Chapter 6: Unshed Tears

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It had been a week since the accident now and Harry still hasn't gone home, he was eating well though. Rose had made him promise that he would take care of himself. Draco had healed fairly well and all his wounds were now thin scars, he seemed quite fine to anyone who didn't really know. The healer told Harry that it would take time for Draco to wake up, it was his head that got the most damage. She assures him that never has anyone been in coma for much time in the Magical world.
" Our magical powers are quite strong. The stronger the magic, the faster they wake. Dear, you have to be patient, he needs time. He will come back quite soon, you need not stay here at all times.", she had told him one day with a sympathetic smile on her face. Harry had just nodded his head in return.

It was around 9pm and he was wondering where all his friends were. They normally visited around 7pm. He didn't really think much about it, and went back to the book he had started reading to Draco.

"Harry James Potter!!!!!"

The sudden shout of his name made him look up from his book. He looked up to see a really angry Ginny staring at him.

"Yes, Gin. What's the matter?"

"I'll tell you what's the matter. Why did I hear that you haven't gone home once since that day? I've been with the league, thus I couldn't visit more but that in no way gives you an excuse to do this. Haz, you know you gotta. You can't stay here all the time." her voice softening at the last sentence.

"But what if he wakes up and sees that I'm not here. That I've left him just like that when it was my fault that he is here in the first place. What have I done, Gin? I can't even protect him, and.....and....." and he started sobbing hysterically.

She patted her back and made him stop crying gradually. After a lot of pestering and pleading, she persuaded Harry to go back home. She promised that she would be beside Draco all the while he will be gone. Just then, Pansy and Blaise came, upon knowing that Harry was going home, they decided to accompany him.

When they all arrived at Draco and Harry's flat, Pansy asked Harry to sit down for a moment as she had something to tell him, though Harry was a bit suspicious, he was too emotional to say anything.

Sitting down he noticed that there was no dust accumulated anywhere. He raised his eyes at the duo and confirmed his thoughts, their arrival at the hospital wasn't coincidence, they had planned everything and also cleaned the house for him. He smiled inwardly to himself, thinking about how lucky he was to have all of them in his life.

"Haz, we don't know we should or not but all our friends think it is a good idea that we do. Draco had your anniversary gift ready for you but we asked him to not give it to you at midnight as it might have had a adverse effect on your gameplay. We are sorry, Haz. We should have let him, we feel guilty that we didn't."

By the time Pansy finished, both of them had tears in their eyes while Harry looked at them in confusion, he had no idea what in Merlin's beard were they talking about but he gave them time to explain, thinking it was best to not interrupt.

"Draco.....well, he had a customised magic locket made for you. He thought it would be something special and ............ We three made a riddle, we just helped think of the place that it could be hidden but we don't know where though. He wanted you to find it on your own, he didn't trust us with its whereabouts incase we told you while you miserably failed at finding it."

Harry was rendered speechless, he didn't know what to say. Draco always made him do riddles and puzzles for fun, he said it was a way of knowing how much you are invested in finding the thing. He always hid things and made Harry search the whole flat. It was fun sometimes but extremely frustrating when he was running late and Draco hid his robes.

"Do you guys know the riddle? Can you tell me? He always made me do riddles, hiding things which I couldn't work without.", he stated in a soft whisper, not trusting his voice.

"Of course, Haz. It says To find me you need to stop looking and start thinking, I'm where we keep our hearts stacked. The place where you find the stuff  I never like. The place where we kissed goodbye. Though I seriously have no idea where is this, I had suggested that we made it seem in a obvious place as the riddle would suggest but we take the meaning figuratively so that you wouldn't have a clue. He smiled a bit maliciously but denied telling us the hiding place."

"Our hearts are in our body and we sleep on the bed so it might be the bed. But there is nothing he doesn't like in there. He hates doing chores so that basically entails the kitchen, laundry and well, the washroom. What has that got to do with hearts? We kiss at the doorstep whenever one of us goes to work? Wtf Draco! ",

Harry was a bit frustrated but he was nonetheless a bit happy, trying to solve riddles had always been their thing and he refused to dwell on the fact that Draco wasn't beside him this time.  He was lost in thought for several minutes until it all clicked.

"Guys! I found it!"

Both of them looked at Harry in surprise, they didn't think that Harry would be able to solve it in such less time, they hadn't been able to solve it in the last few days, they were amazed to say the least.

Harry lead them towards the kitchen while he explained, "I love having heart shaped cereal, don't ask why. But he hates that stuff and normally gets some coffee in the morning. He hates doing most chores but especially dishes because I make him do it without magic. And that day, we kissed in the kitchen, I don't remember why exactly. So it's somewhere in the kitchen preferably where my cereal is. "

He opened the shelf but was disappointed that there was nothing new in there. He proceeded to open their storage cabinet and gasped, there sat a small box wrapped in silver and golden paper with an envelope on its top. He felt tears form in his eyes, he had no idea for what reason.

He took the whole thing in his hands, twirling it round, admiring the intricate design and thinking about his love. Blaise shook Harry and he realised that they were calling him for quite sometime.

"Harry.......we leave you with it. Please get some decent sleep and a bit of food before you run for the hospital, okay? We will leave you with it alone for now. Don't worry one of us will be with him at all times and we will inform you the instant something-anything happens."

They left Harry, knowing it was a private moment and they shouldn't pry. Harry went to sit on their bed before opening the letter, it simply said Love in an elegant script at the back. He took a deep breath before opening the paper, tears fell from his eyes at the first two letters, it said,

My Angel,

The endearment he called Draco, the one he loved but never showed out front of others. Wiping his tears, he started reading it......

Author's note- Yeah it was an abrupt ending, leaving quite a bit of curiosity behind. What did the letter entail? And stuff like that. I couldn't write that in this chapter, the whole letter would be there in the next chapter. Tell me what you all want in this letter.......

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