Chapter I

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Jaelyn's POV

Tick tock, the wall clock keeps ticking as I lay in my deathbed.

I struggle on the hospital bed. The tubes connected to me are preventing me from moving that much.

My family and friends are coming to say their last remarks to me before I die. My disease has no cure, and by now its at the strongest stage. The disease will attack your spine and your lungs, making you paralyzed and will give you extreme difficulties in breathing. Its already clear to us that miracles are beyond reality in my case.

Last week we asked the doctors to stop my life support. I dont want to suffer anymore and this is the only solution that me and my family can think of.

The clock ticks as I wait for them, my mind pondering what lies in the other side.

What does hell look like? What does heaven look like? Is there a purgatory?

These questions surround my mind ever since I asked my mom to stop my medication.

Nevertheless I will be free from my suffering. I will be free from life and I wont worry anymore.

My life is short, but I couldn't care about it anymore.

My emotions are mixed, I feel scared, contented, worried, sad, happy, free, all of the emotions are inside my head at this moment, but I cant do anything about it now. This is my choice, I choose to die

My thoughts were cut off when I heard the door open.

My mom entered the room with tears in her eyes, my dad followed her along with my closest friends.

They all surrounded me, looking at my fragile body.

"Jaeyn, oh my sweet Jaelyn", my mom managed to utter with short pauses due to her crying.

"Mom, I will be fine" I reassured her

As they heard those words came from my dry throat, tears began falling down from their eyes.

"Jaelyn, we will miss you", sobbed Vivian, one of my close friends. Each of them shared their thoughts and memories with me. From the time I met them and until the end of my journey they stayed by my side and sympathized with me.

My eyes wandered over to my dad. His head is covered by his right hand while the left acts as a support.

"Dad, dont worry" I tried to tell him that im contented with my choice. Instead of calming him my words only made him cry harder.

"Mom, I am thankful to have your name the very first name that came out of my mouth and I hope that you and dad will have a good life even if im gone, dad, please be with mom in every step of the way, please be with her and treat her good just as how you treat me. My friends, even if we are not bound by blood, im honored that we have each other as a family, im glad that all of you are a part of my life, even if I wont move on to another chapter as a living person im still glad that all of you decided to stay with me in my final moments, I love you all, dont let my death break all of you, and even in the afterlife I will keep loving all of you".

I said my last words to them, the door opened and the doctor came in. He escorted my family outside and smiled at me.

His smile is not a smile that you will see on a happy person. Even if his mouth is curved up you can still see that there are no wrinkles on his eye lids. He's faking his smile.

He then reached out for something from his pocket, he took out a syringe that has an anesthesia in it. Im glad that I will have an anaesthesia before my life support will be disconnected.

This is it, this is the end of my book, the end of my life, I never wanted it to end this way, but I was not in control of what will happen, but im sure that theres a new book to be opened, a book about my afterlife, either an eternal suffering, a neverending share of paradise, or something more.

As I feel the anesthesia kick in, my eyelids became heavier, and the last thing I saw is the roof of my hospital room.

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