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Angel is very sarcastic and sassy and has no problem with being reckless at the expense of others. He's known to be a bit of a prankster, switching between playful and easily destructive as he pleases. His humor tends to be crude or crass, with an emphasis on dirty jokes. Angel's attitude can be considered blunt, yet with a sense of style, always carrying a flirtatious and confident persona everywhere he goes. He's also shown to be a bit narcissistic, as Angel believes most of the demons in Hell are ugly freaks and says his body is flawless.

However, that persona can be knocked when Angel is either dealing with his boss or when his looks are insulted. He avoids holding emotional relationships with others and tends to be a loose cannon with most of the other cast.

However, deep down, Angel actually does have a caring side for the people he cares about. During the turf war, he quickly pushed Cherri out of the way when an egg boi was about to shoot them both with a gun. Then when he noticed his teasing about the hotel's lack of people was upsetting Charlie, he stopped laughing and tried to comfort her, but then he ultimately decided to leave her alone.

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