Chapter 10

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Izuku was making his way back into school grounds. He was out shopping for the new All Might merchandise which made him happy. He also got a few extra stuff which made him smile as well. It was still in the middle of the afternoon and to Izuku, it was an eventful day so far.

Most of 1-A were hanging out in the common area. Some were watching a movie, a few were on their phone and the rest were playing Uno. Their attention was suddenly focused on someone entering the room. Izuku entered the room and was holding a few paper bags with him. Kirishima and Sato offered to help him carry some of the stuff Izuku brought with him. 

"Woah! That's a bit much for someone to shop for hero merch." Kaminari teased.

"I didn't buy all of this stuff. I only bought a few posters and the limited edition All Might figurine. The other things were gifts. I meet a few nice guys who gave them to me. They said they wanted to thank me for helping them out. They insisted and I didn't want to be rude. They were happy when they left." Izuku explained.

They were speechless after that. There were different kinds of stuff Izuku received. There were a few hero theme clothing, one whole strawberry cake, one or two kinds of expensive jewelry, and two paper box filled with all sorts of personalized wrapped gifts. 

The students of 1-A that were present finally fill some of the puzzles around their new classmate.

"Was this what Midnight and Bakugo meant about Midoriya's crazy admirers?" Uraraka asked.

They were worried about Izuku but to Bakugo, who was listening around the corner, this was just the start of all the crazy things that will happen.


(Next Day)

The students of 1-A were currently listening to Cementoss's lecture when Midnight showed up and told the current teacher that Nezu needs to talk to Izuku about something important. 

Izuku excuse himself and followed the female hero who from his viewpoint was sporting a knowing smirk on her face. It was a common trait for Izuku to see Midnight excited or happy when they were together but somehow he felt that today something was different. 

As they enter Nezu's office, Izuku saw the ever tired-looking teacher Aizawa, his mentor Recovery Girl, and an off-white haired young girl inside the room. The two then sat down and Nezu then began to explain,

"Everyone's finally here! Now, I know you're wondering why I called everyone here but to simplify it, I called you all here to talk about little Eri here. She needs our guidance and help. Little Eri here has a unique and powerful quirk plus she needs someone to look after her."

Izuku looked at the little girl in front of him. from what he remembered, she was the child that Mirio rescued. He recalled how Mirio was upset with how he first encountered the child and had no choice but to return her to her capture and how he was determined to rescue her when the time finally came.

"Mirio told me a few things about her and from what information I have, she never experienced a happy childhood kid her age has," Izuku told Nezu.

Nezu and the heroes in the room agreed and continue to talk about what they should do to help the small child named Eri. Izuku listened but while the heroes talked, he noticed how Eri was starting to get uncomfortable. It seems that while they were talking about what to do to help the small girl, they forget to ask her what she wanted.

"What to do think Eri? Is there something you want to do or asked?" Izuku asked the small child which gain the attention of the room.

Eri was surprised by the question and didn't know how to respond to it. She didn't know what she even wants to do which Izuku knew from observing her. Izuku's heart aches a little from how the child looked lost from his question. From what Izuku knows, children her age usually would ask to do or want something fun either from toys, shows, a certain place to visit, or something interesting they saw or heard. 

For a small child to experience what she did was heartbreaking and Izuku, the kind and caring soul he is, wants to do everything he could to help and from the situation, they have right now there was only one solution he could think of. 

"I can take of Eri if you Heroes won't mind" he suggested.

The Heroes were looking at him like he grew another head or two which cause Izuku to laugh a little. He then explained himself when his mentors Nezu and Recovery Girl asked for the reason.

"Well, you guys were worried about Eri's quirk but it won't be any problem for me since my quirk protects me from any danger. I also have some experience taking care of children plus I'm not as busy as you guys are which gives me more time to take care of Eri. I'm also sure that now that Eri's free from the villains were her captures, she wants to learn and experience all sorts of things right?"

To the heroes in the room, Izuku's argument was hard to counter. Nezu, on the other hand, was more interested in the result or effect Izuku will have on Eri while Midnight was another step closer to the kind of show and entertainment she likes to see.

"Very well Izuku, we will entrust Eri's wellbeing to you. The school will handle everything the two of you may need and we will also provide you with a suitable place to live here in UA but for now, you'll have to temporarily stay at your current dorm room. If there's something you may additionally need, feel free to talk to me and we'll try our best to provide it."

With that their business was finally finished. Nezu told Izuku that he was free and excused for the rest of the day. Eri looked at Izuku who was smiling at her. At first, she didn't know if things will be different for her but as she continues to stare at the emerald pair of eyes, she feels that she could trust him. She grabs hold of the hands that were in front of him and followed Izuku as they left Nezu's office.


Izuku leads the two of them back to the dorms where he plans to talk with Eri. He wanted to know everything he can to help the child trust him. 

When the pair entered the dorm building, Izuku leads then to the kitchen. He plans to make something to eat while they both get to know each other. Eri sat down on one of the chairs with Izuku's help and watch as the green-haired teen boils some water and took a few things from different places.

"I know there are a few things you want to know Eri. I just want you to know that you can ask me anything you want to know. I also want to learn everything you're comfortable sharing with me."

Eri then started to ask a few things she can while he watched the teen make something that smelled good. She asked questions and Izuku was happy to answer them. 

A few minutes of asking, Izuku place a cup of hot chocolate drink and a plate of chocolate chip cookies in front of Eri. She was curious about the delicious-looking food in front of her and when she took a bite, she immediately loved it. 

Izuku watched Eri as she happily ate the cookies he made. The looked on the girl's face was enough to reassure him that he's going the right thing to help the small child find her happiness.

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