Chapter 1: The Person I least Expected

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I had just graduated from my LA high school and it was summer break. I didn't really have any friends except for the only one that was there for me. My best friend Olivia. My parents had kicked me out last year because I wasn't "the way they wanted me to be". I had got a job and was able to buy myself a small one bedroom apartment. Because of them not treating me like they loved me, I got into drugs and became extremely depressed. I would get expelled from school all the time because of fights, being caught smoking in the bathroom, and cursing at the teachers. Olivia was the only one that cared about me. She wouldn't tell me to stop doing all the stupid bullshit that I would get myself into. I didn't really know why she didn't stop me until I realized that just having her around me and being there was enough for me. Enough to stop all the bullshit I would get into. Enough to bring me back to reality. Enough to take my depression away. After a few months, she saved me. I was able to get a better paying job at the mall and I got my life straight and back to normal. I haven't talked to my parents in over a year and I strongly believe that they forgot that I even exist. If it wasn't for Olivia, I could be dead. I don't know what I would do without her. I'm very happy she ended up in my life.

 I got up at 9 am on a Tuesday morning. I yawned and was immediately attacked by love from my dog. I named her CeCe, short for chocolate chip. She started licking my face.

 Y/N: CeCe! Stahp!

 I started laughing and she literally launched herself off the bed and onto the floor. And then she started chasing her tail around the room. I laughed and got out of bed. I stretched out and put on my slippers

 Y/N: C'mon CeCe!

 I whistled and she followed me out the room. We went to the kitchen and I filled up her food bowl and water bowl. She gave me a happy bark and started eating. I scratched behind her ears and went to take a shower. After my shower, I got into my job uniform and did a messy bun. I did a natural makeup look with a little eye liner on my eye lid and natural false lashes. I put on my white sneakers and grabbed my phone and the leash. I took CeCe on a walk around the block so she could use the bathroom. We got back to the apartment, I grabbed everything I needed, and headed to work. I got to work and opened up the store. It was usually busy but, today it was really slow. I got so bored to the point where I started texting Olivia

Y/N: Get me out of this hell hole

 Olivia: Lol. Why?

 Y/N: Because I haven't had a customer all day and there's no point in being here! Please get me out of here?!

 Olivia: Lol. You need to stay at work and get your money. How about this? I'll bring you lunch and I'll stay there for the rest of your shift. How does that sound?

 Y/N: That would be awesome! Thank you so much Liv!

 Olivia: Alright I'll be there in 10. I love you

 Y/N: Love you more

 It felt like an eternity before she showed up. Finally, I saw her come around the corner with subway and a huge smile on her face. I got from behind the counter, ran up to her, and embraced her.

 Olivia: Woah, chill! My hands are full!

 Y/N: Sorry! I'm just really happy to see you!

 Olivia: Ok, come on! Let's eat!

 Y/N: Yes! I'm literally starving!

 Olivia: Say less!

 We both laughed and went behind the counter. We ate and hung out, still not getting any customers. A few hours passed and I got bored so I started to sketch in my sketch book. Olivia kept messing with me and tapping me on the shoulder and it got annoying.

 Y/N: Liv! Stop!

 She kept doing it without a word coming out of her mouth. I got irritated.

 Y/N: Olivia Elise Johnson! Stop right now!

 She started cracking up laughing

  Olivia: Alright, "mom"! I'm gonna go to the bathroom.

 Y/N: You do that

 She hopped off the counter and walked away. I put in my headphones and turned on my favorite playlist on blast while I sketched some more. A few minutes went by when I felt another tap on my shoulder. I jumped and ripped the headphones out of my ears.

 Y/N: Liv! Fuck off-

 I whipped my head around and genuine horror was clear across my face. It wasn't Olivia. Not even close.

 ???: I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you! I tried getting your attention but you didn't hear me.

 I did not expect that I would be the person to say "fuck off" to my idol

 Y/N: Holy shit! You're Tony Lopez!

 Tony Lopez. The hottest guy I have ever seen. He was a tall, blackish brownish curly haired, perfect body formed, perfect smiled, most perfect laugh, sexiest man I have ever seen. He gave a genuine and contagious laugh, although I embarrassed myself too much to laugh.

 Tony: Yeah that's me!

 My face was getting extremely hot and I tried to fight the blush but, it defeated me

 Y/N: Oh my god! I-I'm so sorry! I-I thought you were my friend Liv and-

 Tony: Hey! It's ok! No need to apologize.

 Y/N: This is not the way I wanted to meet you.

 Tony: Well, that was my favorite one of all the people I've met

We shared a laugh and I felt more comfortable that he wasn't offended by it and we were able to laugh it off.

Y/N: I'm Y/N

Tony: Nice to meet you

 Y/N: I just want to let you know that I love you so much and you are my idol. Both you and your brother, Ondreaz. You guys are everything to me. I was watching your guy's videos on YouTube and Tik tok since day one. Both of you were the ones that got me into choreographics and I would only watch your guy's videos when I was learning dances. But, you specifically, also helped me get through a tough point in my life by watching your videos. They always made me smile and laugh and I haven't stopped watching your content. My dream was to meet you and make a Tik tok with you and Ondreaz and it seems that my dream came true, well at least half of it, and I can't believe that this is real.

He had the biggest smile on his face. I guess no one has ever said anything like that to him which is hard to believe since he was basically a celebrity now.

 Tony: Aww...

 He held out his arms. I shook my head

 Y/N: Are you sure? I mean-

 Tony: Come on!

 I smiled brightly and ran around the counter into his arms. He gave me a huge hug and held me in his arms. No one has ever hugged me so loving like this, not even Olivia.

 Tony: That was the most thoughtful thing anyone has ever said to me and I know Ondreaz will appreciate it too

 Y/N: Then it's a good thing it was true

 We laughed together and he put me down keeping his hands around my waist

 Tony: So, you said you wanted to make a Tik tok with me?

 Y/N: Yes, but we don't have to

 Tony: No, I'm down. I would love to make a Tik tok with my biggest fan

 He gave me a sweet and warm smile and I couldn't help but smile back.

 Y/N: Ok-

 ???: Yo, Tony!

 We both turned around. My day couldn't get any better

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