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You all already knew that, I just had to remind myself. I surry.

There was not correct answer to last question, so here's a cookie for all of you!


I padded out of the warriors den, making a beeline towards the fresh-kill pile for a nice meal. Dustpelt came over by my side and walked with me. I didn't mind, we were great friends.

Dustpelt bent down and picked out a thrush for me. I don't really like thrush, but it's better than not eating at all.

Dustpelt and I both sat down to eat, but not before I noticed him casting an annoyed glance at Fireheart, who was trotting over to us. Fireheart veered away, instead heading towards the fresh-kill pile.

"So," Dustpelt started up a conversation, "You want to go hunting, just the two of us later today?"

I looked back over at Fireheart, who was eating a squirrel by himself. He looked back over to me, and pricked his ears.

"Uh, sure. How about when the Sun-high patrol returns?" I noticed that Fireheart's tail drooped, and he went back to finishing off his squirrel.

Dustpelt nodded, and took another bite out of our meal. I quickly excused myself, and went over to ask Tigerclaw a question.

"Can I take a hunting patrol out? The prey is dwindling, and we have to stock up for leaf-bare."

Tigerclaw nodded, "Take two of three more cats with you. I'd hunt along the Riverclan border; the dawn patrol reported scenting a large family of water vole."

I returned the nod, and padded over to the warrior's den, seeking out other cats.

"Whitestorm, Darkstripe, Mousefur? Will you all come on a hunting patrol with me? We are to head out along the Riverclan border."

Whitestorm and Mousefur looked up from grooming each other and nodded, and Darkstripe raised his head after taking a bite of squirrel, then repeating the same action.

"Lead the way young one," Whitestorm said.


While I was disappointed about Sandstorm going hunting with Dustpelt, I wasn't going to complain and cry like a kit.

I'm a man now.



I was, however, kind of fed up of how Dustpelt was acting around Sandstorm: Always grabbing her prey, but not what or when she wanted it. Always grooming her fur, but not when she likes it groomed. Always sweet-talking her, when everyone knows she hates it.

I could go on, but that's just a few of the annoying things. Maybe I should talk with him...

Eh. I'll find him later today.

"Earth to Fireheart."

I looked over to my side to see Bluestar resting there. I nearly jumped back in surprise.

"Uh, hello Bluestar. What do you need?"

She looked away, towards where Dustpelt and Longtail were talking. "What are you going to do? We both know you're kinda fed up with how Dustpelt is treating her, so what are you going to do?"

I shrugged, burying my face back into my squirrel. "I don't know. I'll probably talk to him."

She nodded looking at me, she bent down into her thrush. "You have a good chance, you know."

FirepawxSandpawWhere stories live. Discover now