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They met up more often after that. Sometimes things got a little wild, sometimes they weren't. It all depended on Minhyun's mood and where they met up. Minhyun wondered why Baekho barely asked him if they could do something and instead just goes along with whatever he threw at him. He wasn't complaining but he did want to know what Baekho wanted as well. Not that he had fallen for the guy, no. That'll be crazy. They only knew each other for like.... Two months. But Minhyun would be lying if he said he hadn't noticed his rather rapid change in feelings. He looked forward to meeting the slightly burly male with a toothy eye smile and absolutely ridiculous addictive laugh. Although most of their 'sessions' now end up with them falling asleep in bed together, sometimes they would just lounge on the couch too. It started to become a habit, Minhyun noticed and knew it wasn't one they should be adopting.

This should stop before it hurt either of them.

Sex friends had a limit after all. Sex buddies, even more. Minhyun didn't know if Baekho had any genuine feelings for him or if he was still coming over just to satisfy his high libido and to get rid of his loneliness. They did talk at times about their future and other stuff outside their bodily relationship. There was also a comfortable silence between them as if they had known each other for a long time but it really wasn't.

They were just two people who were bored and learned to adapt quickly.

So today, Minhyun thought it would be right to stop. He had it planned. He would invite Baekho to a hotel, tell him his thoughts and hopefully sever it then and there. Carrying on like this might leave a huge impact on both of them if they ever did find someone else they had fallen for instead.

So there he was, hours later at the hotel, waiting for Baekho to show up in the room. He would have done this at his dorm but he didn't want to if anything unexpected were to arise. He was nervous since he wasn't quite sure how to start either. He tapped his lips nervously until the door opened and he sat up straight. Baekho peered in and smiled when he saw Minhyun whose heart started to pick up in pace.

Settle down, heart. Now isn't the time for you to act up.

"Sorry I'm late. There was a group meeting and it lasted longer than I thought," Baekho apologised and put his bag aside before sitting on the bed beside Minhyun. Minhyun gulped and looked at him. Baekho caught the look on his face and pursed his lips. "Is something wrong?"

"Baekho, I.... W-well. I..."


"This..." Minhyun realised it was much harder than he thought when he also realised that he might hurt Baekho's feelings like this. He should probably ask him first what he thought about him. "What... Do you think about me?"


"As a person."

"I think you're creative. Imaginative. Pretty cool. Assertive. You know what you want," Baekho said in disjointed sentences as he tried to think of words he could use to describe Minhyun.

"As... A friend?"

"You're nice and caring. You know when I'm upset or angry and try to cheer me up. You always help me clear my mess up."

"A sex friend?"

"E-eh... Um... You're really good? You do just enough to make me feel relaxed and not too afraid to try something new. I can explore all sorts of things thanks to you and you've been keeping me satisfied."


"Minhyun, did something bad happen?"

"No. I... I just think this has to..." Minhyun bit his lip and curled his hands up. "S-stop."

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