Chapter 4

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Weaver jumped and stood up instantly drawing out her wand.

"Gonna duel me too??" Judy smirked, because she knew Weaver could hear her, even though Judy was what looked like miles away.

Weaver heard her coming due to her enhanced hearing.

Weaver blinked taking a sharp breath, watching her sister approach her.
"You saw?"

"All of it. Doesn't mean if you don't tell me, I won't find out."

Weaver sighed and sat back down as Judy joined her.

"He is really cute." Judy said petting the kneazle.
Weaver smiled.

"If Soloman would have seen you today, he would have been proud." Judy said.

"I doubt. According to him, I'll never be good enough."

"And as far as I remember Weavie, I told you not to draw attention to yourself." Judy sniggered.

"It just happened. I am sorry but sometimes people do things a little out of order, shit happens." Weaver muttered.

"I knew I couldn't stop you. You were out there becoming the woman our parents were certain you will become. The defender of the weak. But you acted a little liberal. And again I am not surprised. You have never been a follower of orders."

"Liberals are stalwart defenders of civil liberties- provided we are only talking about criminals. But Good you mentioned it." Weaver smirked, obtaining a kick on the shin.

"You have to know what you stand for, not just what you stand against. I didn't just defend him because he needed to be defended, I knew what I was standing for and not just what I was standing against." Weaver stated.

"And that's all that matters. That's what mother wanted us to be.
The Defenders. She wanted us to use our gifts for the greater good. And that's what you did. I'm proud." Judy smiled ruffling her hair.

"I could have exposed us and you are telling me that you have nothing to say?"

"You could have simply taught him a lesson by changing his mindset. I believe you have powers to do that. All you had to was think and do."

"I didn't think of that." Weaver admitted truthfully.

"That...... was obvious. Instead of gathering so much attention, all you had to do was twirl your fingers." Judy said.

"Slipped off my mind." Weaver said irritably. "Sorry, I am not perfect."

"Be who you are suppossed to be and you will set the world on fire." Judy said.

"Yeah you mean burn it down don't you??" Weaver muttered staring at a hut in a distance.

"You know what I mean."

"Mother told us to be strong. But sometimes I feel I am being a coward. Running away from people like I just did a few moments ago.
She wanted me to be a strong woman. An enduring woman. The guiding light.
But I still haven't lived upto it. I don't think I ever will. Because whatever mother thought I was.... I am not. Because I am not as strong as she was. I always run away. I don't fight." Weaver expelled.

"You don't fight because you know you'll win Weavie. Like you just did. You won." Judy said gently.

"You know I am not talking about this fight."

"I know. But still."

"It's complicated." Weaver sighed, laying down on the grass as the kneazle rested on her stomach.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2020 ⏰

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