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Another month had passed since their relationship started. At first nothing really seemed different, they hung out, had sex, slept and then parted again. Well, that was just how it was at first until Minhyun got a hold of Baekho's college schedule.

"Eh? You want me to what?!"

Minhyun grinned and waved the small vibrator in his hand. It started with something small at first but it steadily grew as Minhyun would pop up at random moments to attack him as well. Baekho had no complaints as he loved having the attention even though it embarrassed him a lot. Minhyun was, of course, not always heartless and forcing him to wear things to classes since they still had regular sessions but then he realised they haven't gone for a proper date yet.

A second month had already passed when Minhyun finally found some extra time in his schedule to want to ask Baekho out since most days were just filled with extra assignments that he had to catch up with so he could make time for the other.

After all, it was thanks to Baekho that he was no longer bored anymore.

He had a wonderful adventurous boyfriend, a great sex life and a fulfilling college life. And he honestly thanked Baekho for all that so he really wanted to show the other his gratitude.

He brought Baekho into the usually quiet college storeroom and they kissed until they ran out of breath, both laughing softly as they nudged noses.

"Hey, Baekho. Recently.... Um..."

"Yeah?" Just holding hands and feeling the warmth of Baekho's body made Minhyun happy enough.

"I feel like someone's been watching me."

Baekho stepped back and raised a brow. "What are you saying?"

"It's just a weird feeling and I wanted to get it off my chest. Well, that's not why I asked you here. Why don't we go for one round before you go back to class?"

Baekho was concerned but Minhyun didn't give him the chance to ask as he was already on the move. His hands skillfully tying Baekho's hands behind his back. He tried not to think about it as Minhyun pressed him up against the wall and kissed him again, tongue against tongue wrapping each other.

"You make me so happy, Baekho," Minhyun sighed and peppered his face with kisses. Baekho chuckled, feeling loved even if his hands were bound and he couldn't hug Minhyun.

"You make me happy too. I really like you."

"Aww. When will that change to love?" Minhyun teased while rubbing a hand over Baekho's groin. Baekho groaned and tilted his head up, giving Minhyun more neck space to kiss.

"Hnnn... When... We finally make love."

Minhyun froze and realised they've never done 'normal vanilla' sex yet. Even now, Baekho's hands were behind him. "What- I-- oh."

Before Minhyun could bring up the topic of dating, the storeroom door burst open and startled the two of them. It would have been fine if they had just been caught by the janitor but neither of them were expecting a masked male who suddenly charged up to Minhyun and stabbed him with a taser. The electric current knocked him out before he could react and Baekho's body jolted as well, making them both fall onto the ground. Baekho gasped and tried to break free but felt the current having weaken his muscles for a bit. The male pulled Minhyun to the side and tied him to a pillar before turning back to Baekho who glared at him weakly.

"Huh... Who... Are you?"

The male shut the door and locked it before making his way back to Baekho, pulling out a knife. Baekho froze up but there was nowhere he could go. Dammit, if only he had more strength.

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