Chapter 32

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Once we are at the location it's huge. It's like a frickin castle. Sully pulls up out of sight. He passes me a gun and I shove it down the back of my jeans and he does the same with his. He passes me a knife and I grin, this is a psycho weapon. I slide it into my boot and we get out the car.
We hide in the bushes whilst watching the huge house for over half an hour. "Get me in that window and I'll let you in the side door?"
"No, you can't go in there alone." I make a run for the window, this is the only way I can see to get in. Once I reach the window I peek in to make sure it's clear. Sully is watching my back behind me.
"You'll have to keep Hero quiet whilst I go through." I lift my leg for him to push me up. I look at him and he's thinking and then he mutters to himself. He kisses me before he pushes me up. I fit easily through the window.
"Be careful," he whispers. Yeah, yeah. I hear Hero whining this will have to be quick then. I trip over in the house, "you okay?"
"Yes," I call back trying to keep my voice down. I get up and I make my way to the door. It's all quiet so far. Once the door is in view there is a security guard. Ahh, crap, he's seen me. I walk confidently towards him.
"Who are you? How did you get in?" I flutter my eyelashes at him and I continue walking towards him.
"It's your lucky day." I grin and once I reach him I bend down and grab my knife keeping it hidden. I put my hand on his stomach and put my lips to his ear, "The boss sent me to reward you."
"He did? I guess it is my lucky day." I put my hand on his mouth and I stab him with my knife in the side and my hand muffles his scream. He falls to the floor and I kick him in the head knocking him out. I bend down returning my knife in my boot. I unlock the door and Sully sighs with relief.
"Fucking hell, I thought something happened to you." I shrug, he puts his forehead on mine. He looks at the guy on the floor, "You did that?" I smile and he kisses my head. "Get your gun out." I do as he asks.
"Guard, Hero." Hero stands between Sully and I and he is on guard. We search each room at a time. There's no one around unless they already know we are here. In the next room are computer screens. I check them out and we see Nim tied to a chair in the basement. I check all the screens and the guards seem to all be protecting the bedroom.
That seems odd if Nim is in the basement. "Come on, in the basement," Sully says. I check the systems, something doesn't add up.
"I'll catch you up. I just need to check something." Sully nods and makes his way to the basement. I look closer at the basement and it's glitching. I press a few buttons and another image appears. The basement shows an empty chair, where is she then? I click a few more buttons and the bedroom shows Nim tied up to a chair in the bedroom. I grab my gun and run up the stairs.
I hope Sully isn't going into a trap. The basement did look clear, I peek my head around the corner and I shoot the guards down. Who put a silencer on here? I walk towards the guards and continue shooting. They all drop like flies and once I reach the bedroom door I kick it open. In front of the door is a huge bed and in front of the bed is Nim tied and gagged to a chair.
Nim screams at me through her gag. She's so beautiful with her long brown hair. Blue eyes like Sully's. She has a shaved bit of her head by her ear. It seems to be the current fashion. I look around the room and I can't see Rio. I release her gag, "You need to get out of here. Save yourself, he broke my leg."
"It's okay, I came to save you. I'm here with your brother." She looks shocked.
"Fi is here? Oh god, he needs to leave." Fi? At least she doesn't call him Lucifer.
"This is what we do Nim, we got this." I feel an arm around me and I start elbowing him in the side. He lifts me off the floor from behind and I continue to fight him.
"What have we here? How did a pretty girl like you get into my house full of guards and make it here alive?"
"I'm resourceful. Let me go before you regret it," he lets me go and I fall to the floor. He bends down and clasps my throat with his hand. My gun clatters to the ground when he picks me up by my throat.

Hero starts growling but he waits for my command. I can't breathe, "Well, you are pretty. You came here to save the girl so maybe you want to trade places with her." he releases me before I lose consciousness.
"Rio, I know what you are doing. You lost your family, you need to feel loved again. This is your way of connecting with someone. I've felt that before, this is the wrong way to do it."
"How would you know how I feel? You don't know me." I put my hands on my knees trying to catch my breath.
"I can see things, I feel what others feel. I know things before others do. Look, she's innocent, this isn't going to fix the empty hole inside you."
"Maybe you are more compatible with me than she is. I'll offer you a lot of money if you do this. Maybe if it's consensual it will mean more."
"I can't do that and I already have all the money I need. I came to save her, she's family," he comes closer to me pinning me against the wall.
"Hero, attack." Hero snarls and starts biting Rio and he screams. I grab my knife and I stab his arm. I elbow him hard in the face and I knock him out. How long will he be knocked out for?
Hero stops attacking on my command and I walk away from Rio on the floor. I collapse next to the bed and Hero lays in front of me. "Are you okay?" Nim says.
"Yeah," I say exhausted. "Your brother will be here in a sec. He will save you." I'm surprised Sully has taken this long to be quite honest.
"Why can't you get me out of here? He won't be out long." I shut my eyes. I saved her, I just can't move anymore after all that fighting.
I hear fast footsteps out in the corridor, "Nim!" Sully shouts. Oh thank god, mission accomplished. "Nim, you okay?"
"Yeah, this girl saved me."
"Where did she go?"
"She collapsed over there."
"Emmie?" I mutter to him and I feel his hands on my face. I don't open my eyes though, "Emmie, fuck sake, are you okay?"
"I'm fine, you need to go. Get Nim out of here, she's broken her leg. She'll need to be carried out."
"I'm not leaving you, are you crazy?" I push him away from me.
"She needs you, Sully. I saved her now you have to do the rest. You can't save us both. I just need to rest for a bit. Go!"
He kisses me and he removes his hands from me, I hear his footprints down the corridor. I sag with relief, we did it. I crawl underneath the bed and call Hero to lay in front of me. I rest my head on his neck and I shut my eyes.
Did I know how this was going to play out all along? I dreamt this was going to happen. I didn't think it would come true though, I drift asleep.
I feel an arm pull me from out under the bed and Sully is looking down at me. I smile at him and I shut my eyes again, "Thank god Emmie. I thought someone got to you."
I look at the floor and he's not there. "Where is he?" Sully looks down at me confused.
"What do you mean where is he?"
"I knocked him out, I didn't want to kill him. He's gone." He picks me up from the floor.
"Oh, christ sake. Can you shoot straight if I carry you?" he gives me his gun and I try keep my eyes open. He heads down the corridor.
"Where is Nim?" I hold the gun out in case Rio appears.
"In the car," we turn a corner and Rio appears and hits us with a baseball bat. We fly onto the floor and I roll and the gun slides across the floor. I hold my head, it really hurts. I look at Sully and he's out cold on the floor. I try pulling myself across the floor to the gun. Rio walks over to me holding his arm and puts his foot on my back.
He climbs on top of me and flips me over. I glance at Sully and he's coming around. Rio grabs my jaw and I try push him off me. Hero snarls at Rio, "You have caused me a lot of trouble little girl." I spit at him and he curses. I just need to stall him until Sully can get the gun. Rio backhands me and I glare at him. "Brave, maybe we will get on well."
"You aren't going to get the chance arsehole." We both look at Sully and he pulls the trigger. Blood splatters on my face and I rest my head on the floor. Sully pushes him off me and picks me up again. "You okay love?" I shut my eyes.
"I'm always okay with you," he carries me out of the building and I feel the sun on my face. I hear him opening the car door and he puts me on the back seat. I feel Hero and the door shuts.
"Fi, is she okay? Who is she?" Sully starts the car and the car screeches as he drives off.
"She's fine Nim. I should never have brought her with me. Although I wouldn't have known you were in the bedroom. She saved you not me. She's well, it's hard to explain."
"She said she was my family, what does that mean? Is she your wife?"
"No, she's married to Damon. She's my family, so I guess she sees you as family because you are my sister. She's my best friend."
"Damon as in Damon Rider who I used to have a crush on?" Sully laughs. "You still friends with him?"
"Yeah, he's like a brother to me. Even though he's a pain in the ass most of the time."
"Same Damon I remember." Hmm, I don't know if I like that she knew Damon and she had a crush on him. "Is she okay though? Was she hurt? Why do you keep looking at her? Wait, you love this girl."
"Like I said she's sick Nim. As in really sick she gets exhausted quickly. Yes, Nim, I love her it's no secret."
"Does she not feel the same way Fi? Why would you do so much for her and get hurt like this? Where is Damon if she's here? Wait, she must care about you if she risked her life to save me."
"Look it's complicated Nim, she loves me just not the way I want her to. I will do anything for her and if this is the price I have to pay then so be it. She has the kindest heart, if you need her she will sacrifice herself to help you. Damon is being typical Damon, he's being stubborn. He got back with Alex because she has Cancer."
"Alex is alive? Since when? You say she's sick though? If Damon married her she must have changed something in him. He never wanted to marry Alex."
"We found out she was alive a few years after we thought she died. Exactly that's why I say he's being stubborn. Emmie and Damon were made for each other, for Emmie, it will only be him. She's waiting for him to come back to her. She has had bad past Nim. She's hanging on to him when he doesn't deserve it."
"She's a fool, she's letting him walk all over her. He chose someone else over her. He cheated, it doesn't get any worse."
"Watch it Fi. I don't want to give away too much as she hates it. She can't handle people touching her. It's like she's in pain but Damon makes her feel more. He's always been able to touch her without causing pain. She doesn't trust easily yet he fixes her. She could never be with anyone else, so it's him or no one. She forgives too easily, she loves ten times harder."
"Okay, I guess I kind of understand. Kind of, he's always been an ass." I smile to myself. I'm cold, really cold. I start to shiver.
Sully pulls up and cuts the engine. "Emmie, I'll come back for you. I promise." I don't bother answering.
"She's awake?"
"Yes," I don't know how he knew I was awake. I guess he knows me well. "Come on then Sis. Up you get." The door shuts and I'm alone again. I really am cold. I try opening my eyes and we are at the hospital. Maybe Lucas is working, I sit up and hold my side. I hurt, I guess he took Nim here for her broken leg.
I open my door and Hero jumps out. I slide out the car and I fall flat on my face. Damn it, "Miss, are you okay?" he comes towards me and Hero growls.
"Yes, I'm okay. Just tired, please don't touch me." I push myself up the best I can. I grab onto Hero's harness and I use him to pull myself up.
"Okay, can I get someone to help you?" I shake my head and Hero takes me towards the hospital building.
"My friend will be coming out soon." I ignore him and I fall again.
"Please, let me help you."
"No. I can manage." I start crawling towards the building but it hurts. I curl up on the floor, "I just need a nap," he comes towards me again and Hero snarls at him.
"Emmie, what the hell are you doing?" Sully calls to me. He picks me up when he reaches me and I curl up into his neck.
"Is she okay? She fell out the car, I tried to help her but she refused. She fell again and said she needed a nap. I couldn't just leave her."
"Thanks mate, I'm here now." Sully starts walking, "Emmie, I said I was coming back for you. You've hurt yourself."
"I wanted to see Lucas but I couldn't make it. I'm so tired," I mumble.
"Dog's aren't allowed in here, sir. It's a hospital."
"Page Doctor Grey he will allow it. It's her service dog." Sully continues to my room or so I assume. He lowers me onto the bed and I cling onto him. "Shh, I'm not going anywhere." he prizes my hands off his shirt. He places the covers over me and he holds my hand.
I don't open my eyes, "Emmie?" Lucas says. "What happened?"
"My sister was missing, she's in with a broken leg. Emmie insisted on being my back up. I should have forced her to stay at home but I couldn't have saved her without Emmie. She's exhausted that's all. She fought the guy so she may be bruised. Then she fell out the car."
"That's the last thing she should be doing. She could have a seizure or heart failure. Emmie, I need to assess you okay?" I raise my free hand and give him a thumbs up.
"I know okay, it's hard to get Emmie to do something she doesn't want to," Lucas removes the covers and I shake. "Can you get Nim sent into this room too. I can't leave Emmie and I want to know Nim is okay."
"I can do that. When did you have a sister? Where is Damon? He will flip out."
"No, don't tell Damon," I mutter. "It's not his business anymore and he will only be angry."
"Are you still separated?" I grunt in response. Lucas makes his examinations and I continue to shake. "Okay Emmie, you need stitches on your face. Your ribs are bruised and I'm going to put you on an IV drip. You need rest, Emmie."
"Yeah yeah, story of my life. I need the bathroom."
"Difficult as ever, once you go to the bathroom I am strapping you to the damn bed."
I open my eyes, "Lucas, can you check Sully's head. He got knocked out, I need to know he's okay."
"You got knocked out?" he looks at Sully and he shrugs. Lucas looks back at me, "Yes Emmie, I'll thoroughly check him out once you're sorted. I smile, thank you. Sully releases my hand and picks me up. He takes me to the bathroom and he sets me on my feet. Sully leaves the bathroom and he shuts the door.
I go to the loo and wash my hands. I wash my face, I have blood splattered on my face. No this won't do. I strip and head into the shower. I sit on the floor and rest my body on the wall I try to wash the blood and the dirt off me, I hang my arm out the shower again, "Emmie," Sully calls through the door. "Why is the shower on?" I didn't lock the door and I guess Sully has seen me naked enough times.
The door opens and he comes in, he locks the door behind him and he makes his way to me and turns the shower off. He pulls me to my feet and wraps me in a towel. He helps me dry myself and get back into my clothes. Once I'm ready he picks me up again and takes me back into my room. When I'm placed on the bed I notice Nim is sit up in a bed next to me.
"Thanks for saving me, you look really sick. How sick are you?" I lay on my side facing her. I try keeping my eyes open.
"I have cancer. I've had it before, I wouldn't look so bad or feel so bad but I push myself too much instead of resting." I smile and shut my eyes. Sully pulls the covers over me. Lucas enters the room and starts my drip before stitching up my face.
"Isn't that weird that you both have cancer?"
"Too much of a coincidence more like," I mutter. I hear the door open and I open my eyes Sully's parent's walk in.
"Nimue, I'm so glad you are okay. We are so sorry." Nim rolls her eyes.
"Mom, calm down. I'm fine." Faith looks at me and she gasps.
"Emmie, look at you. Were you hurt?" She makes her way to me so she's inbetween Nim and me.
"No, I wasn't hurt. I told you, I'm sick, I overdid it."
"Mom, she saved me." Faith goes to stroke my forehead and I let her but close my eyes to block it out.
"Thank you, dear. How can I ever repay you?" Lucas finishes and he looks at Sully and I grab Sully's hand.
"Emmie, I need to take him for tests as you asked." Sully presses the button to put my bed in an upright position. I move onto my back and he sits on the bed. Sully slides his hands on my face and we stare into each other's eyes. He leans in and kisses me and I return the kiss. I feel everyone watching us but I don't care.
"I won't be long, I promise. You're safe," he says when he removes his lips from mine. I open my eyes and he kisses my forehead. I watch him leave the room and I shut my eyes again.
"How can you lead my brother on like that? I'm grateful you saved my life and you had his back but we both know he's at your disposal." I open my eyes and a tear falls from my eye.
"Nimue, that's not fair." Faith scolds.
"It's okay, I know I deserve that. Sully is my best friend, you see I was sexually abused by my father. I can't handle touch from anyone, except Damon my husband. Damon made me feel safe like home the moment I met him. I knew he was the one, undoubtedly even now when he hurts me like this. And then there is Sully, he took a bullet for me many years ago. I feel so safe with him too. I suffered a breakdown when Damon was missing. Sully was the only one who could calm me.
"You see, I can fall asleep with Damon with me anywhere anytime. He keeps my nightmares away and then Sully I feel safe to fall asleep but he can't keep my terrors away. It took me a while to let him comfort me. It's taken a long time to get where we are, I've been honest with Sully every step of the way. He makes me feel so safe after everything that has happened in my life and I grab it with both hands. He can touch me now but it's not the same as Damon. I feel somewhat normal with Sully. It's no excuse I know, I've tried pushing him away but he doesn't leave. I don't normally let him so close but whilst I'm separated it's been nice. Damn it, I'm not explaining myself very well."
"No, I understand. You've had a bad past and my brother makes you feel safe. There is no harm in that but you are going to hurt him. He loves you."
"That's the last thing I want. I would sacrifice myself before I did that. He hurts I hurt. I love him so much which is why this is hard for me too. I wish so much that I could be normal and be made for Sully. He's never hurt me, he's perfect. I'm just fucked up, I'm not normal." I shut my eyes and I turn over so my back is to them.
"Hey, don't get me wrong I approve of you. You must be special if you've captured his heart like this."
"You shouldn't approve, I'm nothing special. I always try pushing them away but they never leave." I mutter.
"Nimue? I'm here to put your cast on." I don't recognise the voice of the male doctor and I don't like it. Where is Sully? Tears fall from my face and I slide my legs over the bed away from them. I pull my IV out and I slowly lower myself off the bed. Once my feet are on the floor Hero jumps to his feet and I hold his harness.
I start walking towards the door, "I didn't mean to upset you." Nim says sincerely.
"I know, don't worry. I deserve it, I need some fresh air."
"Emmie, the Doctor said you need rest." Faith insists, my legs wobble but I keep moving. I make my way to the door and I open it. I don't reply to her and I leave the room. I scan the corridor before I head towards the exit. My legs give way and I fall against the wall before I fall onto the floor.
"Emmie, what the hell?" Sully strokes my face before he scoops me up. I look at him and he frowns, "Have you been crying love?"
I wipe my eyes, "No. How is your head?"
"Why are you out of bed? My heads fine, Lucas gave me the all-clear." I smile that he's okay. "Let's get you back into bed."
"I needed fresh air. No matter what I say they don't approve, I understand I do. I'd be the same if I saw someone doing this to you."
"It's none of their fucking business what we are Emmie. You are my family, love," he carries me back to my room and all eyes are on me.
"Emmie, please. I didn't mean to upset you." Nim says. Sully places me on the bed and tucks me in.
"Emmie has enough self-hate inside her without you adding to her guilt. She means everything to me. I wanted you of all people Nim to like her instead you make her upset."
"Fi, calm down. I said I was sorry okay? I like her I do but I'll kill her if she hurts you it's my job."
"Calm down? Are you serious?" Sully shouts, man his family do get under his skin. "Emmie is the kindest person you'll ever meet. How could you do this to me?"
"Son, she's being a protective sister. You need to calm down, okay?" she touches his arm and he pulls away from her and he storms around the room. I only ever saw him like this yesterday when Nim was missing.
"Here we go. I haven't missed this." Nim sits back in the bed. I slide out of bed and carefully walk over to Sully so I don't fall. I wrap my arms around him and he stops and tenses. I rest my head on his chest, "Emmie, careful." Nim warns. Why do they think he will hurt me?
"Sully would never hurt me." I take a deepbreath and my legs wobble again. Sully sighs and wraps his arms around me. "Sully, I'm here."
"I'm sorry, they make me so angry. I see red around them," his breathing settles and he kisses my head.
"Don't be sorry, I'm just glad I can help," he picks me up and he places me on the bed but this time he lays next to me. I curl up onto his chest and he pulls the covers over me.
"Umm, I haven't seen you calm down that quick before." I place my cold hands under Sully's shirt and he flinches. I hear shouting in the hallway and I groan.
"You told him?" I don't open my eyes I just continue to try rest like I'm supposed to.
The door slams open and I wait for the fury if they thought Sully has anger issues just wait for Damon. "What the fuck happened?"
"Damon, calm down okay? I'm fine," he overreacts.
"Fine, you're in hospital Emmie? How are you fucking fine? Why weren't you looking after her bro?"
"Damon Rider, you haven't changed one bit," Nim says.
"Nim? What are you doing here? Wait, why are your parents here? Can you get your hands off my wife?"
"Damon, calm down." I scold he's so angry.
"Calm down? My wife has been admitted into hospital. I don't understand what's going on here." Hero jumps on the bed and starts growling at Damon.
"Bro, I got a call from my parents yesterday to say my sister was missing. Emmie came with me. You know what she's like. I needed my best friend all those memories, Bro. I had to save my sister. Dyno got me a location today and Emmie insisted on coming with me. I never would have saved her by myself. Emmie took down the guy but it wore her out. She couldn't even stand bro. I had to get Nim out of there, the fucker broke her leg. Emmie hid under the bed and lucky she did because she only took him down she didn't want to kill him.

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