Chapter 5 : Come back to me

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When they entered the room, where Draco was kept, Harry couldn't believe his eyes. He couldn't recognise his husband. Draco looked paler, it was rather a ghostly white colour, it looked like he had lost a lot of blood. His body was covered in small scars which Harry thought were the result of falling down in the audience box, his face was drastically sunken, his cheekbones were more prominent than ever, he laid there in a pale blue robe, which made him look even more lifeless.
And his hair, the pale blonde hair Draco was so smug about, the hair Harry loved weaving his hands through, the same one he had touched that morning when he kissed him goodbye was no more instead there was some kind of scar across his head which looked deadly to say the least.
Harry gasped at the sight, he couldn't possibly be seeing the same Draco he saw some hours back. All his friends tightly hugged him, giving all the comfort and support they could, they knew how hard it was Harry.
Harry slowly moved forward and sat down on a stool, entwining his fingers with Draco's. Silent tears continued to fall from his eyes. The others left the two, providing a sense of privacy.

After some time, Harry got up to find his friends, they were all in the waiting room.
"Guys ......." All of them looked up from their positions at the sudden voice. All their eyes were red and it looked like they hadn't slept at all.

"Yes, Harry? Do you want something? Are you alright? Is there something any of us can do?", Hermione said with a rush.

"Yes, Hermione, I'm alright. Just a minor problem that my husband is in coma and that I have no idea what am I supposed to do?", Harry said dryly.
"Harry ....... You know Mione didn't mean it like that. We all are here for you.", Pansy quipped.

"Yeah I know, Pans. Its just a lot to take in.  I dunno how to cope with this. Normally it's Dray who knows what to do and how to make me calm and stuff but now .....I just don't know." Harry said with newly formed tears in his eyes," Can you tell me how long I had been out though?"

"The sedative given was quite strong since you couldn't become calm enough to gain consciousness. You were out for all fourteen hours." Theo said speaking for the first time in a while.

"Oh.", he was a bit astonished to hear that he had been out for so many hours. He added as an afterthought," Guys, you all should go home now. You all also had a long night and it doesn't look like you lot had any sleep. I won't leave his side but please you don't do the same. You have work to do in the morning, it's already 4 in the morning. I will be alright guys, don't you all worry. I don't want arguments on this. You aren't disrupting your work because of this. You know Draco would kill you all for doing that. You know how he is.", he said in a soft whisper, as if he would break if he tries to talk loudly again.

They all tried to open their mouths to speak but they knew it wouldn't be of any avail. One by one they reluctantly left, hugging Harry on the way out, whispering words of solace. After they all left he went and sat down beside his beloved, softly whispering to him as if he could hear everything...


The first two days after the accident, Harry had denied to even move an inch from his seat beside Draco, the one time he had left was when he asked his friends to go home. All their friends had visited along with Sirius and Remus but no one could even deter Harry at the slightest. He just sat there in his quidditch robes, holding Draco's hand, blaming the whole accident on himself. He wouldn't speak much, he somehow ate an apple and some grapes after much pestering from Ron. Hermione however had been a bit quite about Harry's behaviourism, much to everyone's surprise.

On the third day, quite early in the morning, a little figure entered the room and sat herself beside Uncle Draco. Harry looked up to find that Rose was unaccompanied. They both sat in a comfortable silence, occasionally broken by Rose who kept talking to Draco as if he could hear each and everything she said.

"Uncle Harry?"

"Yes, my darling?"

" I heard that since Uncle Draco went to dream-sleep ( a word Blaise came up with when they were trying to make Rose understand what had happened) you haven't eaten much or even changed as I can see. You know Uncle Draco always says that it's a very bad habit. You should change and eat something good. It will make up feel happy." she said with a stern look, scolding her uncle on such reckless behaviour.

"But Rosie, don't you think that if I go away and Draco wakes up, je would feel bad that I wasn't here. I think that Uncle Draco will understand if I don't change." he tried to smile at the little girl who was looking quite determined.

"No no. You go and be good, I will sit with Uncle Draco. When he wakes up I'll tell him that I made you go. He won't be mad at you. Please Uncle Harry, for me please......." she made a puppy face which always had worked when she wanted something from anyone unless it was Mum.

Harry didn't have the heart to deny her request, he reluctantly got up and out of the room, casting one last look at his Angel.

Outside the room, he found four suspicious looking adults who tried quite hard to make it seem that they were quite astonished to see Harry but he knew better.

He asked for his clothes and informed that while they had gotten him away from Draco for the time being, he wouldn't be going home anytime soo. As he walked away from them, they high-fived each other and went inside the room to be with Rose and Draco.

Author's note- okay I'm really sorry that I couldn't post yesterday and I know that this chapter is kinda crappy but well it seemed necessary that I showed some bonding between Rose and Harry as well.

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