Chapter 17

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Everyone including our friends and family come to my parents funeral. It's not a huge funeral but it's what we can afford and we have to sell the house since we can't just have it or anything. So it's all going.

Jamey, Emma, Jake and his parents help me get all the stuff I had left in my room like; posters, music stuff and bedding. After cleaning out the stuff we're keeping we pile it into Jamey and Dad's trucks to drive to Rimwater.

"Thank you." I smile to the new owner of the house and everything in it as Jamey, Jake and his parents get in her truck.

"Thank you. This house is perfect for our family." The women smile at me. They're starting a family here like Mom and Dad did.

"We're very sorry for your loss. It must be hard." The second woman says sadly.

"It's fine." I force a smile. "I have people to help me."

They smile and nod and Emma and I get in Dad's truck with Shawn in the back. He left it to me and we also sold Mom's car. We won't need it.

We get Delilah in her seat and make sure she's secure in the middle seat behind Emma and I.

I give Jamey a thumbs up from the window as I start driving. There isn't much stuff in the trucks other than my bed frame which has been taken apart to fit better and my dresser with boxes of my music stuff and other things I'm keeping.

"So, where are you gonna put all this stuff? I know we don't have room at my house." Shawn questions from next to Delilah.

"I found a place where me and Delilah can live. It's affordable and We have enough money from selling the house and Mom's car that we'll be set for a few months or so." I answer.

"And when you run out of money?" Emma asks.

"I'm gonna look for a job. I'll quit school if I have to." I state.

"You can't quit school." Emma argues. "You said it yourself. You worked your ass off just to get in there."

"I'm gonna do what I have to do to provide for my sister." I tell her as I turn onto the highway headed for Rimwater. Jamey follows behind us.

"Let us help." Shawn says.

"Yeah. We can help you. When you go to school and if you really need to when you get a job, I'll take care of Delilah." Emma says.

"Fine. But if it comes down to that little girl and school I'm choosing her." I see Emma and Shawn both nod and for the rest of the long ride I keep the radio on quietly. We stop for snacks and bathroom breaks every so often but end up making it to town in less than two days.

Delilah starts crying as we pass the sign welcoming us to Rimwater. Shawn quickly wakes up from next to her and does his best to calm her down.

"We're almost there. Then I can take her." I assure him and he nods. Emma stirs awake and yawns.

"Is Jamey and them still following us?" She asks.

I look in the mirrors to see that they are. "Yeah."

Emma nods as she watches the houses we pass. Shawn plays with Delilah and I see the house just up ahead.

"Here we are." I pull into the short driveway.

The house is small. There's one floor, a small garage. It has one bathroom and two bedrooms so I can make the second room into Delilah's room. There's-

"Really?" Emma asks as Jamey pulls in next to us.

"Yeah. It's not much but at least we can afford it." I shrug.

The Hummingbird and the ExpelledTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang