Pony Patchwork

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The Mane 6, as well as their friends, hurried off of the train and down the streets of Canterlot, not caring about all the stairs from passerby's. The castle came closer and closer the faster they ran, and they became more and more anxious.

Of course, Rainbow Dash got there first.

"Come on!" She cried, flitting anxiously in mod-air. "If the princesses need all of us, it must be something really dangerous!"

"It might not be dangerous, Rainbow." Twilight assured, although she did sound nervous. "Maybe Princess Celestia just has a mission that happens to require all of us."

"Or maybe..." Pinkie Pie sang optimistically, "She has multiple missions. Maybe she wants us to partner up? Oh!" She threw on hoof around Zecora's shoulders. "Me and Zecora! Me and Zecora!"

Ignoring her, the ponies [and miscellaneous creatures] trooped inside the castle. Upon seeing the princess of friendship, the guards bowed low upon her entrance. Another guard waited in the lobby to escort them to the princesses.

It looked like a zoo in there. Assembled before the princesses thrones were Cadence and Shining Armor, Sunset Shimmer, Blueblood, and Firelight, as well as a dark red-coated female pony they'd never seen before.

"Ah, Twilight." Celestia fondly greeted her student. "So good to see you, and also your good friends. Please have a seat." With their magic, the royal sister's conjured enough chairs for all the guests. Twilight hugged her brother and sister-in-law, and gave Sunset a hoof bump before sitting down. "Princess, why are all these ponies here?"

"As I'm sure you read in your letter," Celestia began, "Luna and I have been expressing great concern over the frequency of attacks on Equestria. We believe we have come up with a solution for that."

"However," Luna warned, "It is rather...unorthodox."

"Unorthodox?" Applejack asked. Luna spoke again. "This method will require patience, persistence, an open mind and heart, and a good amount of magic." She explained. "it will also require...family." Applejack sat up straighter. She believed strongly in family power, and if it was about to defeat multiple villains, she was all ears.

"We have gathered you all," Celestia explained patiently, "Because this plan requires your help. Luna and I thought long and hard about who we could trust with this unusual method. And, I will be incredibly grateful for your participation, as I could never have once dreamed of asking so much of you."

"We were planning to do it ourselves," Luna explained, "But SOME pony pointed out that we couldn't handle all the villains at once, weakened state or not. Especially with our duties."

Rainbow Dash was getting impatient. "When are you going to tell us this all-important plan?" Twilight gripped Rainbow in her magic, and yanked her back into her seat. "Sh!"

Celestia chuckled fondly, as two smart-looking ponies, one stallion and one mare, came up beside her. The mare was pushing a chalkboard in her aura.

"Every pony, this is Bright Light; psychologist, and Sharp Owl, Canterlot's boarding school's magic professor." Both ponies bowed low upon being introduced, before turning to the blackboard. Sharp Owl used her magic to scribble all over the board with chalk, while the Pegasus professor flipped through a book. Celestia decided now was as good a time as any to reveal her plan.

"Luna tells me that No-pony's born evil." Celestia explained patiently. "That one event or another in their lives has motivated them to choose the path of darkness. We are going to attempt to set them back on the path of light." She turned to her sister. "No offense Luna."

"None taken, sister."

"Now how the hay are we supposed to reform a whole bunch of villains at once?" Applejack inquired. "Yeah?" Firelight added. "And what does it have to do with us?" He gestured to himself and the other ponies/creatures who had never done anything the Mane 6 had.

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