Everyone, Meet Silverstream

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A quick update!

Yeah, new chapters will be coming out faster now.

I'm thinking maybe 5-7 chapters more, and then this book is finished.

There was both a "Leafypool" and "Bloostar" answer to the last question, and a really good idea for my background.

ANYWAY!!! New chapter! Everyone gets to meet Silverstream!


(::) (::)


I awoke before most cats, it seems, my tail still draped over Sandstorm. I quickly stood up, so that she wouldn't notice, and moved away.

These actions seemed to wake her up though, as she groggily opened her eyes to look around. When her eyes landed on Silverstream, they widened, and then went back to normal after she remembered what happened last night.

Suddenly, a yowl rang out. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the high-rock for a clan meeting!" Bluestar sat calmly on the high-rock, but her eyes showed anything but calmness.

Cats padded out of their dens, slowly gathering together around where Bluestar sat.

Sandstorm and I padded out of the warriors den with Silverstream, who had just woken up, following closely behind us. We got a few weird looks from cats who had woken up just a few seconds ago.

Sandstorm and I sat near the center of the gathered circle, and Silverstream padded to the dead center. I still haven't seen Greystripe at all. That isn't necessarily good news.

"As many of you may have already seen. We have had someone come into our camp."

I don't know who, but some said "No, really?"

Bluestar replied. "Shut up Darkstripe. No one cares about you."


Bluestar cleared her throat, and continued talking. "Silverstream here has decided to join Thunderclan, for private reasons. And Darkstripe, I don't want to hear anything from you. She is not a kittypet, she is a Riverclan warrior who merely decided to join our clan."

This time, Brindleface spoke up. "But Leaf-bare is coming Bluestar! Are you sure it's a good idea to bring her into the clan?"

Bluestar became angry. "Brindleface! I would expect you to be more keen! Can't you see that she is Pregnant?" Many cats gasped, a few quickly changing their minds about Silverstream joining their clan.

Some of the queens even moved closer to Silverstream, looking like they wanted to protect her.

"Sorry Silverstream, we didn't notice!"

"Let's get you into the nursery."

"When are you due?"

The last one came from Brightpaw, who looked genuinely curious.

Silverstream smiled and looked down at the younger cat. "I actually don't know. The only people who knew in Riverclan were the queens. I never told Mudfur."

That triggered Yellowfang's sense of reason, and she quickly called Silverstream into her den.

Bluestar spoke up again, even after cats had started to scatter from the meeting. "There will be no disrespect to Silverstream, or you will be given apprentice duties for a moon, mainly cleaning the elder's ticks."

"Hey! Cleaning us of our ticks isn't that bad!" Halftail was brave enough to speak up.

"Yeah it is!" That was a chorused response from the majority of the clan. Even Ashkit piped in.

I finally found Greystripe sitting at the edge of the camp. He was just staring straight ahead, his eyes lost in some sort of imaginary world.

"Surprise." I spoke in a soft tone.

He shook his head and turned to look at me. "Why'd you bring her into the clan?"

I looked at him like he was an idiot. "Really? You don't remember the warning?" Realization swept across his face. "They also told me something else, but it's private, so you don't need to know."

He put on a begging face, but I just chuckled, shook my head, and padded over to Yellowfang's den.

Silverstream and Yellowfang were standing off to the side of the den, talking.

Silverstream looked over to me. "Oh, hi Fireheart!" I dipped my head in her direction, and looked over to Yellowfang.

"I have a small stomach ache. Any herbs to help?" Yellowfang came over to check me, putting a paw on my chest and stomach.

"Give it a few hours. I think it's just the change in the amount of food you're taking in. When was the last time you ate?"

I took a second to think. "Yesterday at sun-high." Yellowfang's eyes widened.

"That's the cause of your stomach ache then. Go eat something." Then she lowered her voice. "Thanks for bringing her to the clan. Greystripe's mood has already changed for the better. And if you were wondering, she's due in two moons."

I nodded my head, padding out into the clearing and grabbing a decent-sized mouse, then I settled down next to Whitestorm, digging into my mouse.

"How are you and Sandstorm doing?" Whitestorm was looking at me.

I quickly swallowed, and responded. "Well...Uh... I don't really know. I was thinking about asking her a few moons ago, but the chance never came up."

Whitestorm nodded and looked over to Bluestar's den. "Bluestar's catching on to you. You have to make your move soon before she does it for you."

I nodded. "Yeah, I just haven't gotten the right opportunity. We haven't gone hunting together for days, and now she's busy with helping Silverstream."

Whitestorm stood up. "Well, I have to go. I'm leading a sun-high patrol, and I want to clear some things up with Tigerclaw." My claws flexed at the mention of his name.

Whitestorm looked down at my claws, and I was worried he'd press, but he didn't and just walked over to where Tigerclaw was talking with Mousefur. I followed, deciding to join in on some sort of patrol.

Alright, that one was somewhere around 900 words.

Homework is piling up, so I don't know how often I'll be able to update. Sorry...


In what book did Speckletail become an elder?

That was random....

I just realized that this entire chapter was Fireheart.

Okay, 'til next time!


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