Feeling So Small

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Suri Polomare paced back and forth in her apartment, seething.

It had to happen. It just had to happen.

Ever since traitorous Coco revealed her plot, Suri had been in nothing short of debt. Even long time customers were keeping their distance.

But, Coco wasn't satisfied. She went on to reveal all of Suri's misdeeds, shattering her reputation, and basically ensuring she would have no work.

'When I get my hooves on her,' Suri mentally growled, 'I'll make her scream for mercy.' Why did she have to have such a traitorous assistant?

What was worse, though, was Suri's new JOB.

With no work to go to, Suri's rent was tanking. All because of Coco, she would be homeless, and probably die. So, she did what she had to.

Only ONE job add made it's way into her apartment. No Pony else would hire her. And what was this life-saving job?

Modeling Adult Foal clothes.

Suri's face, thanks to blabbermouth Coco, was in every adult foal catalog, forever scarred, ruined, shamed. She was ruined, and nothing more.

All she had to think about was revenge on Coco, and, of course, sore loser Rarity.

She flopped onto the couch, heaved a sigh, and stared at the ceiling. Sunlight streamed through her window, but she wasn't in the mood. All she could think about was her old job.

So Suri had bent a few rules. She had stolen Rarity's fabric, sure, but that was the worst thing she had done. Coco must have bent the words. Suri HAD blackmailed a few ponies before...and yes, she DID bully Coco...she may have also managed to blacklist a few...here and there...

Her thoughts were interrupted by a loud knock on the door. "Open up in the name of the princesses."

'Oh, great. Now the royal guard thinks I'm some sort of villain.' Suri thought bitterly, pasting a smile on her face as she trotted to the door. Upon opening it, she saw two guards, each one decked out in royal armor.

"Can I help you?" Suri asked, putting on the innocent act.

"Princesses Celestia and Luna request your presence in Canterlot." One royal guard told her in his bold, monotone.

Suri tipped her head. "Me? Why me?"

"Because you have been accused of breaking many rules and laws, cheating an element of harmony..." Suri rolled her eyes as they proceeded to list her misdoings. "Yes, but at least I didn't destroy Equestria. Why do the princesses want to see me because of a few fashion industries gone wrong?"

"We have also received an anonymous tip..."


"...That you have been in cahoots with Queen Chrysalis. You got her passes as a photographer to obtain pictures of the elements to create copies, you also gave her the locations of the elements, allowing her to kidnap them..." The list went on. Suri rolled her eyes. "look, I'm not the monster here. I'm just an innocent pony who happened to need that money, thanks to my no-good traitor of an assistant." She leaned close, as if about to share a secret. "NEVER hire Coco Pommel. She will ruin you  first chance she gets." she whispered. The guards didn't seem fazed. "You may argue your case to the princesses. Pack what you need so we can go."

Suri grit her teeth. She'd have her own back for this...

Starlight stared out the window of her cave home, seething. All around her, the walls were covered in papers, each one outlining a plan to get revenge on those nosy elements of harmony!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2020 ⏰

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