No-pony's Born Evil

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Celestia and Luna sat in their throne room, enjoying the rare moment of peace and quiet. Celestia put a hoof to her chin, an action that didn't go unnoticed by her sister.

"What it troubling you, Celestia?" Luna asked. The Solar princess sighed. "I was just thinking...this is a moment of silence, something that is now considered a miracle in Equestria." Luna nodded. "I know, sister. There is usually SOME sort of ruckus."

"Well, that's what I was thinking about, Luna." Celestia turned to the window, watching all the ponies milling about. Workers in the garden, shoppers on the streets of Canterlot. "Almost every few days, ever since I ignored Twilight's concerns about Nightmare Moon, there have been attacks from one villain brought back to life or another. I feel somewhat...responsible." Luna put a hoof on her sister's shoulder. "It was a simple mistake, made out of concern for your student. I do not blame you. I assume the next attack would have happened anyway, whether I returned or not." Celestia smiled at her younger sister. "Well, you see, Luna, I feel as though there is more I should be doing."

"As in?"

"Twilight and her friends-I'm so proud of them, Twilight most of all- are usually the ones to solve the problem. As the current rulers of Equestria, that is our job. And yet, we do nothing."

"That is not true. It is simply that Twilight comes up with the plans that work. we sometimes help carry them out."

"Sometimes." Celestia sighed, putting her head down. "see, I was thinking there might be something we can do."

"And what would that be?"

"If we can take precautions to assure there are no more attacks, not only would We finally be doing something for Equestria, but we would also save our subjects from what would likely be a lifetime of terror." Luna smiled. "I love this thought, sister. Our subjects will no longer have to fear the shadows in the dark." As the night pony, Luna had been catching paranoia in ponies' dreams surrounding the next impending attack.

The smiles turned to frowns. "But what?"  Celestia asked -in particular, slumping a little in her throne. Hoping stretching her legs might help, she got up, and walked toward another window, looking out into the city of Canterlot. Luna came up next to her. "well let us think...what of the villains do we know?"

"We'd have to make a list." Celestia sighed. "there is a villain and a problem SOME where." She watched the ponies living their lives, knowing they were in constant fear.

"Perhaps we could reform them all." Luna offered. "as we did with Discord. And Sunset Shimmer."

"Ah, Sunset." Celestia allowed herself a smile. "She would have such wonderful ideas." She frowned. "But I don't believe it possible to reform all the villains. Some of them ,like Sombra and Tirek, are beyond natural reforming. And I could never ask for that much help from the element bearers."

Luna nodded her understanding. Besides them, she and Celestia were the only ones up for the job, and they could never handle that many villains, part of whom were of great power, at once.

"Well, perhaps it would help to think of their psychi." Luna offered. "Take Blueblood. His reformation if working quite well, now that we know more of his past."

Celestia nodded. Her beloved nephew had gone from a lovable colt to a snooty, foul-tempered prince, and a talk from his parents had taught her why: to strict they were with him, hoping to have him appointed to the royal court someday. So mean and demanding they were, laying unrealistic expectations and ignoring their son's thoughts as they did so. Now, Blueblood was showing more kindness and loyalty, ever since his aunts started helping him get over his parents treatment.

Celestia pondered Luna's suggestion. "and how do you propose we do that?"

"Let's start at the beginning." Luna decided, putting a hoof to her chin, and staring at the clouds in though. "Well, we know for a fact no-pony's born evil." She said thoughtfully. "So something in their lives, most likely surrounding their parents or childhood-!"

"What did you say?"

"What did I say?" Luna didn't understand Celestia's sudden excitement.

"No-pony is born evil." Celestia turned back to the window, grinning as she watched a mother unicorn pushing her small foal in a buggy. "No-pony is born evil," she mused to her sister, "so we take them back to that time, and keep them that way!" She raised a hoof to the sky decidedly. Luna tipped her head. "I do not understand?"

"How many magic-blocking items do we have?" Celestia asked.

The Mane Six entered the throne room, chattering amongst themselves about the day they'd all just had together.

"I'm just surprised no cantankerous villain decided to rear their ugly head today." Applejack mused as she sat down. Fluttershy nodded. "Oh, I know. It would've ruined the friendship day. And besides," she curled in on herself. "They're so loud, and mean and scary, and-!"

"Ha!" Rainbow Dash interrupted. "And we still beat'em!" She flew in the air and did a few fighting moves, punching and kicking nothing.

"I worry." Twilight mused aloud. "We don't know when the next attack will be. All the ponies in Equestria live in fear of it. And we know for a fact that there are SOME villains who don't know when to quit."

"Quite right, darling." Rarity agreed, looking in her long-handled mirror as she brushed her mane. "Like Tirek. One defeat, and he had to come back again, this time stronger than a clipper ship." She placed her things down. "And the were and tear on the city itself it too much keep up with."

Spike spoke up. "I think we should just enjoy the free day while it lasts." Pinkie pie nodded like a bobble-head. "Yeah! We should throw a party!" Just then, Spike burped up some green flame, out of which, shot a letter. "Aw man." He whined. "Spoke to soon."

Twilight carefully unrolled the letter. Rainbow Dash hovered behind her, hoping to read over her shoulder. "What so-called villain needs our handling now?"

"It's not a villain." Twilight informed her. "Listen to this."

'Dear twilight and Friends.

I'm sure you're all aware of the tension taking over Equestria. Luna tells me it has worked it's way into ponies dreams. Fear of another villain has turned the heads of every pony, and no piny can think of anything else. This, we cannot allow.'

Twilight and her friends shared a look. Twilight read on.

'Luna and I have come up with a rather unusual plan to deal with these villains once and for all, and hopefully, stop the terror they constantly rain on Equestria. Please meet with us at the Canterlot castle. Please bring Discord-'

Before Twilight could continue, the troublesome former-tyrant appeared out of thin air. "You called?" He asked, sitting at a floating desk, and wearing glasses, writing on papers, and speaking into a phone.

"Well, yes. Hang on Discord. The Princesses need us for something important." She turned back to the letter.

'Pleas bring Discord, Princess Ember, Thorax, Zecora and Coco Pommel.

-Yours truly,

Princess Celestia.'

Twilight lowered the note. "Whatever shes' planning, it must be something big." Discord, who was standing behind her  looking concerned, spoke up. "I'd say she planning a riot, if she wants to have all these powerful ponies there."

"well, we'd best be getting a move on, then." Applejack stood up. "Who knows how long it'll take to round up these folks."

"Leave that to me!" Discord snapped his fingers, and in a flash of light, there stood Zecora, Coco, Ember and Thorax.

"What's going on?" Thorax asked, coming up beside Ember.

"We're not sure," Twilight answered honestly. "But the princesses have requested our presence."

"We'd better get on that train." Rainbow Dash sped out the door. The remainder of the Mane Six rolled their eyes. Rainbow would kill herself one of these days with her daredevil attitude.

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