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Chapter 5 HCHTIH


Jenna's POV

The Winters Twins' goal in life isn't to be pretty, it's to be noticeable. Last year they both cut their hair like a boy's hairstyle. They both have eyes that my Nona could only describe as grooi. A mix of blue, green, yellow, gray, and brown that always had a spark of mischief in them. I could never quite put my finger on their exact eye color (AN or colour if you're from the UK like me. Or even SA!). They are only thirteen years old (AN I dunno if I put how old their age.) but they are outspoken, badasses, smartasses, and swear like fucking sailors. Jaimie and Carla, I consider them as my younger sisters. They both have high cheekbones, blood red lips, acne on their foreheads and chins, and brunette hair. Beautiful. They are the prankers of the group. They are the ones who actually do the pranks.

Gabi on the other hand, has warm but sparky black eyes. She has dark brown hair, almost black, and olive toned skin. She has chubby cheeks and is medium sized for her age, which is also thirteen. She has always been the honest one. The kind one. But let me tell you, with her intellect, she is the planner of all of their pranks. The intelligence. She does the research and makes all of their stunts possible. She sometimes does the pranks with Kiera, Carla, and Jaimie.

Kiera is blonde haired and blue eyed. With an oval face and extremely short height, she is very pretty. I still don't understand how Gabi and Kiera are sisters. One is beautiful like the night, the other, like the day. Kiera is the joker of the group. She always keeps everything light and funny. She could even make JASON laugh! And that's saying something! But she is the supplier for the group. She knows what to get, how to get it, where to get it, and who to get it from.

They also occasionally MOB the mortal world. They know their people! Such as tWitch and Melanie. I once took part in one of their MOBs and have admired them ever since.

Together, they are ruthless. You can easily tell how they are the best fighters at camp. Carla, with her sword, Jaimie with her bow and arrow, and Gabi with her poisoned blades. Kiera may not look like much, but she was cursed. But she considers it as a blessing. She has knifes shoot out of her elbows, wrists, ankles, and hips. She is basically a walking, talking blade machine. Comes in handy, I guess. I will go into how she got cursed later, but for now I will stay to the fact that "WHAT THE FLYING DUCK ARE DOING HERE????" I whisper screamed. "Well you can't expect us not to join in the fun can you" Carla or Jaimie stated calmly. "We will leave this for when we talk to the others. I swear when Thalia hears that you're here-" "Oh no it's fine. We've already talked to Thalia. She loved the idea! She said it would help to have some experience in -and I quote- 'Your Puny Little Pranking Brains.' I think she is still upset about the 'Hunting Wolf Incident'" "Yeah but it was REALLY fucking fun!" The other twin butts in. "You four. Kitchen. Now." Connor states. "Cheese man, what crawled up your ass and died?!" Kiera all but shouted. "SHUT UP!!!" I hear Zoe scream from her room. Everyone starts to groan very loudly. I look at my watch to check the time. 3:46. "RISE AND SHINE EVERYBODY!!! WE GOTS SOME SHITS TA DO!!!!!!"

Percy's POV (AN I know you all are gonna be fangirling and screaming out loud at this. I was too!!!)

Here I was asleep, just minding my own business, dreaming about sugar cubes and a certain boy named Finnick riding Blackjack, when all of a sudden, I hear a feminine voice say "Man, what crawled up your ass and died?!" KIERA!!!! Oh my gods WTF is she doing here??? I love her! She is just sooooooo funny!!! "SHUT UP!" I hear Zoe scream. Damn girl can you get any louder??? "RISE AND SHINE EVERYBODY! WE GOT SOME SHITS TA DO!" That must be Leo. Always the loud one. "Okay, okay. Jeez. " I mumble. Annabeth's eyes flutter open. I forgot she slept with me last night. AND NOT IN THAT WAY YOU PERVS!!!! Y'all are nasty . . .

I get up and walk into the bathroom on suite and quickly shave and brush my teeth. I then shower. I know Annie hates morning breath.

I don't know why but Annie didn't have nightmares of Tartarus tonight. She must be finally getting better. I smile, but I quickly hear the shower door open. MONSTERS! I turn around and quickly get into a defense position. Oh it's just Annabeth. WAIT ANNABETH???? I mean we a have gone to third base *wink* *wink* (AN foreplay) But we've never actually seen each other naked!

She walks up to me and says clearly "You look amazing". I look at her. "So do you,"

-----------<<<<<<YOU KNOW WHAT COMES NEXT YOU PEDOPHILES>>>>>>------

Connor POV

I am beyond furious right now. I swore to get back at these little demons after they put pink hair dye in my shampoo. People still call me Connorlina! At least now I can have my revenge MWAHAHAHAHA. On another note, I am so fucking stoked that I finally grew a pair and kissed Jenna. She tasted like Ben and Jerries mixed with Blue Coke. Delicious! And actually it all fits in because Hazel has always wanted a ménage á troís relationship! All I have to do is tell Hazel that Jenna and I kissed, and OOH EE OOH AAH AAH TIIING TAND WALLAWALLA BING BANG!!!

My Blood.                  (Used to be How Cute! He thinks I'm human. . .Where stories live. Discover now