Chapter 36

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When I wake I'm lying on Sully's back. My head resting on the middle of his back. My body is mostly on half of his body. I don't know how I ended up sleeping on him like this but I'm comfy. I trace my fingers across his shoulder blades and down him muscley back and down to his ass and he groans.
"You okay, love?" he mumbles sleepily.
"Hmm..." I respond. Sully shifts his weight and turns over so we are both on our sides looking at each other.
"We should get up before Damon comes in."
"Hmm..." Sully grins and grabs my right leg and pulls it over his waist and pulls me closer. He slides his hand from my knee to my ass.
"So many perks waking up next to you." I smile shyly and he nuzzles my nose with his. "You're so cute when you're sleepy," he tugs at my bottom lip with his teeth and a groan escapes my throat. "I think you need a shower to wake you up, love," he pulls me on top of him and starts to kiss me urgently and he lifts me off the bed and takes me into the bathroom.
When we emerge from the bathroom I dress in sweats. I'm going to need to change before we go and I wonder how long we will be gone. I insist on walking downstairs but Sully walks closely behind me in case I do fall but I generally don't anymore. When I reach the bottom step I see Damon sat on the sofa.
I head to the kitchen to feed Hero. I walk to the back door and I slide it open and sit on the deck chair. I look at Damon and Sully sat on the sofa and they look at me now and again talking to each other. I watch Hero roaming the garden, he really does need to be a dog more often. I head into the kitchen and start cooking breakfast.
"The hell do you think you're doing Emmie?" Damon growls.
"Damon, I can make breakfast for my family."
"I really don't know why the Doc wastes his breath telling you to rest because you never do."
"What kind of mother am I if I can't cook my family breakfast. As long as I'm supervised who cares?"
"Emmie, you're a brilliant Mom. The op wasn't a cure Emmie, you start chemo soon and you'll start to get sick again. You need to rest up in preparation."
"What do you care anyway," I mutter to myself. I feel him behind me and I jump.
"I care, Emmie, more than you know."
"Funny way of showing it sometimes." I shrug and keep my back to him whilst cooking breakfast.
"I know baby, I know. I miss you," I sense him behind me really close. His nose nuzzles in my hair and I hold my breath. I try to block him out, not from fear or pain but this connection is more overwhelming than it's ever been. I feel like I'm a recovering addict and he's the drug tempting me. I feel like it's been so long without my fix and I am blinded by temptation.
Tears slide down my face. This is so hard, I love him so close but at the same time, it's torture. I suck in a strangled breath it almost sounds like a sob. I smell him around me and I am captured in his spell and I fear that if he pushed me I'd succumb to his advances. I'd say yes and I know I don't want that not when he's with Alex.
"Daddy?" Lilly calls from the stairs and he moves away from me and I grasp the counter and I sag with relief. I let out a huge breath.
"Yes, princess." Damon makes his way to the stairs.
"Emmie?" Sully says and makes me turn towards him. He frowns when he sees my face. "What's wrong, love?"
"It hurts having him so close." Sully wipes away my tears and I turn back to cooking. He puts his arms around my waist and he rests his chin on my shoulder.
"Smells good, love. You smell good," he kisses my neck and rests his chin again. I continue to cook dinner and Sully sets the dining table ready. 30 minutes or so I've finished serving breakfast.
We sit down at the table and I look at my family around the table and I smile. I break up some bacon for Hero and he scoffs it down. He lays on my feet and I feel comfortable with Damon at the far end of the table. Caleb and Sully have sat either side of me. We all tuck in and talk comfortably over breakfast.
Damon said we will be staying at least overnight so I said I'd text Danny to have a meal another night but he's watching the kids for me. I've packed a suitcase of all the things I may need. I've put on the dress that Lexi made me buy. It's a little out of my comfort zone but it's going to do the job and I've put on more weight so it doesn't hang off me like it once would. It hugs my curves perfectly. It's a black low cut dress, covers my breasts but there is a gap that goes down the front of the dress. The dress covers my belly button and I have to wear it without a bra due to how open it is.
The whole of my back is open and the dress only covers my ass and a little bit of my legs. It's a tad short but I've got this. "Sully!" I call from my bedroom. My long curls hang over my breasts and my makeup has been applied. I've put on strappy high heels and the straps wrap up to my mid-calf. I sit up with my legs on display on the bed when Sully enters the room.
"Holy fuck," Sully stops in the doorway once he's gathered himself he shuts the door behind him and he walks towards me with his eyes fixed on me. "Definitely glad it's you on this mission with me. You look drop-dead gorgeous." he crawls towards me on the bed and I lift my leg so my shoe is resting on his shoulder.
He grabs my ankle that's in the air and he kisses the inside of my leg and trails up. "Do you approve?"
"Approve? Emmie, you look amazing. You'll be sending this leader wild dressing like this," he ends up on top of me and we are nose to nose. He grabs my face hastily and kisses me, he's demanding and his tongue teases mine. "Fuck..." he gets off me and holds his hand out to me. "We need to leave before I keep you here." I giggle and I place my hand in his and he helps me off the bed. He grabs my case and I clutch his arm with my other hand so I don't fall. I love wearing heels but I need to be careful at the moment. When we reach the top of the stairs Danny and Lexi look at us. Damon has his back to us talking to them. We walk down the stairs and Lexi's mouth drops open.
"I'm so glad I made you buy that dress, Emmie. You look amazing," Lexi squeals. Damon turns around and he stares at me. When I'm firmly on the ground floor Damon grabs my arm and pulls me away from Sully and into the kitchen.
"Nope, not happening. Why would you wear this Emmie? If it's to make me jealous it's fucking working."
"Lexi made me buy it, Damon. I think this guy will like it. I didn't do it to make you jealous Damon. I'm doing this for a mission. Do you not like it?"
"Emmie you look bloody beautiful but I don't like others seeing so much of you. You won't let me touch you and I really fucking want to right now."
"What does Alex think of you wanting me? You want me right now and you don't know how you can stop yourself. But you choose Alex..."
"Who gives a fuck what she thinks Emmie? You're my wife and I want you right here, right now," he doesn't respect other women. He's never spoken to me so coldly as he does with others that's why I don't understand.
He's so close to my ear and I can't concentrate, "I care, Damon, I know what it's like for your other half to want someone else. You've put this wedge between us. I want you to touch me, I want you to take me to bed but it's tiresome you know? You say you want me so much but Alex is always between us."
"I do baby, you are calling me like a fucking sirens call right now. Say's all you have to do baby," I suck in a breath full of air. "I hate that I need your permission because your body is saying yes. You want me, I know you do. Stop thinking so much baby."
"Are we ready?" Sully says behind me and Damon withdraws from me.
"Bro? Really, we were in the middle of something."
"I'm ready," I smile and turn my back on Damon and I slide my hand in Sully's and Damon curses. Sully leads me to the car and I slide in the back with Hero. Damon drives and Sully sits in the front. I feel so bad for Sully, I nearly caved and Damon knows it. Everything about Damon draws me in and I can't help it. My head goes blank and my body responds to him and he knows my body better than I do.
I bring my knees to my chest and I look at Sully, I'm so glad he interrupted us. My brain is rational but sometimes it doesn't stop my heart and my body where Damon is concerned. This is what I mean about Sully, he makes me feel normal. I'm thinking with my brain and my heart, he can't pressure me into anything. It's easy, it's not so intense that I'm made to do irrational things. Sully looks at me in the rearview mirror and smiles at me.
I half-heartedly smile in response but I feel so guilty. I wanted more from Sully but I nearly slipped. I nearly took my drug. He frowns at me and I want to be alone with him so he can hold me and tell me it's okay. We continue to look at each other whilst Damon drives towards the location. "Emmie, if we do this you need to promise you'll follow orders. I hate that I'm putting you in there as it is," Damon says bringing me out of my troubled thoughts.
"I wasn't letting Lara do it." I glare at Damon in the mirror, "I guess if I hadn't killed her it would be Ellie right?" I look out the window in frustration.
"Why do you see red when these two are concerned? They are good at what they do, or was in Ellie's case."
"Because it hurts me, Damon. They all took something from me, a part of you and I don't want to repeat that pain." Why doesn't he get that I'm insecure? I guess he is part of the reason why I feel this way.
"Nothing would have happened, Emmie. It didn't matter who it was," Sully says. I continue to hug my knees whilst I look out the window.
"How many times..." I say quietly. Do I really want to know?
"How many times what, love?" Sully asks.
"How many times did Damon go undercover whilst with me?" I don't look at them because I think it will hurt me. Sully doesn't answer me.
"Emmie, it didn't mean anything so what does it matter?"
"It matters because you would have been kissing someone that's not me behind my back. Whether it meant something to you or not, it means something to me."
"Emmie... I don't want to argue about this. It's my job Emmie, sometimes I need to go in to protect my staff. What if I was an actor and kissed other people, would you still be mad then?"
"Now you don't want to argue..." Damon pulls up in the hotel car park next to a black van. No one answers me but I guess I didn't answer his question either. I slide out of the car and Damon slides the side door open of the black van.
"Get in Emmie." I walk towards the van and Dyno holds his hand out to me to help me up and I take it. He sits me in the back of the van and I take in the surroundings. There are monitors in here I guess they will be watching from here.
Sully comes towards me and kneels in front of me. He shows me a strap with a knife attached and I grin. He hitches my dress up my leg to fasten it around the top of my thigh. Once it's in place then he slides the dress over the weapon of my choice. Sully uses my knees to get up and Damon takes his place.
Damon slides an earpiece in my ear. Too close to me, I feel his breath on my face and he has his fingers holding my hair back. Why does he do this? I know somewhat he can't help it but does he not see the pain he is causing me? "Be safe, baby. I don't want to lose you," I suck in a breath full of air.
"I'll be fine Damon." I push his hand away from me and he clasps a necklace around my neck.
"Camera so I can protect you if needed. You only have to say and I'll get you out of there," I nod, I know he will.
"Okay, I have the comms up. All is working Boss," Dyno says. Damon grabs my hand and gets me to my feet even though I still need to bend down in here as the roof isn't that high.
"Remember we need info of the location of his safe house," I roll my eyes, yes I know. I'm out the van and Sully slides his hand through mine. He's already got my suitcase in his other hand and we make our way to the hotel. I look back at Damon who's still watching us.
When we reach the reception we wait for the lady to look up, "Booking under Dali." I look at Sully confused.
"Of course, I hope you both enjoy your stay. Room 303 here's your key card sir. Is there anything else I can get for you?" I roll my eyes, even Sully get's admired from others. It's tiring, I reach up and kiss the corner of Sully's mouth and the woman blushes.
"Bottle of chilled white wine would be great," I half-heartedly smile at her and she gets flustered.
"Sure, Maam," Sully looks down at me in surprise and he leads me to the elevator. He presses the call button.
"Hmm, what was that?" I lightly rest my body against the elevator doors and look at him.
"I don't know what you mean. I'm playing the game, claiming what's mine. I'm not the type to let her drool all over my husband." I shrug and the doors ping open. I walk into the elevator backwards keeping my eyes on him at all times.
He follows me in keeping his eyes on me too. Our connection is building and he pins me against the back of the wall. "Don't fucking do anything whilst we are watching. For fuck sake." I hear Damon through my earpiece and I groan. I forgot he was there and Sully pulls away from me.
I try to contain my breathing and the door pings open and we walk out of the elevator. Sully leads us to our room and he uses the key card to open the door. I walk to the bed and I collapse on it and spread my arms and legs out. "No time for messing around Emmie. The guy is in the casino room in the hotel. I'm watching him on the CCTV."
"Calm down Damon. We got this," I look at Sully and he takes my hand. Someone knocks on the door and Sully lets them in. The guy brings us a wine bottle on ice and I smile. I walk to him and I grab the bottle and open it. I place the bottle on my lips and I take a large gulp of wine.
"Emmie, enough. You can leave now," Sully growls. The guy blushes and heads out the room. Sully lets the door slam. "You have no idea, do you? You disarm people without knowing it." I didn't do anything. Sully prizes the bottle from my hand and takes a swig before placing on the table. He kisses me briefly and I hear Damon in my ear cursing. Man, because that isn't awkward.
Sully slides his hand in mine and we head out the room and back into the elevator. "Sully, you know what he looks like. Remember his name is Zane Moore," he doesn't give me any more information to go on so I'm technically going in blind.
When the elevator reaches the ground floor we find the casino room and we head to the bar. Sully orders our drinks and I look around the room. "Emmie, the guy sat on the plush seats sat at the end of the table. Wearing a blue shirt, black hair," Damon says.
"Okay," I look back at Sully and he passes my drink. I make my way to this Zane guy. I slide into the seat next to him and Sully sits next to me. I sip my drink and I cross my legs. I peek up at Zane and he is watching me.
"What brings you to my hotel?" Zane asks. I bring my glass to my lips.
"Honeymoon. This is your hotel? Maybe you can show me around," I take another sip of my drink and place my glass on the table.
"I'd like that," Sully slides his hand across my neck and I shut my eyes absorbing the touch. He kisses my neck and I open my wanton eyes and look at Zane and he bites his lip.
"Can you get me another drink, baby?" I say to Sully. I've never called Damon or Sully that before and it sounds odd.
"Sure, love. I'll be back," I miss his lips on mine. He gets up and Zane slides closer to me and I want to recoil.
"You are... I don't know the word. You mesmerise me, are you trying to make me jealous of your husband?"
I reach over and put my hand on his leg and he glances at Sully. I feel his key card in his pocket. "Is it working?" I whisper.
"I'm not sure if there is a man on earth that this wouldn't work on." I gently reach his card in his pocket and I kiss his neck to hide the card with my right hand.
"Well, what is your next move?" I challenge him. Sully returns to us and I slide him the key card. He looks at me and slides the card in his pocket.
"If you'll excuse me, I need the bathroom," Sully kisses my lips and leaves us. Oh, please return soon.
"Emmie, keep your cool. You're doing really well, baby," I don't like being alone with this guy.
"Hmm, alone. You want to be my lucky charm?" I have no idea what that means but hey ho. He stands up and holds his hand out to me. I take it and he leads me to the poker table. I don't even know how to play poker. Zane sits down and I perch on his leg. I'm not comfortable here but at least he doesn't put his arms around me. I watch the game and I study their faces.
Zane takes his go, I look at his cards "Raise," he pushes some chips in front of him. I don't understand anything. I look at their faces again.
"Raise," the guy says next to us. Why is he raising?
I lean up to Zane's ear and I whisper, "He's bluffing." I don't understand this game but I know he's faking.
"Fold," I look around the room to see if Sully has returned but he hasn't. I focus on the game at hand again.
"Call," the next person says.
"He's nervous," I whisper to Zane again. He looks down at me and frowns.
"How do you know all of this?"
"No clue how to play this but I can read people very well," I grin and he smiles.
"Hmm, let's see if you're right...Are you really my lucky Charm?" he whispers to me. "Raise 5,000." I swallow in nervousness. Let's hope I'm right or I may land myself in some serious shit.
Sully places his hand on my shoulder and he slides the card back into my hand. I carefully slide the card back into his pocket and Zane grabs my hand and I freeze. "The room was empty," Damon says. "It was a good call baby but we need to try something else."
"Well, what do you know. You are my lucky charm," Zane whispers in my ear I look at the chips and the dealer is pushing them all to Zane. I wasn't paying attention.
"Love," Sully holds his hand out to me and I take it. He wraps his arms around me seductively and I giggle.
"Let me buy you both a drink," Zane says. Zane calls someone over and whispers into their ear and he nods. Zane stands up and offers me his hand. "You have a beautiful wife and she's my lucky charm."
"Yes, I do," Sully agrees and Zane escorts me back to our original table. He clicks his fingers and the barman comes to our table.
"What are you both having? I'll have a brandy."
"Vodka please."
"Beer please," Sully says.
"I'm having a private pool party tomorrow. You should both come." Sully puts his hand on my thigh and I cross my legs. I look at Zane and I cock my head at him. He raises his eyebrow at me, "How do you do that?" he mutters.
"Do what?"
"Dude, you have one special girl there." What is he talking about?
"I know," Sully puts his lips to my ears. "I think I might have to abort love. You may get more information alone. Besides I want to take you to bed right now."
Sully kisses my lips for ages before he pulls away. "If you'll excuse me, I have to take a phone call. I'll be in our suite," he strokes my cheek and he leaves.
I sip my drink when the barman places it on the table, "Does your husband not mind you spending alone time with another man?"
"He trusts me, but I have to say..." I look up at him through my eyelashes, "You are overwhelming me. I haven't felt like this before."
"Shall we take this somewhere more private?"
"I hope you know I won't be sleeping with you."
"All good things are worth waiting for," he shrugs and holds his hand out to me.
"Emmie, don't do it." I don't bother replying to Damon. I'm stronger than I used to be. I wouldn't let him touch me. I'm perfectly safe. I put my hand in his and he takes me to the elevator. He presses the call button and we get in.
I feel very awkward in his company but that's because I'm unsure what to expect. I don't trust him because I don't know him. The doors ping open on the top floor. He takes me with him and he takes out his card and opens his suite. Figures, penthouse. I walk in and look around, this is all too grande for me.
"Well, where were we?" he grabs my face and he kisses me. I push him towards the bed and I push him onto it. I look around the room for inspiration. I find one of his ties and I tie him to the bed. "Okay, not what I expected but I'll roll with it."
I rummage through his draws to find a hotel complimentary eye mask. I slide it on and I sigh with relief. He's at my disposal, I undo his jeans and I pull them off. I rummage through his jeans to find his phone. Man, it's locked of course it is. I walk over to him and I take his finger in my mouth and suck. He pulls against the restraints and I press his thumb against the finger ID on his phone.
I release him and I look through his phone. I find a safehouse location on his email, "Good job baby. Now get out of there, try not to blow your cover." I lock his phone and I put it back in his pocket.
I undo the knot on the tie but he's not fully released. I pull his mask up and I whisper in his ear, "I told you I wouldn't sleep with you. Maybe you'll have more luck tomorrow." Zane laughs and I relax a little bit.
"That you did, I'll wait Lucky." I kiss the corner of his mouth and I move away from him. "You make me so jealous of your husband."
"Until tomorrow, I'll be waiting..." I look at him over my shoulder and I leave the room. I sag with relief. I remove the earpiece and necklace. It's already been too much having Damon this close. I get in the elevator and I sag on the floor. The elevator opens at my floor and Sully walks in and he reaches down and picks me up.
I smile at him and he takes me to our room. "I do hope it's time to peel you out of this dress." Sully drops me on the bed and I bounce. I hand him my earpiece and necklace and he puts them on the table.
"That all depends, are we alone now?" he frowns at me and he crawls between my legs.
"Yes, they will be back tomorrow but they aren't watching us anymore." I rest my head on the bed and I let out a sigh of relief. "Anyone would think you're scared, love."
"Not scared, having him so close hurts me. Having him in my head whilst you're kissing me is...Well, it's not a nice feeling because I only want to think of you when we kiss."
"Do you know how bloody hot you were today? I had so much trouble keeping my hands off you. And well I guess it helped with Zane, he couldn't keep his eyes off you." Sully grabs my ankle and removes my shoe and he kisses my feet and I squirm. He repeats with my other shoe. "So confident, so bold, you had us all in your little spell," he kisses the inside of my leg and I call out. "I can see why Damon was always jealous."
"You have me. I'm here with you and I want you," he grins and crawls over me and he kisses me urgently and he invades my mouth with his tongue. He grabs the bottom of my dress and he pulls it up and I sit up so he can lift it off me. I put my hands over the top button of his shirt and I rip it open revealing his body and buttons fly everywhere.
I slide my hands over his shoulders and slide the shirt off. "Christ," he says breathlessly. I explore his body with my hands but this isn't happening quick enough. All the games and the seduction it's too much.
"I need you," I beg. He undoes his jeans and kicks them off. He makes short work of my panties and he's inside me and I call out. We lose ourselves with each other. I needed Sully in this moment and that scares me. I never felt reliant on him in this way before. How will I ever let him go if I choose Damon? Will Damon ever want to leave Alex? It's too complicated.
Will the pain ever leave if I choose Sully? I like being with Sully but Damon will always be there, I will always be reminded of the pain. When I come round I feel tears in my eyes. Sully is laying his head on my chest looking away from me. I stroke his hair and I hear a low rumble from his throat. I never spent enough time with Damon like this. He was never around enough to be in a bubble-like this.
Sully turns his head so he's looking at me, "What's wrong love?" he reaches up and wipes my tears but he keeps his head on my chest.
"I'm just thinking..." I grab his hand that's wiping my tears, "I'm scared at how much I want you. Whatever choice is made it's going to break me to lose the other."
"Don't think about that now, love. Just enjoy the here and now because that's what I'm doing." I nod and I keep his hand on my cheek. "I could lose you tomorrow and I don't want to think about that. I've lived every day with you like it's my last. I worship the ground you walk on."
"That doesn't make me feel any better big guy. To know how much you would hurt too if I chose Damon." I close my eyes and he shifts his weight so he's on top of me.
"I want you to feel loved and cherished when you are with me. I don't want you feeling unworthy and unwanted with me because I know exactly what I have right in front of me. You think Damon is the only one that cares deeply for you but you mean everything to me. I'm not going to beg you to choose me because it will hurt you but if you did you wouldn't have to beg for my attention because you have it.
"When things get tough I wouldn't hurt you because I'm so angry. I would never choose anyone over you. It wouldn't even be an option. It could be like this every day and for me, it's been the best few weeks of my life but I know it's been your worst. I'd never take you for granted, I love you so much, Emmie."
"It's been the worst time of my life for sure but being with's stopped me from losing myself. You are the light in my life without you I don't know where I would be right now. I love you Sully more than you'll know," his lips find mine again and we get lost again.
"Food time, what do you want love?"
"Mmm, you." I smile at him.
"You have me, love. What do you want or shall I order for you?"
"Surprise me. I'm going to have a bath." I get out of bed and I can feel him watching me. I turn the taps on in the bathroom and put some bubble bath in. I hear Sully on the phone. I climb in the bath whilst it's still filling.
I don't feel exposed with Sully and it took a long time to be able to be like this with Damon. Did Damon fix this scar or am I just more confident these days? I feel so much happier despite the Damon and Alex situation. Sully walks into the bathroom, "Should be here in half an hour. Do you want some alone time?" I frown, Damon never asked me that.
I push forward in the bath giving him room behind me, "Alone time with you," he gets in behind me and he wraps around me, "I want to know more about Charmaine."
"Why Emmie? She's in the past, I didn't love her. What do you want from me?"
"I want to know what she was like. Why weren't you compatible? How did you meet her? How did you know you didn't love her?" I turn the taps off when the bath is full.
"So many questions. She had dark brown hair bright green eyes. She was a strong intelligent woman. She always knew what she wanted. I could spend weeks without thinking about her. When I was with her I was thinking about leaving. I enjoyed the time together but she was more of a friend. She loved me, I thought I loved her but I didn't really know what love was.
"The sex was interesting but we had separate lives and that's the way I wanted it. I cared about her, I didn't want to hurt her. She wanted more, I couldn't give her more. I never told her about the gang and I didn't want her to know. We never spent moments like this, we never wanted that. She always wanted space in the bathroom and I didn't care."
"But she knew Damon?"
"Sure, Damon was my best friend. We'd hang out together. It was easy being with her but I broke it off. I wasn't happy, she wanted to move in together. She suffocated me. I only knew it wasn't love when I fell in love with you. Charmaine was my only long term relationship that's why Damon brought her up."
"Did you have a threesome with her?"
"I wish you never found out about that and no Emmie. Does that answer your questions?"
"No. If you saw her, what would happen? Would she still want you? Are you in contact?"
"You don't trust me and I get it. Damon let you down but I'm not him. I haven't spoken to her in years. I haven't let you down before and I never will. You can count on me." He turns me over so I'm astride him.
"It's hard, Sully. These scars are still so deep. Betrayal is all I see, it's inevitable. I want to trust you, I'm just not sure how. I'm worried how far Damon will go to prove his point. Temptation is a powerful thing."
"Yes, it is love." he grabs my face and pulls me to his lips, "It's only a temptation when it's something you want. I don't want her, I want you. You are more of a temptation than anything on this earth." I kiss him demanding him to love me. He has a way with words and he's not afraid to tell me.
When we come out of the bathroom I stay in my towel and lay in bed. Sully does the same and there's a knock on the door. Sully opens the door and he opens it wide. Sully looks at me and I look at Zane standing in the doorway. "I couldn't wait until tomorrow to see you." I sit up on my elbows. I want to cover myself but the person he met wouldn't do that. He holds up a bikini and some white wine. "I want you to wear this, this way I will find you. 12 pm at the main outdoor pool. I'll put your name Lucky down at the door."
"Let's hope no one else has the same bikini then because they will be one lucky lady." I wink at him and he smiles.
He hands them both to Sully, "Have a drink on me, Lucky," he says to me and he leaves. Sully shuts the door and makes his way to me.
"Luckily this is a job or I'd throttle him for admiring you in front of me. He really is mesmerised by you." I open my towel.
"No need to be jealous Big guy. He doesn't stand a chance," he puts the bikini down and climbs on top of me. He opens the wine and he drinks out the bottle. He gently tips the wine into my mouth. It drips down my face onto my neck.
"It's the same with you and the trust thing. I know you don't want him, I'm still jealous even though I have you right here right now," he laps up the wine that's dripped down my neck. "You are irresistible." Someone knocks at the door and Sully covers me with my towel. He gets up and opens the door. "Thanks, mate. I got it." Sully takes the trolley from the guy and he shuts the door.
I sit up in bed not worrying about the towel. He places the tray on the bed in front of me. He sits next to me and he rips some nan bread and puts some curry on it and offers it to me. I open my mouth and his fingers rest on my lips for a second. I chew the food and he withdraws his hand. We eat curry and drink white wine. I am so relaxed it's unreal. Nothing can stress me out in this little bubble. I'm happy and so is Sully.
When I wake in the morning I am laying on my back and Sully's head is on my chest. We always wake up on top of one another. Sully's phone rings and I retrieve it from the bedside table. It's Damon, "Hello?"
"Baby, where is Sully?"
"He's asleep. What's up?"
"The location was a dud. Do you still have your cover?"
"Yes, Damon. We are seeing him at 12 pm."
"I need to speak to Sully." I slide my hand through Sully's hair.
"I told you he's sleeping. I'll get him to call you when he's awake. What time is it?"
"10 am. It's not like him to still be asleep."
"I don't know what to tell you, Bye Damon." I hang up and I try get comfy again. Sully stirs on me and hugs me tighter. He starts mumbling.
"Don't leave me," Sully mumbles. I haven't heard him talk in his sleep before. "Emmie..." I stroke his head to try comfort him. "Stop..." he screams and I don't want to hear anymore.
"Sully, I'm here. Wake up," Sully jolts awake and he hugs me tighter. "Sully, what's wrong?" he turns his head to look at me. He looks terrified.
"Bad dream," he mutters.
"What was the dream about? It scared me let alone you."
"You aren't the only one with a bad past Emmie. I've somewhat dealt with mine. I rarely get nightmares anymore. Especially when I'm with you," he strokes my cheek but it looks like he's trying to calm himself. "My parents...They thought we were devils. Punishment to try beat the devil out of us. My dream was that you saw the devil inside of me and you wanted to leave me. You watched as she hit me..." Tears fall from my eyes from his pain.
"She hit you as a child because she thought you had the devil in you? If I'd known how badly she treated you I would never...I knew she caused you pain but I didn't think it was physical too. Sully..."
"Emmie, don't cry because of me. It was just a dream."
"Yes, it was a dream because I'd never leave you. I'd kill her if I saw her hurting you. You don't really think you have the devil in you do you?"
"You of all people know how it feels to have something beaten into you growing up," he buries his face in my chest trying to hide.
"Hey, I love you because I see in your heart how kind and caring you are. Whether you acted up as a child or not that's not who you are. You are my Sully who I know is all good."
"You have too much faith in me. I've done some bad things Emmie."
"So have I, Big Guy. No one is perfect and that's okay. Rex, Desmond, Mr D, they are the devils. You are nothing like them." I stroke his cheek and he shifts his weight and pulls me so I'm laying on top of him.
"Enough of this so early. I know what will make me feel better." I giggle and I try fix him like I know I can. Damon fixes me and I can fix Sully. When we finish I have a shower and I shave. If I have to go to this stupid pool party then I need to shave every inch.
When I'm out the shower I wrap myself in a towel, "Sully."
"Yeah, babe?" he calls through the wall. Babe? That's new.
"Damon called when you were asleep. He wants to talk to you." Sully pokes his head around the door.
"Why didn't you wake me?"
"You looked too cute to wake." I giggle and he closes the distance between us and he kisses my neck, "he seemed worried you were still asleep. I think I just wore you out." I grin and he chuckles.
"Maybe you did. I'd better call him back before he goes on a rampage. Did he say anything else?"
"Umm, apparently the location was a dud," I shrug and he frowns. "We still need to keep our cover."
"Fuck sake, do you know how hard it is to keep my cool around that guy?" I graze his bottom lip with my teeth.
"Just one more day Big Guy. You can stake your claim if you need to." I stroke his cheek and he closes his eyes.
"Hmm, I may have to take you up on that," he kisses my forehead and he leaves the bathroom. I follow him into the bedroom and I find the turquoise bikini that ended up on the floor and I hold it up in disgust. "Boss?"
I'm not sure about this...I put it on what little there is of it. Its turquoise material covering my boobs and ass and front of the bottoms but it looks like I'm wearing a suspender with the black straps around my legs. There are matching straps on the bra top too. "Emmie, don't sweat this. You look hot." Sully slides his fingers under the straps on my legs. "The guy bought her a bikini and she doesn't like it."
I rummage around in my case and I find a see-through white crochet dress to go over the top of it. That's much better, "Alright, yes we will put them in now," Sully says. He comes to me and slides in my earpiece.
Sully puts on his necklace that I didn't notice yesterday. I start to feel uneasy again thinking about Damon so close. Sully puts on my necklace and I find my flip flops from the case. I brush my hair and I slide on some sunglasses. I look at Sully and he's in some black swim shorts and I bite my lip. They really make his abs stand out.
"You okay baby?"
"Yeah, I'm good Damon. I've got this."
"I know you do Baby. I just don't know if I have this..."
"What do you mean?"
"It was hard enough to watch you with him yesterday and you had more clothes on." I roll my eyes.
"Damon, nothing is going to happen. You wouldn't worry so much if it was Lara in here. I'm stronger now. I won't let anyone touch me."
"I know, I saw what you did to Zane yesterday. What a lucky guy, I would have given anything to be under your control tied to the bed like that." I screw my face up in pain and Sully frowns at me.
"You ready, love?" I nod. He takes my hand and we head towards the elevator and I notice Sully carrying the towels. Once in the elevator I reach across and touch his abs with my hand and Sully laughs loudly at me.
"What are you laughing at Bro?" Damon says.
"Nothing, just Emmie." I don't move my hand until the doors ping open. Man, this is going to be hard. Sully takes me to the outdoor pool area and there is a bouncer on the door.
"This is a private party, you'll need to use the indoor pool," he grunts.
"I'm on the guest list. I'm sure Zane will be very upset if you turn away his lucky charm," he looks flustered.
"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't realise. In you go," he moves aside so we can go in. It's quieter than I expected and I'm not sure why.
What sort of friends are these? Are they business friends or people from his gang? I look up at Sully, "Something is wrong, Big guy."
"Why do you say that?" Sully says.
"I don't know, I just feel it."
"You made it Lucky. Did you not like the swimwear?" I turn around to see Zane in his blue shorts.
"Of course I did. I was just a bit cold earlier." I grudgingly lift the dress from my body. I feel exposed but try to ignore it.
"Yes, you look amazing," he reaches out to me and he skims the D on my hip with his thumb. It's almost like he knew it was there. "Vodka?" I nod, he remembered. "Beer?" Sully agrees and Zane heads to the bar area.
I turn back to Sully, "Christ, you let her outside like that?" Damon growls.
"It's all part of the act Damon. If I didn't wear it he would be suspicious."
"She looks amazing, bro. I won't tell her what she can and can't wear."
"I'll be back," I mutter and I head to the bar to Zane. I hop up on the bar and sit on it. "Thank you for the outfit, my husband was a bit miffed, to say the least."
Zane edges closer to me between my legs, "I could tell, you looked stunning on the bed in your towel last night. The way you left me... I don't think I've ever been left hanging like that."
"I did warn you but you didn't believe me."
"Is your husband staying today?" I look at Sully over Zane and he's watching us. Sully walks towards us and I push Zane away and cross my legs.
"Babe? My sister just called. I need to help her with something. You'll be okay right?" I nod but deep down I don't want him to leave. I hold my hand out to Sully and he places his hand in mine and I pull him towards me and I kiss him but look at Zane and he's watching me intently. Sully pulls away and leaves the pool area.
"So, we're alone..." I uncross my legs and he walks towards me. He skims the D on my hip again and I gasp. "Yes, Emmie Rider I know who you are."
"Fuck. I'm coming baby." Damon says and I can hear car doors slamming.
"Your husband raided my safehouse but I knew he was coming. I recognised you both when I saw you. You really did put on a fine show. If I didn't already know I'd be none the wiser. I wanted to see how it played out. I was surprised about letting you tie me up though. I wasn't lying about the part where you disarm me."
"You knew all along?"
"Yes, and I had so much fun with you. I stayed up last night reading every article every background check on you. You really do mesmerise me. You were never going to let me touch you were you?"
"No, if you've read all about me then you'll know why. These are your men?" I use my hand to gesture at the few people.
"Yes, thank you for winning me all that money though. Do you think Damon Rider will claim what's his?" Zane removes my earpiece from my ear and places in a drink.
"You must have old sources, Zane. We are separated..." Zane frowns and I elbow him hard in the face. I get off the bar and we start fighting. I may be weak but Blake taught me well. I'm not so tired like I was when I went against Rio.
We are nearing the pool and I catch a glimpse of Damon running towards me. "Emmie!" Damon shouts and he stands in front of me protecting me from Zane. They both stand their ground and at the same time, they produce a gun. We've been here before, I took the bullet for Damon last time. Before anyone can react bullets are fired and Damon falls back onto me and we fall into the pool.
Damon's weight pushes me under the water and I'm not strong enough to push him off me. I hear more gunshots from under the water. I use the bottom of the pool to push us back to the surface and I gasp for air. I push Damon's lifeless body to the edge of the pool. I use all my strength to push him out of the pool. Please be okay, please, please. Once he's safely out the pool I lift myself out. I don't register what is going on around us. I feel for a pulse or any breathing from Damon but I find nothing. I start CPR five breaths then I start counting whilst I push on his chest.
He starts coughing up water and I put him in the recovery position. He has a gunshot wound so I rip his shirt open to see the damage. Wound to the abdomen. I grab a towel and I wrap it around his body and I tighten it to stop the bleeding. "Emmie, you okay?" Sully says when he reaches me.
I prize my eyes from Damon and look at Sully, "Yeah, we need to get him to Lucas." Sully nods and he picks Damon up. I look around me and all Zane's men are on the ground and I catch sight of Zane on the floor I grab my dress on the way and grab the waistband of Sully's shorts and I let him lead me to the car. Will Damon be okay?
I think I'm getting used to this gang life or even just becoming a stronger person. I reacted to what was around me and I acted accordingly. I didn't freak out I just knew I had to save Damon. Now it's over I'm starting to panic. "Emmie, it's okay love. He will be fine." I block everything around me. I focus on Sully leading me forward.
"Dyno, get the car ready," Sully shouts. I continue to hold onto Sully until he prizes my hand away from his shorts. "I'm here love. Calm down." Sully sits in the back and slides me onto his lap. He calls Hero in the car and he shuts the door. "Go, Dyno." Sully holds me and kisses my hair to try and calm me. I look at Damon out cold next to us and I reach my shaky hand out to him. "He will be fine Emmie. He's been through worse than this." I stroke his hair but he doesn't respond. Sully prizes my dress from my hand and he slides it over my head.
I close my eyes and I see Ellie laying cold on the floor. I hear Hero crying and he jumps on my lap. I open my eyes and I stroke his head. "Did you have a blackout?"
"I saw Ellie out cold on the floor."
"He's not dead. Babe, we will get him to Lucas and he will fix him." I rest my head on Sully's neck and he holds me. I can feel my whole body shaking. I feel the car stop, "Dyno, can you carry Boss?"
"Sure." I hear car doors opening and I'm being carried. I open my eyes and Sully is looking down at me. It looks like he's running.
"Page Doctor Grey," Sully shouts and he takes me into my room. Sully keeps me in his arms and I look at my bed and I see Damon.
"Emmie..." Damon whispers. I hold my hand out to him and I put mine in his but he doesn't grip mine.
"What's going on?" Lucas demands.
"Damon was shot."
"Is Emmie okay?"
"I think so, she's just in shock. She was fighting the guy that shot Damon and then she got dragged into the water. She saved him."
"So when I say she needs to rest I'm just wasting my breath. I'll take Damon to theatre and then I'll sort her cast out and assess her." Lucas wheels the bed away and I have to let go of Damon's hand, Sully sits on the chair. I don't like Lucas scolding Sully, it was my choice. Sully looks down at me almost cradling me like a baby stroking my hair.
"Shh, he will be fine love. Calm down," he hushes me like Damon would do but all I need is for Damon to hold me and tell me he's going to be okay. After all the hurt he's put me through I still need him. I want Sully but I need Damon. I get lost in Sully's blinding blue eyes and my eyes start to sag. "I saw you fighting with Zane. Remind me never to get on your bad side."
"I feel stronger now, I fought with Rio but I tired easily. I somewhat enjoy it one on one fighting because pain doesn't bother me." Talking is calming me, but all I can think of is Damon laying on the operating table bleeding out. Did I do enough to save him? It took me a while to get him out the water, maybe I wasn't quick enough.
Even though he doesn't want only me I'm here hoping he will live because I know I can't live in a world where he doesn't exist. He has to pull through this, now I know how they felt each time I was close to death each time. It's excruciating all this waiting not knowing if he will pull through.

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