Chapter II

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Darkness, im surrounded by darkness. My body feels numb and I cant move. I started wondering what will happen. My mind is confused, is this what death feels like? Am I going to stay like this forever?

Im scared of what is happening. I want to scream but my mouth kept shut. Just then I felt a breeze surround me. I cant describe how the breeze felt, its not cold nor hot, or anything at all.

I soon felt myself levitate, and as I did I feel free. I can now move. I opened my eyes.

I looked at myself, I can see through my own body. My body retained the skinny appearance I had as a sick person. I then realized that im wearing a gray gown

The gown is tattered. It looks old, as if its been used for a thousand years. Because of the gray color, it gives off a dull appearance.

My eyes gazed around the room. I saw my family crying beside my dead body. I feel horrified at the sight of my own corpse, but then the horror was replaced by sadness as I look at my family's weeping faces.

I tried to hug all of them but as my arms made contact to their body it phased right through them. Im now a part of the wind, even if I want to touch them, hug them, feel their embrace, my form wont allow it.

I decided to stay and watch as my family weeped beside my physical body. I lamented on the memories that I made while I was alive. My whole life flashed in my mind.

Soon enough the same doctor that placed me to sleep came in with a nurse. They escorted my family outside the room. They covered my body with a white cloth, then placed me into a body transporter and walked out of the room, locking thr door.

People say that when you die the souls of your family members will accompany you. I found myself speculating over that rumor. I waited for any of my dead relatives but nobody came.

I felt lonely. The room grew colder and I feel like everything in this room is slowly coming to life. I am aware that I can phase right through the door but my instincts tell me not to.

I started walking towards the window but as I took a step I heard a familiar voice. "Honey? Jaelyn dear come out now", I heard the voice of my grandma.

I spent my entire childhood with her. I remember watching old cartoons while she cooks. I miss her so much ever since she died when I was 10 years old. Without hesitation I came out of the room with happiness in my heart.

I looked around for grandma yet I can't find her. I walked towards the hallway in hopes that I would meet my grandmother again, yet to no avail she didnt show up.

Just then I heard her voice coming from a door at the end of the halls. "Im hear Jaelyn, nana missed you so much!", the voice exclaimed. I heard grandma's voice yet I sense something ominous with it. I walked towards the door and I hear her voice again, "Yes dear, closer now, let nana see your beautiful eyes". Im near the door at this moment but I stopped walking, something doesn't feel right.

"Remember your favorite song Jaelyn? Lets sing it!  Three blind mice, three blind mice..." she sang. Her voice is now high pitched, too high pitched than I remember. "Grandma? Are you o-" "you arent singing dear!" the voice cut me off. I sang with dread in my voice. The lights flicker as I continue to walk.

"Three blind mice..."

I walked slowly

"Three blind mice..."

Im now in front of the door

"See how they...", she paused

The door opened slowly, revealing a dark room. "G- Grandma?" I looked at the dark room. I felt my feet touch something. The object felt warm and dry, I looked down to see what my feet touched. I stared in horror, its my grandma's head. Her face has a lot of scratches and her lips are curled up into a smile, revealing her crooked teeth with wotms coming out of the spaces between her teeth her black eyes are crying tears of blood.

She stared at me...


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