Hey Buddy!

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It had been at least fifteen minutes since you were hopelessly staring at the Maple Bay's map you had bought on the way here. You were trying to understand where you were supposed to go in the middle of the rather empty street. You were only a couple miles away from sea so Maple Bay was almost always warm but it was especially warm this morning of April.

Well, it was a really shitty map. It was the first time you came here and you were looking for the shop where you were going to work on the map, but no street names were written anywhere! You felt defeated and were ready to give up and ask someone who lived there when you heard a charming voice coming from behind you:

Brian: Hey Buddy! Your map's upside down!

You turned around and saw a man in an opened colorful shirt with tropical patterns walking towards you. As he got closer you realized how big he was: a big gut hidden underneath a white tank top, strong hairy arms and on top of wide shoulders, a really friendly face surrounded by bushy ginger hair and beard with freckles and a dorky smile.

Brian: You're not from Maple Bay, are you ? I can see you're having a tough time with your map, do you need help ?

You: Yeah I just got here, and this map is garbage! I can't figure out where Whitehill Street is ...

Brian: Oh! It's really not far away, you just need to turn left and then right and you're in Whitehill Street!

You: Oh my god, I feel so stupid now, thank you man!

Brian: No problem! So anyway ... what are you doing here ? Are you a tourist ?

You noticed he looked briefly at your chest as he put his hands in his pockets. He wanted to start a conversation; you still had some time ahead of you and the big bear you were talking to was totally your type. So you didn't complain talking with him a bit more:

You: In fact, It's the first day I work in Whitehill's Street gift shop. I rented an apartment in a small town nearby and I took the train to get here.

Brian: Oh, I see ... Well I live here, a couple of blocks away. Oh, and by the way, I still haven't asked you for your name!

You: It's (Y/N). What about you ?

Brian: It suits you well. I'm Brian.

You talked for a few more minutes, Brian is a really funny guy, and time passes quickly when you talk with him. Unfortunately you had to go to the gift shop, you didn't want to show up late on your first day at work ... You reluctantly told Brian you had to go but you asked for his number so that you can chat once you're done working. You shook hands with him and headed towards Whitehill Street.


You sighed and stretched as you shut the door of the shop behind you. You were relieved that your coworkers were nice but you didn't really get along with them ... This had been a hard day at work and you just wanted to relax. You decided to call Brian as the sun was hiding behind the horizon.

He picked up the phone and sounded really cheerful. You could hear several other loud voices around him while he was talking. He told you he was excited to make you meet some people. You wondered who was with him and soon after that, you heard Brian's voice calling your name from across the street.

He was waving at you, and just behind him, three of his friends were joking around. He introduced you to them, their names were Thomas, Noah and Lucas. You knew you would struggle to remember as you had always been awful at remembering names. They all seemed like fun guys you would like to be around at parties.

Brian said that since you were new here, he didn't want you to feel lonely so he made you meet his friend group. One of them asked if you would like to go to the bar and all of you agreed. The bar's name: "Maple Paradise" was written in bright glowing neon letters above the door. It was clear that they had all lived here for a long time, everyone in the bar knew who they were. They shook hands with everyone.

The bar was rather small and noisy. It was trying to recreate a tropical ambiance, with fake palm trees near the door and many surfboards hanging on the blue wall, above the counter. The large windows were covered with old concerts posters and the whole place was smelling like cold beer. You immediatly liked this place, it wasn't anything extraordinary but it was very welcoming.

You had been talking for quite some time, ordering drinks as you discovered you had a lot in common with Brian and his friends, when they started talking about hiking.

Turns out almost every week-end, they would drive to the mountains a few miles away from Maple Bay and they would hike there. Brian told you he likes to look for fishing spots in the mountains and he could even teach you how to fish if you'd like to try.

They invited you to come with them next time and you gladly agreed! It had been such a long time since you were so excited for the end of the week! This is how you became friends. Being alone once you moved in was not something you really wanted so you were glad you met Brian this morning.

~The man with the floral shirt~ (Brian X Male Reader) Dream Daddy 18+Where stories live. Discover now