Chapter 11

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When the rest of 1-A return to their dorm after another tiring Hero class, they were greeted by a small child watching The Little Mermaid in the common room and their classmate Izuku Midoriya who was busy cooking in the kitchen area. They were wondering who and how the kid was related to Izuku. When they approach the coaches,  the little girl watching the movies looked in their direction. When she saw several strangers watching, she ran towards the kitchen area. 

Izuku, who was doing the finishing touches for dinner, felt something crush on his legs. He looked and saw Eri hugging his left leg. She seems scared and was hiding her face. Izuku looked towards the common room and saw one of the reasons why she ran. His classmates were already gathering there which explained the reason she ran. 

He crouched down and place a hand on the scared girl's cheek. She looked at him and Izuku showed a reassuring smile.

"It's okay Eri, your safe here with me. Why don't we continue watching the movies in my room and we'll also eat dinner there as soon as I'm done here. That way, it will only be just the two of us and you won't be afraid of talking to anyone else."

Eri nodded her head and Izuku prepared their dinner portion. Izuku was thankful that nobody approaches the kitchen area. Eri was still wary of strangers and it won't help her if the chaotic and curious 1-A would bomb them with a million questions or demands. 

Once Izuku was done, he held Eri's hand and the food on the other. He then guided her towards his dorm room and successfully avoided the class on their way up. 

Once they were in Izuku's room, Eri was surprised by the things she saw. The room was decorated with Hero merch. Figurines and posters were the most common to be seen inside the room. What caught the attention of the small child was the plushie that looked familiar to her. The plushie was placed on top of a pile of books on a table. As she looks closer, it looked like the hero that saved her. 

Izuku noticed Eri staring at a particular item on one of the tables. It was the plushie he made of Mirio in his hero costume. He also made a few from the people important to him but he only bought two of them with him to the school dorms. The Lemillion and Ground Zero plushie dolls.

"Do you like it Eri? I made that one myself."

Eri only nodded. Izuku grab the plushie and gave it to her. She embraced the toy and gave a small thanks to Izuku. 

"If you like it, you can keep Eri. You won't be afraid if your hero is near you and I can make you another plushie if you want more. So feel free to tell me okay?"

The small child gave a small smile and both of them sat down on the floor surrounded by hero stuffed toys. They ate dinner and watch Disney movies that Eri was interested in watching. 

By the end of the third movie, Eri fell asleep while sitting on Izuku's lap. He carefully lifts Eri and gently put her on the bed. He made sure to clean everything up and also made sure the Lemillion plushie was beside Eri. When everything was in order, Izuku lay down on the other side of the bed and went to sleep when Eri was comfortable enough to sleep peacefully.


The Next Day 

The Morning was somehow easier than Izuku expected. Eri slept throughout the night without any problem and was happily following Izuku as they do their morning routine. They had breakfast in Izuku's dorm room which made Eri happy. After everything was prepared, the two of them made their way to school. 

Izuku carried Eri all the way to the Teacher's Lodge but he didn't mind all of that. Eri was still uncomfortable with crowds and loud noises. He was debating if he should use his quirk but in the end, decided to slowly let her adjust at her own phase. They were receiving a lot of confused looks from the other students which made Eri squeezed the Lemillion plushie she brought. Izuku didn't mind any of it and reassured her that everything will be alright.

As they arrived at the Teacher's Lodge, Midnight was the first to greet the pair. There were a few teachers staying in the room which was understandable since they have classes to attend to. He can see Eraserhead by the coffee machine. Present Mic was the only one who seems to be in a good mood this early in the morning. 

"Good Morning Ms. Kayama. I'm hoping you guys can watch Eri for the morning. I'll pick her up during lunch break and she'll be with me during my lessons with Recovery Girl."

"No problem Izuku, we'll watch her while you go to class" 

Izuku sat Eri on the couch and sat down beside her. She looked at him while she held the plushie tight. 

"I'll be in class for a few hours Eri and while I'm in class, I'm hoping you're ok with staying with these heroes while I'm gone. I promise you that I'll be back and we'll eat lunch together ok?"

She nodded her head and Izuku gave her a kiss on her forehead. He walked towards the door but not before looking at Eri again. He hoped Eri would be alright but he reassured himself that if anything will happen, the teachers will tell him.

Izuku then made his way to class not aware of the plot that's beginning to move.


Eri didn't know what she's going to do while she waits for Izuku to return but she noticed someone standing in front of her. If she remembers right, Izuku told her that her hero name was Midnight. 

"Hi, Eri it's nice to see you again. I was wondering if you can help me with something."

Eri didn't know if she should but maybe she can do something while she waits for Izuku.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2020 ⏰

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