a little, "do you want to come with me?" He asks.

"Where?" Izuku questions. Without another word Katsuki got up and extended his hand out for Midoriya to grab. Not in the right state of mind Izuku didn't give it a second thought and just took his hand.

They weave through the crowd as Izuku stumbled behind Bakugo, occasionally accidentally bumping into people.

Both make it to the entrance of the club where not alot of people are. If Izuku was sober enough, he wouldn't have agreed to go with this blond "stranger".

Izuku stumbled into Katsuki's arms as he's lead out if the club. The guard at the front noticed something was wrong.

Izuku was extremely drunk and clearly wasn't in the right state of mind to make right decisions. He was leaving with this random guy who Izuku didn't originally enter with. The stranger is much bigger than Izuku and can easily over power the smaller boy if he wanted to.

Even with all these obvious red flags the guard let the pair leave into the night.

What a douchebag.

Izuku walks closely to Katsuki, with his arm over his neck for support.
"Soooo, where we goin?" Midoriya slurs.

The blond dosent answer him, he just looks at his phone for a moment before a car pulls up.

This is a little weird. Who am I kidding, this whole thing is weird! But not for Midoriya, oh no. The only time an alarm goes off in his mind is when he's about to get kidnapped!

No, no, no. Don't jump to conclusions! It's not good to jump to conclusions. It's probably his friend or..........or......C'mon! Think rationally! It maybe a-..........kidnapping vehicle?....

Midoriya looked at the tinted black car with wide eyes, knowing what's about to happen next. His drunken mind, trying to process everything that's happening as he's also trying to find a way to escape.

This is the end. The end of Midoriya. Next thing you know is "Izuku Midoriya Reported Missing!" and a few weeks later "Izuku Midoriya's body found dumped in a back ally!"

His breathing became faster. Everything became slow motion for some reason. Who knew this would be the last time he would ever see his friends, his mom!

Midoriya closed his eyes, excepting his fate. Thinking how STUPID he is and how could be be so naive!

Tears started to swell in his eyes, the car door inching closer and closer his horrible fate just on the other side.

It was horrifying...

word count:1072

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