Author's Note pt 2

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Sorry. It's been a while since I've written anything for this story.

As I've stated before, I had to wing this story since I'd lost my notebook.

But! I come back baring great news! I have finally figured out how to end this story and I've found my notebook! There will be a new chapter!

The second reason behind my absence(I'm not sure if that's the word I'm lookin' for, but whatevs) was because I had to listen to the songs and try and figure out how to use them for this fanfiction.

That wasn't easy because Roaul doesn't exist in this and if he does, he'd be random characters that just happen to fit his role at the time.

Again, I'm sorry for being gone for so long, but now I'm back! And, I may even get another chapter for the other stories up, as well!

I can't tell you when the next chapter will be up, so please bare with me on that!

Good luck, have fun, and, please, stay safe!!!!

Ja ne!!!!

The Phantom of the Opera - A Voltron Fanfiction *Zeith*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt