New school crew

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*beep* beep* beep*
I wake up and turn my alarm off I look over to see Colby still passed out. He looks so cute when he is asleep. I rub his forehead and play with his hair. "Good morning beautiful" he said "good morning handsome" i replied. I get up and open my closet I grab my black ripped skinny jeans and a white t-shirt. I get changed and do my makeup. I get finished with my hair and Colby comes in the bathroom looking hot af In black jeans and a grey shirt with cuts in it. He's rings shined in the light and he smiled at me and sat on the counter. We chatted until I was done. " you look good baby" he said hugging me from behind "you do too"
We went downstairs to see Corey and jake messing around in the living room while sam and kat were making breakfast. Me and colby went to the kitchen and sat at the table on our phones. "BREAKFAST IS READY" as soon as sam yells that what sounds like a stampede comes down the stairs. We all eat breakfast and talk until it's time to go I slip on my shoes and grab my backpack as I put my phone in my back pocket. Colby hands me my keys and gives me a kiss on the cheek.
( no ones POV)
You guys arrive at school and find parking spots. You guys walk into the school as everyone stares. You guys look at your schedules and you guys have all of your classes together. First is math.
Colbys POV
Everyone was starring or whispering we head to our first class and we all sit next to each talking until class starts. I'm not paying attention to the class I'm more focused on brennen. He's been acting weird not like his normal self. Almost like he's hiding something. I brush it off and turn my attention to the class. A couple kids keep looking at us. Class ends and English in next
We head to English and it's boring. The day goes by fast and he are headed home and I look behind me to see brennens car turn down a different road.
Y/n: where are you going?
Brennen: I'm gonna grab groceries.
Y/n: ok
*texts over*
Brennen has been acting so weird keeps going out randomly but I never asked for sake of his privacy. I turn my car around and start to follow him. " what are you doing?" Colby asks "following brennen he's been acting weird lately and he turned dow this road"
I stay far enough behind him so he doesn't know I'm following him. he stops at this house and walks in.

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