Chapter 15

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After almost a month of consistently trying to control my visions we've managed to make them happen but not stop them from happening. It's always the same thing and the ones I can't control happen more and more as time passes.

It's the last day of school before summer and I leave for Marksville in a week.

"Will, you're gonna be late for school." Emma snaps me out of my thoughts and I quickly get my shoes on and follow Emma to her car.

"Sorry." I comment.

"For thinking?" She questions as she starts the car. "Do you think I would be able to visit this summer? It's gonna be boring here without a friend."

"Yeah. My parents love you. Hell, Jake loves you." We both chuckle a bit.

"Thanks." She smiles.

"Maybe we can actually swim this year. Last year we bought a pool but never set it up. It was a mistake not to considering it got so damn hot."

"I can imagine. We always jump in the lake if we get too hot." She says as she pulls into the parking lot.

"Sounds fun."

"It is but not really when you're alone. Now get out and have a good last day." She orders.

"I'll do my best." I start getting out. "And you sound like my mom."

"Go." She laughs and I do as she says with a wave. Classes go by quickly as the teacher just collects all of the final assignments and tells us to do whatever for the day.

In my last class Chad and Trent decide to sit on either side of me.

How typical.

"What do you want?" I ask as they both smirk.

"Oh nothing. Just figured that we'd say hi on the last day. I mean, you're going to your hometown for summer right?" Chad says.

"Yeah, we wanted to say hi before you left." Trent adds.

"I leave in a few days." I roll my eyes.

They just want to fuck with me.

"Still." Trent shrugs.

I scoff.

"Okay you got us. We do want something." Chad puts his hands up as if he's surrendering. "We want some cash."

"Are we back in highschool?" I ask as I look around to see if we're all fifteen again.

"Haha. Very funny." Trent says.

"I'm serious. We need some cash." Chad states.

"For what?" I question with a suspicious look.

"Drugs, alcohol." Trent answers.

"It's the last day of school. Of course we're throwing the most bitching party this town has ever seen." Chad adds.

"I'm not paying for you to throw a party." I shake my head.

"Okay, fine. You'll change your mind." With that Chad and Trent walk away.

I hate them so much.

At the end of class I go outside and decide to wait on the sidewalk for Emma to pick me up.

Big mistake.

Someone grabs me by the back of my shirt and pulls me to my feet.

"Change your mind?" Chad asks as he and Trent smile.

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